Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 834 Plum Island Head

There is a huge Jiangxinzhou not far from the mouth of the Qinhuai River in Xiaguan, Nanjing. Because it is shaped like a plum, it is also known as Meizizhou. Meizizhou is not small, about four miles wide and ten miles long, and the area is comparable to the size of a medium-sized city. Like a huge warship moored in the middle of the river, it cut the Yangtze River in two halves and let the river roll through the narrow passages on both sides.

At this moment, Meizizhou is no longer as quiet as usual. Song Nan's tens of thousands of soldiers and horses have arrived on Jiangxinzhou one after another, busy building fortifications and setting up cannons, rockets and other firearms at the commanding point. More than 2,000 ships gathered on both sides are crowded, and the dense soldiers are busy among them. , which seems to be both chaotic and hot.

Song Nan was dressed in a uniform and stood on the huge rock on the head of the continent with an embroidered spring knife handle. There were dozens of local officials in Nanjing and generals of the Beijing camp standing beside him. They were all invited by Song Nan to participate in the battle. The news in front of him had already come, and Zhu Chenhao had passed the afternoon. It was estimated that it was dark. It is about to arrive in the Yangtze River area west of Nanjing, which is when the war is about to begin.

Everyone stood high and was puzzled by the actions of the soldiers on both sides. These soldiers were loading mud into grass bags and transporting the boulders on Jiangxinzhou to various small boats. They didn't know what Song Nan was going to do. Liao Zhizhang, a thousand households in Jinwuwei's 3,000 households, frowned and finally couldn't help asking: "Dare to ask the Duke of Zhen What are we doing in this Jiangxinzhou? What do the brothers do when they load mud and carry sand and stone on the ship?

Song Nan smiled and touched the stubble emerging from her chin and said, "Welcome to the enemy, Zhu Chenhao's rebels came down to the city. Did they play at home?"

Liao Zhizhang said stunnedly, "However, the plan mentioned by the prince in the morning is not like this. Didn't you say that the rebels are going to attack from the mouth of the Qinhuai River, and we will gather troops and horses on the river at the mouth of the Qinhuai River and confront the rebels head-on? Do you also say that these boats will be full of straw and firewood, sprinkle fire oil, and rush into the rebel array from the beaches on both sides to light the ship and spread the fire to the rebel warships during the chaos?

Song Nan smiled and said, "Yes, that's what I said."

Liao Zhizhang said, "Then why has it become mud and stone transportation now? Is it possible to build a dam at the mouth of the Qinhuai River to strengthen the wall of the mouth of the mouth of the river?

Song Nan smiled and said, "I forgot to explain to you. After lunch, I changed my mind. The plan to meet the enemy at the mouth of Qinhuai River has been invalidated, and now my new plan has been implemented. I was just about to tell you about this. These collected small boats can't fight at all, but they have other uses. After they are packed with stones and mud, I will chain them tightly together, and then drag them to the river channels on both sides with big boats and sink them.

"Ah?" Everyone opened their mouths and exclaimed.

"Sink them? Does the Duke of Zhen mean... to talk about the blocked river on both sides? Yan Pingdao, the commander of Jin Wuwei, asked in shock.

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "That's not true. How can you stop the rolling river? Isn't this an arm block? I'm not going to cut off the river, I'm just setting up some obstacles under the river. In the deep water of the river, I have towed dozens of abandoned warships of the Nanjing Marine Division here. After these big ships are filled with stones and mud bags, they will also be chiseled here. I have calculated that the deepest waterways on both sides of Jiangxinzhou are two feet deep, and most of the waterways next to them are about ten feet deep. After the sunken ship sank here, even if the rebel ships can barely pass through, they can only pass through the deep water one by one. I'm afraid the rest will be stranded on the shallow waterways on both sides. More than 100 warships of mine in the rear are waiting for them to come one by one and solve them one by one. You can see that the 100 cannons and 80 rockets I will bring are arranged on the high ground on both sides of Meizizhou. Once they are stranded on both waterways, they immediately become live targets. In a word, Zhu Chenhao will welcome a big gift from me to him.

Song Nan said, "Let him come."

After a while, the prince climbed up from below with more than a dozen brocade guards. These riders were carrying bamboo cages in their hands, and there were things muttering in it.

