Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 861 Fighting in Beijing 4

Lu Qingli said, "My sister doesn't know that the arsenal has been developing a kind of thing called an iron chariot since last summer. At the beginning, my husband's idea was to build a chariot covered in iron armor and equipped with large-caliber artillery, and the battlefield became an active fort, not afraid of enemy artillery bows and arrows, especially suitable for siege. However, later, my husband found that this iron chariot was too bulky, and it took more than a dozen horses to pull after being equipped with iron plate armor, and the action was too slow. Moreover, the equipped large-caliber gun could not achieve the effect. The barrel was too big and too long to withstand the force of firing at all. More than a dozen cannons were deformed and invalidated, and the cost of silver was also extremely huge, so the plan was ordered to be invalidated.

Everyone doesn't understand what she is talking about at all. Yang Kouer and Lu Qingli are unkempt in the arsenal all day long. They have a lot of research on the research and development of firearms, but words such as armor caliber are nouns that others don't understand at all.

"Qingli, what on earth are you going to say? Can this kind of chariot and artillery break through the city wall of Zhengyang Gate? Ye Fanggu frowned.

Lu Qingli said, "I can't guarantee it, but in the current situation, I have to try anything."

Dai Suer said, "But didn't you say that the plan was invalid?"

Lu Qingli said, "Although my husband gave up this plan, Kerr and I were very sorry to see that my husband looked, so we discussed secretly to continue to develop iron chariots. Although the cumbery and slow problem could not be solved, together with the iron smelting master invited by Jiangxi, we found a special to add a special kind of iron water. Clay allows the molten iron to cast a barrel suitable for both strength and length and caliber, and greatly extends the number of launches.

Ye Fanggu said, "You did it secretly? This account must not be reported in the expenditure accounts of the arsenal, and it must be expensive.

Zhu Fengtong said, "At the time of the accounting of the Arsenal last year, 150,000 taels of silver were gone at the end of the year. Did you use it to do this?"

Lu Qingli and Yang Koer lowered their heads. They thought no one knew, but in fact, Zhu Fengtong had already checked the accounts of the arsenal and found the disappeared silver.

150,000 taels? You guys are so big. Aunt Ye Fang exclaimed.

"Actually... it's more than that." Lu Qingli said, "After the Spring Festival, another 30,000 taels were spent, and a total of 180,000 taels were gone."

Ye Fanggu didn't know what to say. Zhu Fengtong said, "If the thing you said can be useful, what about 1.8 million taels? Do you mean that this thing can be used now?

Lu Qingli shouted, "Of course it can be used, but it is still in the cave of the arsenal, and it must be pulled back to the city. It takes 20 strong horses to pull.

Everyone looked at the little princess. According to her decision, the little princess rolled her sleeves and said, "Let's go and pull this thing to have a look, let Uncle Zhong prepare 20 strong horses, and we must pull them to the city before dark; Qingli girl, it's best that this thing is useful. If it doesn't work, my husband can't save it."

Lu Qingli whispered, "If the iron chariot can't break through the Zhengyang Gate, I will... I will..."

Zhu Fengtong got up and interrupted her and said, "Since it's decided, it's not too late. Let's go out of the city immediately and pull that thing back."

At present, he told Uncle Zhong to prepare horses and his family to close the door to guard the Song Mansion. If anyone intends to enter, he must stick to the enemy Yunyun. After a cup of tea, the women have appeared on Yongdingmen Street and went straight to the city gate with dozens of strong horses under the escort of dozens of fire riders.

There were few soldiers at the gate of Yongding Gate. A large number of foreign soldiers and horses who were defending here completed their mission after Song Nan broke into the capital and failed to prevent Song Nan from entering the city. Under the condition that their troops were not abundant, most of them were immediately deployed and gathered.

After the battle of Zhengyangmen began, more than 4,000 soldiers and horses guarding the outer city were pulled away. There were only more than 2,000 defenders left in the five outer city gates of the leftover gate of the left-hand gate of Yongdingmen, Guangqumen. On average, there were only 400 foreign soldiers on duty at each gate.

