Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 818 The Beauty of Nothing

For several days in a row, Song Nan has been busy with the matter of going on the expedition. Fortunately, under the current situation, no one in the court dares to show his head for the time being. With the help of Yang Yiqing, the newly appointed minister of the Ministry of War, things went smoothly, and the preparations before the expedition were basically completed in three days.

On this expedition, Song Nan still mobilized several battalions of soldiers and regimental battalions of the foreign two armies, but in order not to favor the other, in addition to the regimental battalions led by Jiang Bin and Xu Tai, three new battalions of soldiers and horses from the regimental battalions went on an expedition. If the five battalions of the 12th regiment battalion went on an expedition, if it had been in the past, someone would have jumped out and pointed to the east and west. In the name of the regimental battalion should not go to Beijing to fight, but this time, no one came out to oppose it.

Yang Tinhe and others have not appeared since the meeting of that day. It was a little outrageous to be quiet. At that day, the cabinet was ordered to investigate Sun Sui's memorial and was intercepted. At the same time, Yang Tinghe threw away Lu Wan, the minister of the Ministry of War as an abandoned son in order to lose the soldiers and protection car, and also lost an important position as a minister of the Ministry of War, resulting in considerable losses. This is the time to lick the wound and calm the hearts of the people, so it is time to avoid the limelight.

Song Nan also had no time to pay attention to them. He suspected that since the court had instructed the cabinet to strictly investigate the collusion between Liang Chu and the king of Ning, Song Nan was also willing to see if Yang Ting and he could find out anything. If he returned from the rebellion, the cabinet could not give a satisfactory answer, and Song Nan would intervene and thoroughly. Check to the end.

In fact, from the bottom of her heart, Song Nan does not want to create eternal hostility with the cabinet, nor does she want to trample the cabinet into 18 layers of hell. From the bottom of her heart, the cabinet and foreign court under Yang Ting and his leadership are still capable. There are many big and small affairs in the Ming Dynasty, and the reason why all affairs are still in order is naturally Thanks to the guidance and management of the foreign court. However, Song Nan has a bottom line in his heart. If Yang Tinghe and others can do their own things well, instead of above others, or even influence the future of the court, Song Nan can coexist peacefully with them.

But Song Nan also vaguely felt that his idea may be too naive; no matter from any point of view, Yang Tinghe is not a person who is easy to give in. Judging from Yang Tinghe's resolute abandonment of Lu Wan, this man is decisive and decisive, and his courage is not below him. The so-called one mountain is difficult to tolerate two tigers, and there are two each other in the dynasty. When the opposing power group is over, it must be an endless battle, and it is unclear when this storm will come, but it is obviously not far away. Song Nan understands this.

The atmosphere in Song Mansion has been very tense these days. Since the rumor of Song Nan's death in Jiangxi came to the capital a few days ago, Song's mother has been frightened for several days, secretly crying more than a dozen times, and her body is not very good. Although the wives and concubines of Song Mansion think that they will never believe that Song Nan will die without seeing Song Nan's body, the news spread all over the sky. Flying, everyone's hearts were very panicked.

After Song Nan returned to Beijing, in addition to surprise, everyone was worried again, because Song Nan was going to lead the army again. Every time he went on an expedition, his wives and concubines were worried. After all, going to the battlefield was a life-and-death struggle. Song Nan was also an adventurous person. It was not once or twice when he encountered the worry of life. It was inevitable that there would be a mistake. If One day, everyone didn't know how to face it.

Although Song Nan rarely sits idle in the house, he can obviously feel this atmosphere, so he specially took half a day of free time before the expedition to gather the family to express his guilt and comfort everyone's uneasiness.

This time, Song Nan specially invited Zhu Fengtong and Yang Kooer to the house. If it hadn't been for Zhu Xiufu't come openly, Song Nan would have wanted to invite her to the house to meet. In Song Nan's opinion, these women who have accompanied her all their lives and have skin relatives should show their feelings at the right time.

In the garden of Songfu, a long table is placed on the green grass, and there are all kinds of snacks and fruits on the snow-white tablecloth. Although it is only February, this spring comes very early. The afternoon sun is full of warmth and comfort, and occasionally bees and butterflies buzz in my ears, making this moment long and leisurely. Appropriate.

Song Nan helped Song's mother sit at one end of the long table, and then sat down with the well-dressed women one by one. Although Song Nan has repeatedly stressed that she does not have to stick to the ranking of the so-called famous status in the house, the women have a scale in their hearts. They know their own position, so they are also very particular about sitting down. On the right side of Song Nan is Zhang Pei, the wife of the Duke of the State. The first position of the left hand is very exquisite. Originally, Lu Qingli should have sat according to the order of entering the door, but everyone knows that Song Nan's favorite is Dai Suer.

But Dai Suer doesn't want to sit there. Dai Suer actually knows it very well. On the surface, Song Nan likes herself the most, but in fact, it is not her Dai Suer, but Ye Fanggu who should sit in this position. Not only because of the oldest, Ye Fanggu is actually the most respected one of Song Nan, and she has also experienced the test of life and death with Song Nan. In her heart, Ye Fanggu is the person Song Nan can't leave. With Dai Suer's cleverness, she naturally refuses to attract words for this position.

