Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter864 The mechanism is too smart

Everyone quietly came down to look at Lu Qingli. Lu Qingli smiled and said to Zhang Luyifu, "Master Zhang, is this gun not powerful enough? Do you still need to bombard several cannons? You just need to nod or shake your head.

Zhang Lun nodded.

"In this case, Koer and I will go a few more shots. You don't understand the operation of this iron chariot, and only we know the proportion of gunpowder, and I can't say it casually. All the secret recipes of the arsenal are secret, which can't be easily said. More importantly... Koer and I... are deaf. I'm afraid that the craftsmen who were with us just now are also deaf. On the contrary, this has become a good thing. No matter how loud it is, don't let us be deaf for the second time. Therefore, Koer and I decided to fire again and ask Mr. Zhang to be ready to attack.

Ye Fanggu shouted, "No, the ear may just be damaged. Why don't you hurt it again? If it can't be cured in the future, what should you do?"

Dai Suer whispered, "Sister, they can't hear clearly."

Zhu Fengtong took a branch and wrote on the ground to express Ye Fang's worry. After Lu Qingli and Yang Kooer understood it, Yang Koo'er smiled and said, "I was not prepared before. If I go there, I must wrap my head and face. Please ask a few sisters to get a cotton towel. Why don't we wrap it tightly? Find some protection for those craftsmen and helpers. If they are all deaf, their livelihood will become a problem. I hope the sisters can help them solve their worries.

Zhu Fengtong sighed, "What a kind girl, I'm like this, and I'm still thinking about others."

Everyone was still hesitating. Lu Qingli pointed to the sky and said, "It's already dark. Should we wait until the bad news of the eldest brother comes before making a decision?"

Everyone looked at the little princess, and the little princess looked at Ye Fanggu. After all, Qingli was Fang's cousin, and the little princess was not easy to make her own decisions. Ye Fanggu's eyes were wet, hugged Lu Qingli and Yang Koer in her arms and nodded to them.

The scarf and cotton cloth were quickly pushed, and more than a dozen craftsmen were also pulled over to wrap their heads and ears. Lu Qingli and Yang Kuoer were wrapped in their ears several layers. They were bloated like big-headed dolls. Zhang Lun sent people to cover them back to the iron chariot. The soldiers and horses above the wall were panicked, and also There was no bombardment.

Lu Qingli gestured to several craftsmen to check the support and aiming direction of the gun barrel in front of him. The vibration of the shooting just now is likely to lead to loosening and offset. Before firing, he must check the fixed aim in place. After everything is ready, the shell is stered and the lead is ignited.

"Boom", "Boom" and "Boom" at the interval of tea time is an earthquake-like roar. After three consecutive shots, no one's shadows and pictures can be seen in the dark city. The dark blue twilight sky is completely shrouded in black clouds and is completely chaotic.

Zhang Lun sent more than a dozen soldiers to rush into the smoke to check, all the way to the face of the city wall, and no arrow was shot down at the head of the city. These dozen soldiers actually climbed directly to the hot ruins. When they climbed down the ruins, they suddenly found that they were already in the square within the wall of Zhengyang Gate.

This joy is not small. It turns out that the city wall has already been connected with a big gap and the city wall has collapsed.

Under the light of the torches under the city, the gradually dissipating smoke exposed a large gap about five or six feet wide in front of the crowd. Although the collapsed earth and stone piled up a little ten feet high, it was not enough to become a barrier or stop the attack of the army outside Zhengyangmen.

After learning that the city wall collapsed, Yang Ting, Liang Chu, Zhang Wei and others at the head of the city were dumbfounded. Yang Tinghe's ears were still haunted by the roar of the giant cannon just now. His face was pale and scary. In the face of the gap, he could not speak for a moment.

Liang Chu shouted, "Marquis Zhang, quickly order people to block the gap, use sandbags, stones, and even with corpses to plug here."

