Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 848 March 3

The room was quiet and scary. Song Nan paced back and forth, and the candlelight reflected his figure and spread back and forth on the wall. Zhang Yong's eyes rotated back and forth with Song Nan's figure and did not dare to make a sound at all. He knew that Song Nan was thinking about countermeasures to this matter. This was a major event that was involved in everyone's fate. There is half negligence and omission. But Zhang Yong knows very well that Song Nan will never let things develop. Zhu Houxuan is not the candidate in Song Nan's mind at all, and Song Nan will never sit and watch Zhu Houxuan sit on the throne of the world.

Song Nan's thoughts are boiling. Although Zhang Yong only said the general situation, Song Nan has already thought about the reason of the whole incident. According to the current situation, Zhengde is afraid that there is no hope. The emperor is on his deathbed, and he has led troops to go out on an expedition. This is the best time for Yang Ting and exert his strength. It is not known how Yang Tinghe persuaded the empress dowager, but the fact is obvious that Yang Tinghe and the empress dowager have reached an understanding with each other, which is evidenced by this so-called edict.

The reason why Zhengde was moved from the Qianqing Palace to the Yangxin Hall was the will of the Empress Dowager. To some extent, this was a hostage to Zhengde. The guards in the palace were replaced. It turned out that all the people around the emperor were replaced. Even Zhang Yong, the head of the inner court, could not see the emperor freely, which was precisely to borrow the emperor's mouth. Communicate the need for the edict.

This edict should be publicly announced after Zhengde's funeral. At that time, everything will be settled. If anyone dares to oppose it again, it will be a protest, and even Song Nan will have nothing to do.

However, Zhang Yong's departure from Beijing is a variable. If Yang Tinghe and the Empress Dowager knew that Zhang Yong had left the capital, they would suspect that the news had leaked. If they sensed this, it is very likely to announce this edict in advance and finalize the matter before arriving in the capital. Even if they rushed back to the capital, it would have been done. Chengzhou.

Song Nan was anxious, but he couldn't scold Zhang Yong's impulse. Zhang Yong must be anxious and afraid. He did not have the way to deal with such a shocking event. The only thing he could think of was to inform Song Nan as soon as possible and seek Song Nan's protection. Moreover, without Zhang Yong's careful awareness, Song Nan would not know this edict until it was announced. At that time, it would be a bolt from the clear sky and caught off guard.

Song Nan warned himself to calm down. What he needs to do now is to rush back to the capital as soon as possible, and also pray that Zhengde must hold on and not let go before he returns to the capital. As long as Zhengde still has a breath, Song Nan can ask the matter of the edict in person, even if he can't speak, he only shakes his head. You can make a judgment by nodding. If this is a false edict without Zhengde's consent, Song Nan can take action with justification and launch a thunderbole with the crime of correction.

Song Nan also thought of another question. What if this edict was favored by Zhengde? What should I do? Did you watch Yang Tinghe win the battle of the emperor? The answer is: that is absolutely impossible. Once Yang Tinghe gets it, the situation in the future will be one-sided, and everything he painstakingly manages will be ruined, and his rights will disappear overnight, and then he will be the object of slaughtered by others. Not to mention his grand wish to agree to others's promises. All of them can't be fulfilled.

Song Nan also asked in detail about the details of the capital, as well as some circumstances of Zhang Yong's visit to Zhengde. Sure enough, he found that he learned many unknown secrets. Originally, Song Nan was still hesitant about whether to return to Beijing immediately or to lead a large army back to Beijing, but he learned these After that, Song Nan made a decision.

Song Nan, who was thinking hard, suddenly stood still and shouted outside the door, "Wang Yong, immediately summon the two marquises Jiang Bin, Xu Tai and Ma Ming and Peng Yang to discuss major events."

Wang Yong loudly agreed to send a message in the courtyard. Song Nan also shouted, "Li Daniel and Zhao Dapeng, you two immediately gathered the soldiers and horses of the Jinyiwei's guard battalion, and selected 500 fast horses from the army to prepare for departure. In an hour, we will leave for Beijing."

Li Daniu and Zhao Dapeng responded in unison and immediately went to gather soldiers and horses to choose horses.

After Xu Taijiangbin, Peng Yang, Ma Ming and others arrived, Song Nan announced that he would return to Beijing in advance. The army was slow to move. It was impossible for Song Nan to follow the army to return to Beijing. That would take too much time. Maybe Zhengde could not survive the day he returned to Beijing.

Song Nan quickly ordered something and told several generals to be more careful on the way back to Beijing, cancel the welcome of the state government along the way, and return to the capital as fast as possible. At the same time, a death order was issued. After returning to Beijing, the army must not be disbanded and returned to the camp without a personal order, and must be kept in a state of combat at any time to cope with the possible crisis.