Of course, it is enough for 400 foreign troops to guard the gate. The gate is closed and the suspension bridge is high. The abnormal atmosphere that has been permeated in the past few days has made the gate a forbidden place. The people outside the city know that they can't be martial law in the capital and have no plans to run into the city, and the people in the city have no intention of leaving the city at all. Except inside and outside the gate of Yongding Gate The figure of the soldiers can be called the door.

In this quiet afternoon, the sound of horses' hoofs came from Yongdingmen Street, which seemed to be quite dynamic. The gate guards were immediately alert, and the soldiers in the city were also bowed and crossbows waiting.

When it was clear that the comers were seven or eight women in hoods and cloaks, thousands of people guarding the city were relieved and took dozens of soldiers down to meet them. They raised their hands and shouted loudly: "The gate is heavy, and no one can stay here and retreat quickly."

As he spoke, he stared at a pair of thin eyes and turned around on the bodies of several women on the horse, secretly smacking their tongues. These women are all beautiful, with their bodies, faces and temperaments, and I don't know which family members they are.

A tall woman came forward and arched her hand immediately and said, "Master, the slaves want to go out to the city. I don't know if they can accommodate it."

The Qianhu listened to the woman's voice. Seeing her beautiful figure, he couldn't help licking her lips. The soldiers around him also stared at the woman rudely. The woman frowned and asked again. Qianhu came to his senses and coughed and said, "It was issued to the public a few days ago. Wen, don't you know that people are prohibited from entering and leaving the city gate?

The woman said, "The Nu family knew that it was just that the slaves' sisters came to the capital together. They didn't expect to encounter the martial law in the city. They were in a hurry to go out of the city and return home, so they had no choice but to ask for the military master's accommodation."

The thousand households were happy and secretly said, "It turned out to be a foreigner, not a person from Beijing."

"If not, how can the orders above be accommodated casually? Who are you women? Why do you come to the capital at this time? Are there any men accompanying you?"

The woman shook her head and said, "My sister has been looking forward to the prosperity of Jingshi for a long time, so she took advantage of the spring to come and have a look. The men in the family are busy doing things. There is no time to accompany my sister. Master, how about you accommodate once? There are some silver here. The military master took your big brothers to buy wine and drink, which is not difficult to do. In a word, the gate will be opened, and our sisters will leave the city.

The woman took out a stack of silver tickets from her sleeve, one hundred and two, with a total of more than a dozen. It was more than 1,000 taels of white silver. Thousands of households' eyes lit up, but they did not receive the silver tickets. She shook her head and looked at several women and said, "You little lady said light. Is it such a simple thing to open a seam?"

A woman in the rear opened her eyes and scolded, "Don't toast or eat punishment."

The thousand households were stunned, squinted at the beautiful woman, and said with a sneer, "Oh, the little lady is not bad-tempered. You women are in a hurry to leave the city at this hour. Is there something urgent? It's going to be late, and there will be a market 30 miles out of the city. Why do you choose to leave the city at this time?

Another round-faced and big-eyed woman said, "What does it have to do with you? If you think you have less money, just give you more money.

"Ah? This is throwing money at me. How big is it? Are you making money at home? Qianhu smiled diagonally at the corners of his mouth, and the thief's eyes kept looking at the long chests and legs of several women.

"Here are 5,000 taels of silver tickets. If the military master is flexible, these 5,000 taels of silver is yours. If you don't want to, we can stay in the capital for a few days." The woman with the silver ticket took out another pile of silver tickets from her sleeve and held them gently in the air. The silver ticket made a rattling sound, like singing a beautiful song.

The thousand households narrowed their eyes and said, "You took my master too lightly. I could have been able to accommodate myself, but you little ladies annoyed me with a domineering appearance. You know, I have the final say over the Yongding door. There are indeed a lot of 5,000 taels of silver, but I'm not happy, just don't let you go out of the city. Why? "Land?"

The soldiers behind him lamented and cursed in their stomachs. Thousands of households usually love money as much as life. Why don't they eat the fat meat in their mouths today? That's five thousand taels of silver. He has been dead and lived for a year. The pay is only 20 taels of silver. If everyone divides one penny, he will have more than ten taels of silver. What the hell is crazy? Don't you want to be a hero in front of these beautiful women? This idiot.

