Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 815 That Day

It has become a fore for Lu Wan to go to prison for trial, and the cabinet has also been instructed to reflect on self-examination. Regarding the interception of Sun Sui, the governor of Jiangxi, it was necessary to find out the person in question. When Zhengde announced these decisions, all the officials had no objection, or did not have the courage to blow up their hair.

Under the covetedness of the Duke of Zhen, these can't be changed. Song Nan will never let go of these things. Everyone knows this.

On the issue of candidates for the vacancy of the Ministry of War, Song Nan proposed that Yang Yiqing's successor has also become the only choice. The foreign court expressed its position with an acquiescence. Today, when the foreign court has been frequently hit, they have no longer have the right to compete for this position, so they can only watch Song Nan take it away easily.

From beginning to end, Yang Tinghe had that indifferent expression. Even Song Nan thought that today's things were almost incredible. The candidates for important official positions had always been the focus of competition. The outer court suddenly calmed down. Even Song Nan felt a little victorious and a little doubtful. Yang Tin-he will never admit defeat. He will not be depressed and choose to compromise. He will definitely have his own way. Song Nan is convinced of this.

In the final analysis, all those who can become powerful figures have similar characteristics, that is, they never fail, only strategic forbearance. Song Nan is like this, Yang Tinghe is like this, and there are countless examples at home and abroad.

The most important issue of counter-rebellion only occupies a small part of this court meeting, because no one can take charge of this matter, and Song Nan is also unyielding. For Zhu Chenhao's rebellion, Song Nan has more enthusiasm than any previous expedition leading the army. He wants to completely defeat this conspirators and let this heart The largest base is completely flattened.

The court decided that Song Nan will be the commander-in-chief three days later to fight against Zhu Chenhao's rebels. After the court meeting, Song Nan summoned relevant people in the palace to summarize the news. Song Nan has not yet fully grasped the news of the rebels. From returning to the capital, she came to the palace and then participated in the court meeting. At this moment, it is almost two days. He even has his own house. The door didn't enter, and the old mother's wife and children didn't even look at it. It can be said that she was like a top and spinning endlessly. The degree of mental fatigue can be imagined.

Zhang Yong specially arranged chairs in the hall of Fengtian Hall. Shortly after the meeting, Zhengde ordered someone to send a bowl of bird's nest porridge to satisfy Song Nan's hunger, which can be said to be a favor. Song Nan ignored the envious eyes of the relevant officials and did not drink the bowl of bird's nest porridge in front of everyone. She just sat quietly in the chair and listened carefully to the reports of the relevant people of the Ministry of War about Chen Hao's rebels.

As early as seven days ago, on the day Song Nan just arrived in Quanzhou Prefecture, Zhu Chenhao, who knew that he could not stop Song Nan from taking people back to Beijing, announced the official uprising against Zhengde.

At noon that day, Zhu Chenhao held a grand banquet and summoned officials from Jiangxi and Nanchang Prefecture to attend. He falsely claimed that the Empress Dowager had a secret edict to drag him back to Nanchang Prefecture to announce that the officials were originally unwilling to participate in Zhu Chenhao's banquet, but they tried their best to refuse the invitation, but the Empress Dowager summoned in the name of a secret edict. Although she would be suspicious, it was also I can't refuse.

In suspicion, Jiangxi military and political officials came to Ningwangfu for a banquet. Before the banquet began, Zhu Chenhao suddenly stood on the threshold of the hall and announced, "Gentlemen, I rushed back from the capital. It was a major news announcement that today's emperor is not the biological son of Emperor Xiaozong at all. Emperor Xiaozong was mistaken by the eunuch Li Guang. Report to the people, my ancestors have been ignorant of blood for eight years. Today, the Empress Dowager found out this matter, which made me rise up to fight against thieves and restore my bloodline of Daming. What do you think?

The table suddenly became clay and wood carvings. Many people knew Zhu Chenhao's ambition for a long time, but they didn't expect to come so soon, and they rebelled with this kind of truth. Everyone suddenly realized that today's banquet was probably a Hongmen banquet.

No one dares to speak out, nor is it echoed, nor is it inconsistent. In short, silence is the best way.

A short, black and thin official stood up and suppressed his anger in his words. He was Sun Sui, the governor of Jiangxi who wrote to Zhu Chenhao seven times.

"Lord Ning, where does this start? Didn't you say that the Empress Dowager has a secret edict? You might as well take the edict to show it to everyone.

Zhu Chenhao said, "The Empress Dowager's secret edict is an oracle, and I have just announced it."

Sun Sui laughed and said, "Then I can't listen to you. What's the truth? Everyone knows in their hearts. Lord Ning, I advise you that it's better to keep yourself safe and don't let the former emperor Yingling be ashamed."

Zhu Chenhao said with a blue face, "Sun Sui, do you insist on believing it until you see the edict?"

Sun Sui said, "That's natural."

Zhu Chenhao said harshly, "Then it will complete you. Here is the edict you want." After saying that, Zhu Chenhao picked up a tea bowl and threw it to the ground. While the tea bowl was smashed, dozens of soldiers swarmed out in the screens on both sides, pointing out the local officials of all sizes with their swords.