After seeing the ceremony, without waiting for Song Nan to ask questions, Wang Zitong said loudly, "In the order of Lord Song, I took people to search the houses of 12 thousand households of Jinwuwei's own army guards in the afternoon, and searched the houses of three people of Jinwuwei's 1,000 households, Zheng Wanqi, the thousand households of Zhengqi, and Zhao Zhengping, the thousand households of the thousand households of the army guard. Thirty-seven military pigeons and 160 bamboo tubes. It's time to recover."

Song Nan nodded and shouted, "Come on, take down Feng Xiaoyi, Zheng Wanqi and Zhao Zhengping."

The brocade guards around shouted in unison, rushed forward, and captured the three people with their arms and locks. Feng Xiaoyi shouted pale and shouted, "It's wrong. Can you falsely accuse us of the enemy with only a few pigeons without evidence? It's wrong."

Zhao Dapeng raised his foot and kicked his leg, Feng Xiaoyi's leg bent and knelt on the ground, and his knees banged on the rock, which made him straight.

"Grandpa, what's going on?" Jin Wuwei's commander Yan Pingdao and the pro-military commander Xu Wei asked in astonishment.

"What's going on? Thousands of your men have already defected to the rebels and become Zhu Chenhao's running dogs. As soon as Zhu Chenhao attacks, they will work together inside and outside to make us lose.

Yan Ping swallowed and spit, "Grandpa, isn't it a mistake? Do you mean that these pigeons alone can conclude that they are connected with the enemy? This...is a little far-fetched."

Xu Wei also said, "Yes, you can't convince people. The enemy is currently..."

Song Nan waved his hand to interrupt their words, took out a bamboo tube from his arms and handed it to him and said, "Look at it yourself, this is the information carried by the military pigeon captured by the falcon in the sky in my army."

Everyone quickly circulated it, and they all looked at each other in astonishment.

Song Nan sneered and said, "Let me show you the facts again. Come on, open the cage and release the pigeon."

The horses opened the wooden cage, and the military pigeons in the cage flew out, only stayed in the sky for a moment, and kept flying towards the western sky.

Song Nan said, "See? They all flew to the west, what's the reason? Naturally, the trained pigeons will return to their nest in the direction of delivering letters. Needless to say, these pigeons were trained and given to them by Zhu Chenhao. Moreover, I have some research on pigeons. There are numb spots on the wings of pigeons, commonly known as 'rain spot spots', which is a unique and precious species in Jiangxi. It is a top-grade pigeon species of military pigeons. Several thousands of big men are in Nanjing. When will there be precious pigeons in Jiangxi? It's not uncommon for you to like to drink, gamble and prostitute. It's a strange thing that you like to raise pigeons. Do you need me to explain more now?

At this time, no one doubts about the collusion between these three and Zhu Chenhao. Although there is not much evidence, it is enough to prove that the three thousand households have also shrugged their heads and are silent.

Song Nan said coldly, "What I hate most is eating those who crawl inside and outside. You eat the salary of the court and take the salary of the court, but collude with the traitors, which are completely unfaithful and unfilial. Today's war is approaching, and your crimes are conclusive, and there is no need to delay. Just take you to fight and sacrifice the flag.

The three people exclaimed in a hurry: "The prince is willing to spare his life. The villain is confused for a while, but he begs the prince not to kill, and the villain is willing to provide more important information."

Song Nan sneered and said, "What information do I need from you? I have everything here. Zhu Chenhao is a dead end. What information do you want to provide? Don't try to muddy the water and bite people randomly. I found it clear that others may have dated Zhu Chenhao, but they have not become his lackeys and endangered the court for him. As long as they try their best to defend Nanjing with me, I will not investigate those matters, and you are unforgivable. Come on, do it."

Hou Dabiao answered loudly and personally pulled out the bright thin embroidered spring knife. More than a dozen guards escorted the three to the next rock and ordered them to kneel on the ground. Hou Damiao's knife fell steadily and quickly. In an instant, the three people's heads rolled down the slope, and three bodies fell to the ground, and the blood gurgled, which was shocking.

The officials in Nanjing are as cicadas, and no one dares to breathe.