Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 846 Thunder Change

According to the plan, after the situation was basically stabilized, Song Nan led the army to start and return triumphantly in batches; the soldiers and horses of the guardhouses in Shanxi, Shandong and other places will depart one day in advance and return to the local guardhouse; after that, the soldiers and horses of the Gyeonggi Guards, and finally Song Nan personally led the two armies and regiments outside the Shenshu battalions to return to Beijing.

This arrangement is to highlight the grandeur of the triumph of this war. The first two groups of soldiers and horses are like pawning Song Nan, and finally the Duke of Zhen's powder debut and returns triumphantly; this is not Song Nan's own arrangement, but the plan proposed by his generals.

Originally, I thought that the suppression of the rebellion would be protracted, but I didn't expect it to be resolved so quickly. Zhu Chenhao's rebellion was even more vulnerable than the rebellion of Liu Liu and Liu Qi, which would inevitably lead people to a misunderstanding of the harm of the Chen Hao Rebellion and greatly reduce the rebellion. The upcoming award. The generals are not considered to have done a difficult thing when discussing meritorious rewards, thus reducing the specifications of the award, so they should make up for it in form. This is certainly for Song Nan, but it is actually for themselves.

Especially Jiang Bin and Xu Tai, Jiang Bin is better. At least he took Nankang Jiujiang and finally took several cities. Xu Tai only participated in the Battle of Anqing at the last moment. The breakthrough of the city was not his own, so he was suspected of being a bastard. This arrangement for the return journey was proposed by Xu Tai, and the generals were all ready to match.

Song Nan naturally sees all this in his eyes. If the time goes back five or six years, Song Nan may say disdainfully, "Isn't it over going back to Beijing together?" However, now Song Nan is well aware of the way of controlling people and understands the suffering of human nature, so he pretends to be confused and only let them arrange it. Because of this, it was delayed for five or six days in Anqing City.

On February 27, the first batch of officers and soldiers of Shandong Shanxi and other guard stations set out triumph as vanguard soldiers.

On February 28, the soldiers and horses of the Gyeonggi Guard returned.

The soldiers and horses of the Beijing battalion, which was originally scheduled to start early on the first day of March of Zhengde 8th, has been ready to start on this day. Tomorrow morning, it will return to Beijing with the sound of firecrackers from the people of Anqing Prefecture. The generals even arranged the ceremony along the way. They asked the local officials to prepare for the reception in advance for every large state capital, which should be simple and grand, thrifty and enthusiastic. As for how to achieve this contradictory requirement, it is not something they should consider. The officials of the Ming Dynasty are all intelligent people, so it must be not difficult to achieve this 'reasonable' requirement.

However, no one expected that on the night before the opening of the Beijing camp, the night watchmen at the north gate of Anqing City saw a cavalry team of more than a dozen torches calling the door under the city. The soldiers thought that it was the scout team sent back by the large army in front of them, but they were still scolding their nerves in the middle of the night. Suddenly, there was a roar from the city.

Hundreds of households stationed at the gate were shocked, jumped up from the hay spread in the corner of the tower, and shouted, "What's going on? Can't rebel? Are those people in the city trying to rebel?"

"When they went back to Baihu, they were impatient to wait for the opening of the city gate and fired fire to the sky to express their dissatisfaction."

"Can it be reversed? In the middle of the night, I made a panic and told them that if it was noisy again, I told them to stay outside the city until dawn. Although Baihu's mouth is hard, his heart is drumming. The cavalry equipped with firearms must not be ordinary cavalry. Maybe it is the brocade guards of the personal guard camp in the hands of the Duke of Zhen, which is very troublesome.

Although the words were fierce, the hundred households did not dare to neglect. They looked down from the head of the city, but when they saw more than a dozen cavalry and horses lined up outside the gate, Baihu's eyes were good. Although they were dozens of steps apart, he still saw the costumes of the soldiers in the city under the light of the torch. Thank God, that was not the brocade guard's personal defense. But a suit on the man in the middle almost made his eyes pop out.

The man in the middle was not dressed as a military officer. His short and fat body contrasted with the posture of the vigorous soldiers around him. What he was wearing was actually the clothes of an internal official. This man was an eunuch. Hundreds of households guarding the city understood it at once. The news of the rebellion had already been reported to the court, and the Duke of Zhen was delayed in this city again. After a few days, the court must have sent the inner court to send a decree to comfort him. Before the formal award, the court had to do this first. Unexpectedly, he actually blocked the way of the imperial minister of the inner court and was still staring here.