Xu Taijiangbin and others had just heard some fur in the front hall. They knew in their hearts that something must have happened in the capital, but Song Nan asked them to maintain a fighting state, but they were a little confused. Is it possible to fight a battle in the capital?

Of course, Song Nan will not hide it from them. He told the situation in the capital in a few words. Several confidant generals were stunned. Looking at the edict of the manuscript, several people could not speak for a long time. Everything was clear. This is Yang Tinghe and others to solve the big problem while Song Nan is not in Beijing. If they succeed, Song Nan's status No guarantee, these confidant generals who were pulled up by Song Nan will also be hit soon.

However, Song Nan's decision to return to Beijing in advance was opposed by the generals. Xu Tai said, "The Duke of Zhen should go back to Beijing with the army. If you return to Beijing alone, once you encounter something strange, won't you throw yourself into the trap? You need to think twice about this."

Before Song Nan spoke, Jiang Bin said viciously, "If they dare to touch a hair of the Song brothers, are the soldiers and horses in our hands vegetarian? Now, if things really get out of control, are you willing to fight for the Duke of Town?

Who will fall off the chain at this time? Even a little hesitation is not necessary. Xu Taimaming and Peng Yang rushed to make a statement. Song Nan waved his hand and said, "Don't mess around. You are not allowed to act rashly without my order. If we refuse to obey the decree after the edict is announced, we will become a traitor. Isn't that Yang Ting and their plot? Besides, I am not alone and helpless in Beijing. There are still tens of thousands of people riding in my brocade guard government. Zhang Lun, the British Duke, is also sure to help me, and they dare not do anything to me. And I can't consider these at present, because the first priority is not my personal safety, but to clarify the truth of this matter and expose their conspiracy.

Xu Tai nodded and said, "What you said is also reasonable. We will speed up the march and try to return to the capital as soon as possible, but I hope you will be careful and be involved in the dispute between the emperor's heirs. Often anything can happen. Please take care of yourself."

Song Nan looked up at the dark night outside the house and said lightly, "This body has been in the cage, so what about the broken bone powder body? Although I never believe in fate, I can only say at this moment that everything I do is caused by fate. I can't escape, so I can only move forward bravely.


Before dawn, a thousand brocade guards surrounded Song Nan on the way back to Beijing, accompanied by 500 war horses. That was to ensure the speed of the march on the road. Thousands of miles away, Song Nan couldn't wait to fly to the capital with his wings. He knew that every moment of delay, the situation in the capital became unreliable. Although he said indifferently in front of Jiang Bin and Xu Tai, he knew what a complicated and cruel situation he faced when he returned to Beijing this time.

Perhaps when he arrived in the capital, the situation in Beijing was completely controlled by Yang Tinghe, and it was unknown that he was imprisoned as soon as he entered the capital. Although this is unlikely, because Zhang Lun is still in Beijing, Song Nan has understood a truth that at the critical moment, everything can only rely on himself. If he presses the treasure on others and holds a fluke mentality, Song Nan may have died several times long ago.

After three days and nights of galloping day and night, I only took a few short breaks on the way and let the horses drink water and food, so that the guards were about to break up, and the rest of the time was spent in a galloping day and night.

Even Wang Yong, such a rough-skinned and thick-skinned guy, has to admit that the endurance of the Duke of Zhen is different from ordinary people. He did not shout bitterly all the way, and he will always be straight and energetic. This Duke is an aus among the senior officials of the Ming Dynasty. You will never want to see depression on his face, and don't want to hear it from his mouth. When complaining, he may be angry and roaring, but he will never fall down and never give up.

Wang Yong, Li Daniu, Zhao Dapeng and others were originally in an extremely heavy mood. The future of returning to Beijing this time was uncertain. They didn't know what would happen, but looking at Song Nan's tenacious state, everyone was relieved. With Song Nan here, is there anything difficult in the world?

In the morning of March, the morning sun fell on the earth, shining on the green willows on both sides of the wide official road. On the official road outside Yongding Gate in Beijing, a dusty and tired cavalry appeared in the sight of the soldiers at the head of the city. At the gate, thousands of households recognized Song Nan, the Duke of Zhen, who was riding on a big black horse, at a glance. Although his bright python robe was full of loess, and his eyebrows and mouth were also full of black yellow dust, it could not hide the spirit of the Duke of Daming, and could not hide the majesty of the superior.

What's more, he and the other nine gate defenders in the capital were ordered to always pay attention to the traces of Song Nan, the Duke of the town, returning to Beijing. Once he returned to Beijing, he needed to report it immediately. As the soldiers and horses who were newly transferred to the capital to serve as the guard of the gate, they only abided by the governor of the five armies. Anhou Zhangwei's deputy governor Xinninghou Tanyou's order, even if Song Nan's reputation is thunderous and the object of worship of all the people in the Ming Dynasty, it can't change this fact.