Zhang Wei sighed and shook his head and said, "It's useless. You can't block it with anything. Even if you barely block here before they attack, the cannons under the city can be blown away with just one shot."

"What do you mean? Are you going to tell us that you can't stop Zhang Lun's soldiers? There are also more than 20,000 soldiers and horses in the inner city. Zhang Lun has only 10,000 people on hand. We still have the strength to fight. Liang Chu said impatiently.

Zhang Wei looked at Yang Tinghe, and Yang Tinghe was silent.

Fei Hong whispered, "Yang Gong, on the last road, we immediately attacked the palace and captured Song Nan alive. If we can do it, we still have the capital to negotiate. Marquis Zhang led his troops here to resist for a while. I went to the gate of Daming to attack the palace with Lord Tan to see if there was a turning point.

Yang Tin and Yanran sighed and shook their heads and said, "We are wrong. It's wrong to kill again. If you don't stop here, we are also important ministers of the imperial court. There is nothing we can do. Think about the overall situation of the Ming Dynasty, otherwise we will become sinners of the Ming Dynasty."

Liang Chu was furious and said rudely, "Mr. Yang, how can you say such a thing at this time? It was you who made up the plan at the beginning, and now it's you who retreated. Are you still calculating that Song Nan will let us go? You can't help yourself to do this matter. If you give up at this moment, we will all die in Song Nan's hands. Today's matter is to break the boat and the net is broken. Moreover, the outcome is not expected. How can we be so frustrated?

Yang Tinhe shook his head and said, "Call Lord Zhang to tell whether his more than 20,000 soldiers and horses are the opponents of Zhang Lun's magic machine camp and thousands of brocade guards? Song Nan held thousands of firearms in his hand, and the firearm flag school equipped with Jinyiwei alone reached tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in the melee. Didn't you see thousands of fork knives and knives in the palace that can't even defeat a thousand Han generals? Do you need me to say more?

Zhang Wei sighed, "That's true."

Liang Chu waved his hand and roared, "Then you can't let go. By the way, aren't there still six regimental soldiers and horses in the outer city? If they are willing to take action, the situation will immediately reverse. You are the chief assistant of the cabinet. Why can't you order them to send troops to suppress the powerful ministers? You ordered it."

Yang Tinghe looked at Liang Chu with a little pity and said slowly, "Lord Liang, you are not a three-year-old child. You should know the thoughts of the princes of the six regiment battalion. If they were willing to help, they would have done it long ago. They would absolutely refuse. They just want to preserve their status. It's their idea that they are not offended."

Liang Chu stamped and said, "No, I'm going to find them to send troops. You can resist here first. In any case, I will persuade them to send troops. Lord Zhang, no matter what, you have to persevere and let the Marquis Tan start attacking Daming Gate. We can turn the situation around by catching Song Nan or the regimental battalion. Give up. As for Yang Shoufu, he has lost his fighting spirit. He is an old minister of the two dynasties and may be able to escape his life, but we must not compromise with Song Nan.

Zhang Wei knew well that Liang Chu's words were reasonable. He looked at Yang Tinghe and finally nodded and said, "Lord Liang, I will do as you said. I will stay here. I hope you can persuade the regiment to send troops."

Liang Chu nodded, looked back at Yang Tinghe, spat fiercely and spitted down the city to ride on a war horse and galloped west.

Yang Tinghe stood for a long time and walked down the city. Fei Hong hurriedly shouted, "Where is Yang Gong?"

Yang Tinghe turned around and said, "I can't help here either. I'll find a place to be clean."

Fei Hong hurriedly said, "I'll be with you. Don't walk around in a mess."

Yang Tin and waved his hand and said, "You are here to help defend the city. I'll go back. Don't worry."