The hundred guards cursed and ordered to open the city gate and let them in. They personally sorted out their military appearance and took more than a dozen soldiers to the doorway to meet them. After a while, more than a dozen riders swept in like a wind. The short and fat eunuch behind the city gate strangled the horses and asked in a shrill voice, "Who is the general on duty at the gate?"

The hundred households hurriedly nodded and bowed and said, "Your Excellency, it's a humble position."

The eunuch hooked his fingers and said, "Come closer."

The hundred households walked forward with a smile and came to the eunuch's horse. The eunuch nodded and said, "It's you, a short-sighted thing."

Baihu instinctively felt that things were going to be bad. The wind on his face was rustling, and he did not dare to avoid it. He heard the crisp sound of 'papa-pa'. The hundred households were slapped five or six times in their mouths and were beaten in front of their eyes.

"If you don't have a long eye, you can't open the gate. Do you know how far our family has traveled and how important it is to report to your father-in-law? If it hadn't been for the urgent matter of our family, it would have been peeled alive today."

Hundreds of households covered their faces and dared not make a sound. Several knights beside them whispered, "Duke Zhang, see that the Duke of Zhen is important. Don't be angry with these soldiers. After the war, they were a little lazy."

The eunuch hummed and shouted, "Why don't you take the lead to report to the Duke of Zhen, and say that Zhang Yong, the ceremonial supervisor of the inner court, asked for a meeting."

Hundreds of people guarding the city almost peed their pants. The man in front of them was the leader of the inner court. Zhang Yong, the eunuch in charge of Si Lijian, had known that it was this big man who was coming tonight, and he guarded the gate with his eyes open as soon as it was dark. How dare he neglect half of it?

How dare they neglect the hundred households defending the city? They led the horses in the stable behind the gate and led people to run to the city with a purple and hot face.

Song Nan was having a good dream. In her dream, she was having an unobstructed meeting with her wives and concubines. When she was so happy, she was pulled back from her dream by Wang Yong's rough voice.

"Your Excellency, my lord, wake up, someone from the capital."

"Oh? Is the emperor's will come? In the middle of the night, you arrange for them to rest. It's not too late to meet again tomorrow morning.

Song Nan got up and asked in a daze, but she was a little surprised. Although she knew that the imperial edict of the court's verbal praise would come, she estimated that it would take three or four days to arrive. She could meet it halfway back to Beijing, but it arrived so quickly, which was obviously a little wrong. It takes three or four days for the good news to spread to Beijing, but it takes five or six days for the imperial edict to arrive here again. If you encounter some decrees who are unwilling to suffer, it will take at least two or three days to delay. In terms of time, it comes too fast.

"It's not the will of the court. It's the Lord Zhang of the inner court, but it's not here to preach the decree."

Song Nan got up and was mostly sleepy. She frowned and thought for a moment. She quickly put on her clothes, shoes and socks, and opened the door out. In the yard, Wang Yonghou and Da Biao were standing in the porch waiting.

"Where are the people?" Song Nan asked as she tidied up her clothes.

"Eunuch Zhang ran for three days and four nights and didn't have much rest. He was so sleepy that he arranged hot tea to eat in the side hall of the magistrate's office to let them eat and drink something first."

Song Nan said, "Let's go and have a look."

The group quickly walked through the house in the courtyard and came to the front. There was a light in a small hall next to the lobby of the magistrate's office. Song Nan stepped on the steps and stepped in. Zhang Yongzheng stretched out his neck and swallowed a ball of cakes. Seeing Song Nan with wide eyes and quickly stepped forward, his face instantly turned into a sad face. He knelt in front of Song Nan and whined in his mouth. He wanted to speak, but he rolled his eyes with choked on the pastry.

Song Nan hurriedly said, "Don't worry, take your time. Did something happen when your father-in-law came here in person?"

Zhang Yong shook his head anxiously, his throat was stuck to the dry pastry, and he couldn't speak, and gestured repeatedly in his hand. Wang Yong understood and shouted, "Water, give water to your father-in-law."

Zhang Yong took a few sips of tea and washed the pastry in his throat into his stomach. After a long hiccup, he suddenly burst into tears.

Song Nan pulled him up, frowned and asked, "What's the matter? Crying for what? What happened?"

Zhang Yong cried, "Your Majesty, my Lord Song, he... Your Majesty..."

Song Nan's brain buzzed and asked in a trembling voice, "What's wrong with the emperor? The emperor... has the funeral?"

The people present were stunned and unspeakable. Listening to Zhang Yong's sharp crying, they had a layer of goose bumps.