Thousands of households did not know the dissatisfaction of their soldiers and turned their heads and shouted, "What's the quarrel? Don't you want money? Lord Zhang gave a strict order.

The round-faced woman said, "Sister Ye, if the military master refuses, let's go back. At worst, we can stay in the city for a few days, and it's not a big deal."

The woman with silver nodded and said, "Well, let's go."

The women turned their heads one after another and were ready to leave. Suddenly, they heard the thousand households shouting, "Hold."

The women turned around in surprise, and the woman surnamed Ye frowned and asked, "What else is the military master?"

The thousand households shook their heads and said, "Just leave like this?"

The woman surnamed Ye sneered and said, "What else can I do? The military master is not flexible. Do you want me to wait for my sisters to stand here as a wooden stake?

The thousand households said coldly, "Your deeds are a little suspicious. How can there be a woman who shows up on horse? When you wait to be rich, where does this money come from? Little Three! Little third son."

A soldier quickly came forward and agreed, "Little man, what's the matter, Lord Qianhu?"

"Didn't you say today that there was a thief in Zhengnanfang? In the past few days, several large families have stolen a lot of money, which made people panic, right?

The soldier's third son was stunned and said, "No...No."

Qianhu raised his hand and bursted a chestnut, and his eyes almost flew out. He said, "Obviously, I heard what you said in person. Think about it."

The little third son suddenly said, "Oh, it's true. In the past few days, there have been a thief in Zhengnanfang. Some people said that they saw the thief's slender body, as if he were a woman..."

"Wow, that's it." Qianhu nodded with satisfaction and turned around and said to several women on horseback, "Did you hear that? Your deeds are suspicious. I suspect that you have something to do with the thief in Zhengnanfang. You can't leave.

Several women scolded together, and the apricot-eyed woman scolded angrily, "You bad thing, are you going to die?"

"Oh, why do you say it's not a female thief? Even I dare to threaten."

The woman surnamed Ye waved her hand and said, "This military master seems to take us down as a female flying thief, right? Do you look at us as flying thieves?

Qianhu smiled and said, "Look at you all like flowers, it's not like that, but you know people's faces but don't know your heart. How do you know that you don't have murder weapons? I don't wrong the good people. I will get off the horse and let me search carefully. As long as there is no evidence of guilt, I will let you go back.

Immediately, several women finally understood the intention of this man. They not only scolded and angrily. This man was too shameless. It turned out that he wanted to take advantage of him for a long time. If his dirty hand touched his body, he might as well die.

The foreign soldiers shouted one after another, "What Lord Qianhu said is that let us search, but there is nothing prohibited. Maybe our Lord Qianhu will really allow you to go out of the city as soon as we are happy."

The woman surnamed Ye who came forward to negotiate before was Ye Fanggu. At this moment, she was masked with frost, and her heart suddenly felt murderous. When she met the ugly state of the officers and soldiers before, she said quietly, "Do you really want to search?"

The Qianhu smiled and said, "Is that still fake?"

Ye Fanggu whispered, "Then let you search, search the slave house first, who will search?"

The little princess and others behind her exclaimed, "Sister Ye, how can you agree?"

Ye Fanggu waved her hand and said, "Don't be impatient."

Qianhu said with a smile, "I was going to find a mother-in-law, but I couldn't leave here. There was no residential house near Zuo, so I had to search it myself. Although that offended you, this is an official business, and there was no need to consider these."

Ye Fanggu smiled and said, "That's right." While talking, he jumped off the horse, slowly approached the thousand households, straightened his strong chest and said, "Come on, search."

The Qianhu didn't expect that Aunt Ye Fang was so cheerful, but she was surprised, but in the face of a charming beauty sent to take advantage of her, how could she not take advantage of her? At that moment, he rolled up his sleeves and stretched out to Ye Fanggu with two hairy big hands. The soldiers' eyes were round, and their throats were full of muttering and spitting sounds. They secretly envied that the thousands of households were so beautiful. The woman was cold and beautiful, strong, and she pinched it, which was not happy.