Zhu Chenhao pointed to Sun Sui and said, "Don't think I don't know what you have done to me behind my back. I have tolerated you for many days. Don't you want to read the edict? Come on, show him."

Two guards jumped forward and clamped Sun Sui's arm. Sun Sui shouted, "Zhu Chenhao, a traitor, are you going to rebel?"

Zhu Chenhao shouted, "Do it."

A guard went forward, holding two copper spoons in his hand, and inserted them into Sun Sui's eyes quickly and accurately. In the scream, Sun Sui's two eyes were dug out alive, and his face was suddenly full of blood, which was unbearable.

"The imperial edict is here, Lord Sun, can you see it?" Zhu Chenhao asked with a sneer. He turned around and asked all the officials present, "Have you seen the edict? Tell Governor Sun, have you seen it?"

The officials were frightened and hummed like mosquitoes, "I saw it."

Zhu Chenhao shouted, "The voice is too low. I can't hear it. I understand. It turns out that you haven't eaten and don't have the strength to speak. Come and feed them."

Two guards rushed forward and dragged an official to his neck. The official's mouth involuntarily opened. A guard reached out and grabbed a hot oily big hoof and raced against the official's mouth. The hoof could not be stuffed into the big bones at all. The guard reversed the knife coin towards the big bone joint behind the hoof. Knocking and piling generally wedge the whole hoof into the official's throat. After letting go, the official looked up to the sky and fell down. After a while, his hands and feet trembled and suffocated to death.

Zhu Chenhao opened his mouth and laughed and asked harshly, "Tell Governor Sun, have you seen the imperial edict?"

The officials shouted hoarsely: "I saw it, clearly and clearly."

Zhu Chenhao laughed wildly and turned to Sun Sui, who had a bloody face, and said, "Grand Officer Sun, did you hear that? They all saw it. You can rest assured now. Tell me, would you like to fight against the rebels with me? The emperor's throne is not the descendant of Taizu at all. You should believe it this time.

Sun Sui opened his mouth and sprayed blood like smoke, spraying a layer of blood on Zhu Chenhao's face. Zhu Chenhao shouted angrily and pulled out the blade from the guard's hand. With just a wave, Sun Sui's head rolled to the ground.

At the beginning of the rebellion, Zhu Chenhao's strategy was to first stabilize the control of Nanchang and Jiangxi, and then raise troops east to attack Nanjing. After defeating Nanjing, he officially ascended the throne as the capital. The two prime ministers under him are Li Shishi and Liu Yangzheng. Li Shishi is the servant of the criminal department. He is quite famous in Jiangxi. Although he is old, what Zhu Chenhao wants is his reputation. Liu Yangzheng, a man who really became his chief advisor, was a member of Nanchang Prefecture. This person has been in and out of Ningwang Mansion as a staff all year round. He is proficient in military affairs, good at planning, and was appointed as a military advisor by Zhu Chenhao.

Under Liu Yangzheng's plan, Zhu Chenhao sent people to quickly control the government authorities in Nanchang Prefecture, and at the same time controlled the command power of more than 20,000 soldiers and horses in Nanchang to penetrate the power of his own generals to replace the command. At the same time, he released the prisoner' formations detained by the government office to join the army and moved all the treasury of all the government authorities in Nanchang Prefecture in Jiangxi Province. In the treasury of the royal palace alone, hundreds of thousands of taels of gold and silver were obtained from the military capital.

At the same time, in Nanchang Prefecture, he recruited civilian husbands to join the army and expand their troops and horses, confiscated the private property of the people's rich households and houses for military food, and ordered other state governments in Jiangxi to win over the military generals at the same time. Almost overnight, most of the state capitals of Jiangxi were included in their pockets.

On the third day of the event, Zhu Chenhao personally ordered the execution of dozens of military and political officials who refused to coerce in front of the King Ning's Mansion. At the same time, he held an oath meeting and promised that those who followed him to 'pick up thieves' would be rewarded by senior officials in the future. Then he sent Xu Qin, Wan Rui, Zhou Rui, Lu Cheng, Xie Feng, Yu Shen, Ma Xiaoliang and others serve as officials of major departments. Nearly 50,000 soldiers and horses mobilized from state governments one after another were summoned to 100,000 soldiers to the east of Nanchang Prefecture and approached Jiujiang, Nankang and other places.

On the fifth day, Xu Qin and Wanrui led more than 300 soldiers down the river to easily occupy Nankang. Chen Lin, the governor of Nankang, fled without occupying Nankang. On the second day of occupying Nankang, the army attacked Jiujiang Mansion again. Cao Lei and Wang Ying, the governor of Jiujiang, also deserted.

So far, the two mansions of Jiangnan and Kang have been put into Zhu Chenhao's pocket, leaving only Anqing's mansion at the gate of Nanjing, but in the eyes of the high-up rebels, all this is no longer an obstacle. Zhu Chenhao has begun to look forward to the dream of occupying Nanjing and becoming emperor.