Ye Fanggu was pressed by Dai Suer and Lu Qingli to sit down beside Song Nan. Song Nan smiled and said nothing, and Song Nan was quite proud of the cleverness and harmony of his wife and concubines. One by one, the women around her have their own characteristics. They all have a common advantage that they understand the truth and will never care about these things. . Perhaps this is also due to the enlightened style in his own house, and he never engages in hierarchical suppression. Otherwise, like his mother, in the Song Mansion in Weizhou at the beginning, it is impossible to compete for the position of a side room. In that atmosphere, the women in the family compete for the position. I'm afraid they are also cleaning up.

Zhu Fengtong and Yang Keer, who did not have the name of Song Mansion, sat on the other side of the long table and sat with the maid beside them. They were very satisfied that they could attend the family banquet of Song Mansion. Song Nan returned to Beijing for a few days, and they did not have the opportunity to meet Song Nan, and it was difficult for them to come to Song Mansion to see him on occasion. , which shows Song Nan's attitude, which is to treat them as their own people. There is also a consensus in Song's hearts on this.

After settling down, Song Nan first got up and bowed deeply to Song's mother and said, "Mother is here. I will make amends for you."

Song Nan sighed and said nothing. Song Nan said, "The child has spent too little time in the house recently, and there is too little time to accompany his mother. There are still some ulterior motives outside to make the mother worried. The child is really unfilial. Please punish me."

Song's mother is obviously a little old, but in fact, Song's mother is actually only in her 40s, but she looks like a person in her 50s. Song Nan is also a little worried when she looks at her. Normally, my mother has lived a comfortable life since she came to the capital. How can she grow old so fast? Maybe she is swaying on the tip of the storm every day, and how worried is the old mother? Maybe he lost his husband when he was young and has been a widow for more than 20 years. He can't get the comfort of love and grow old quickly?

"Ser. My mother is old and can't figure out a lot of things. You are busy every day, and my mother knows that you are also difficult. Since you entered Beijing, have you ever had a comfortable New Year with us? Mother doesn't care about anything. Mother remembers the festivals you have spent in the house over the years. How many times have you spent the Shangyuan Festival, the Lantern Festival and the Double Ninth Festival with your family in the past seven years? Maybe my mother doesn't understand your heart, but I said something heavy in front of my daughters-in-law today. My mother doesn't like you now. I even regret coming to the capital. How much my mother misses the days in the small stone bridge house in Weizhou.

The whole audience was silent, Song Nan lowered his head and said nothing, and his heart rushed to guilt.

The mist in Song's mother's eyes steamed, and she looked elsewhere and whispered, "At that time, although our family's life was difficult, maybe the food and clothing were not as good as they are now, but our family can see it every day. Everyone lives safely together, and the neighbors are also harmonious, and my mother is very satisfied. But now, 365 days a year, how many days can you spend in the house? When you are not at home, you must be fighting abroad. Do you know how worried the family is? What's the fun of fighting? Why are you always fighting? Look at home. Your children are knee-high. Can you once hold them and take them out to see the lanterns and visit the capital? The daughters-in-law are very virtuous, but what they don't say for them, do you think the higher your position, the more honorable they will be? Mother is a woman. Mother knows that the happiest thing is that you accompany them to coax them.

The eyes of the women on the seat turned red, and their mother-in-law's words came to their hearts. If they were a few years ago, they were still happy with Song Nan's continuous enterprising and promotion of officials, and they also enjoyed it with some kind of vanity. Now they are more eager to stay and hug Song Nan, and their mood is no longer the same as before.

Yang Keer and Zhu Fengtong are also very touched by these words. There are fewer opportunities to meet between them and Song Nan, and they are also secretly and hurried to meet, especially Zhu Fengtong. It's okay to be restrain themselves before. Since she had the moon night relationship with Song Nan, the ** in her heart is as unstoppable as a volcanic eruption for Song Nan. It can be said that lovesickness is crazy. If you don't inquire about Song Nan's whereabouts every day, if you don't know what he is doing, you can't get through that day. Hearing Song's mother's words, tears fell unbearable in Zhu Fengtong's eyes. Qingluan quickly handed her a handkerchief and asked her to wipe it away, so as not to be rude in front of everyone.

Song's mother sighed and continued, "In the past, in Weizhou, my mother had a good relationship with the neighbors around her, but now it's better. There are guards and soldiers and horses inside and outside the house. Dozens of people follow the door to protect her, and she can't say a word to the people on the roadside. Although the villagers from Weizhou work in the house, they no longer dare to talk to the old man. Every time they speak, they must bow and nod. Uh-huh, I don't know what's wrong? If this is what you worked hard to earn for us, I really don't know what these things are for? Maybe my mother is old and my thoughts are outdated. Maybe you don't like what my mother said today, but my mother has been holding these words in my heart for too long. Today, I finally said it. whether you are happy or unhappy, my mother always said it.