However, the sudden change in front of him, before the thousand households' furry claws reached the woman's body, she saw the woman shouting, reaching out and holding the Qianhu's wrists, twisting in the opposite direction, only hearing a crisp kara sound, the thousand households's pig-killing howling, and wrist bones had been broken. The next moment, the blue light was dazzling, and a short sword touched his throat.

"Shameless dog, as a court general, is actually full of bad water, intending to molest a good woman, how can aunt tolerate you, shut up, and shout again, aunt will let your head fall to the ground."

The thousand households only felt a pain in their throat. The dagger had pierced their skin and could feel the bleeding out of their necks. At that moment, they shouted in horror, "Forgive me, aunt, spare my life."

Ye Fanggu scolded angrily, "Tar your men not to resist, or I will cut your dog's head."

The soldiers had already plucked their blades in their hands and gathered around to make noise with their blades. The thousand households scolded angrily, "You bastards, do you want to kill me? Get out of here."

Ye Fanggu nod her head behind her, and a woman behind her took out the bamboo flute on her chest and blew it sparsely. Suddenly, the horse's hoofs were ringing. Dozens of horses galloped, and dozens of brocade guards rushed to the front in the blink of an eye.

Aunt Ye Fang took the thousand households hostage and shouted in his ear, "I ordered your men not to resist. If anyone dares to do it, I will cut your pig's head."

After saying that, the tip of the sword sent it forward again. The thousand households felt a sharp pain in their throats, which scared them and shouted loudly, "Don't act rashly. No one is allowed to do it. Otherwise, I will kill his whole family."

The soldiers at the head of the city saw dozens of brocade guards who had planned to shoot. When they heard the words, they hesitated for a while. Dozens of brocade guards quickly handed over the blades of more than 200 foreign soldiers who did not dare to resist. More than a dozen firearms pointed at them, and they dared not dared to move.

Zhang Rui, the flag official, rushed to the tower with more than a dozen guards. Hundreds of foreign soldiers threw rats and weapons. The thousands of households below were hoarse to ask them not to resist, and they did not dare to do it easily and were killed. Zhang Rui quickly ordered the foreign soldiers under the city to be escorted to the tower. Thirty brocade guards held fire and gathered them all in the attic above the tower and looked at them firmly. Then he was relieved.

Ye Fanggu lowered the throat of the thousand households and escorted him to the tower. The thousands of households kept begging for mercy. Ye Fanggu was coldly and took him to the place where the soldiers were detained. Ye Fanggu said, "Dog thief, do you know who you have offended today? We are the family members of the Duke of Zhen. You thief actually intend to be rude and deserve to die.

The thousand households were so scared that they were about to pee and begged repeatedly, "I don't know Mount Tai. I'm blind. My aunt will forgive me for this and I don't dare anymore."

Ye Fanggu sneered and said, "I'll forgive you?" Then won't I be humiliated for nothing? You are a dog thief who shouldn't live in the world and harm people. Auntie is going to send you back to the west today.

The thousand households listened to the wrong words and suddenly ran up to escape. Aunt Ye Fangjiao shouted, and the dagger in her hand wiped horizontally. With a sneer, a stream of blood spewed out far away. The Qian households ran a few steps and fell in front of the foreign soldiers.

The foreign soldiers were scared. Zhang Rui shouted harshly, "This guy is worthy of death. He dares to be rude to the family of the Duke of Zhen. Although you are not a good thing, as long as you are obedient and don't mess around, you will spare your life. Anyone who is impatient to live can try iron eggs. It's awesome."

How dare the soldiers say more? They are stunned one by one, and they are afraid of killing themselves.

Ye Fanggu wiped the blood stains on the dagger and said to Zhang Rui, "Try them to pull up the suspension bridge and guard the gate; if you turn back, you have to come to the city. If someone comes to investigate, just kill it directly."

Zhang Rui arched his hand and said, "Madam, don't worry, the humble position is here to ensure that there is no mistake."

Ye Fanggu quickly went down the city wall, and the guards of the Zhengongfu and more than a dozen brocade guards who arrived below had worked together to open the gate. The women galloped all the way out of the city and went straight to Shilizhuang.