Zhang Wei and Fei Hong had to watch the backs of Yang Ting and the city stagling away. They didn't know what it was like in their hearts. They suddenly heard the shouts of the city. The long dragons gathered with countless torches were gathering towards the gap in Zhengyangmen Square. Zhang Wei shouted, "Fill the gap and prepare to meet the enemy."

Generals' orders are endlessly conveyed, archers. The crossbowmen quickly gathered on the wall on both sides of the gap and began to shoot arrows in front of Zhang Lun's soldiers and horses.

In the square below, Zhang Lun sat on a war horse in armor, with a long sword in his hand pointing diagonally to the direction of the city wall and roaring: "At all costs, rush through the gap and into the inner city at all costs!"

Suddenly, he found that a figure running to the gap of the wall was extremely familiar. He couldn't help but be stunned, but he soon reacted and shouted loudly, "Sister, what are you doing? Come back, come back quickly."

The figure running over is the back of the little princess. Next to her is Ye Fanggu, who is murderous with a dagger. The rest of the Song family women are not strong enough to rush to kill the enemy like the two of them. In fact, the little princess has no martial arts skills, but she was a female demon running rampant in Zhengnanfang before, with good hands and feet. I have also played the sword a few times. At this moment, I care about Song Nan's safety and can't care much. Fortunately, he was accompanied by two strong maidservants like flowers and moon, accompanied by Ye Fanggu, who was a man with strong martial arts skills. He was brave and rushed out shouting, leaving Zhang Lun's shouting behind.

Zhang Lun was anxious to pat his thighs and prick his hair. As the commander, he could not rush to protect him. When he was anxious, Li Daniu and Zhao Dapeng were rushing up with fire guards. They quickly stopped them and told them that the two Song family's family had rushed up. Li Daniu and Zhao Dapeng were also shocked and hurriedly patted their chests to protect them. Zhang Lu was relieved when he found that the two Mrs. Songfu protected them well.


Liang Chu went west in a hurry. He wanted to leave Xuanwumen to go out of the inner city to be transferred to the regimental camp stationed in the outer city. Xuanwumen was still controlled by foreign troops. The sound of killing at Zhengyangmen was rumbling, but thousands of foreign soldiers stationed here seemed too leisurely. The wind lamp shone brightly in Xuanwumen Square, but there was no one. There are no attacking soldiers on both sides of the moat.

Liang Chu ordered the garrison to open the gate and let him out of the outer city. When he got to the square, he thought for a little and decided to go west to the station of Guoyong Camp and Gan Yong Camp in Xuanbeifang. Admiral Changsheng Hou Ma Wanxun and Admiral Pingshan Hou Zhou Liang of Dayong Camp had been very close to the Duke of Ding, and had a good relationship with Zhang Wei and others. Liang Chu thought They should be easier to convince.

made up his mind. Liang Chu walked west along the empty street to the barracks in the northwest corner of Xuanbeifang, and walked to the northwest of Xuanbeifang Street. When he was about to turn into the road leading to the barracks, he suddenly heard the noise of soldiers and horses in front of him. Liang Chu was careful and ordered to follow. The traveler came forward to spy on the situation, and the follower returned after a moment and reported: "It seems that the soldiers and horses of the regimental battalion have gone out of the camp and are coming here."

Liang Chu was surprised, happy and suspicious. He was so shocked that the regimental soldiers and horses were sent out. He was happy that if the purpose of the dispatch was to help foreign troops, then the situation could be reversed immediately, which also saved himself from talking too much. Suspiciously, no one ordered how could these two battalions take the initiative to send troops?

Liang Chu hid in a small alley and secretly watched. Soon, he saw a large number of soldiers and horses trotting through the street outside the alley. The direction was in the direction of the inner city, and there was no doubt about participating in the fight in Beijing. In the crowd, Liang Chu also saw Ma Wanxun and Zhou Liang sitting on the horse. Liang Chu thought for a moment and gritted his teeth and came out to greet the two regimental marquises. Suddenly, he twisted his body and quickly withdrew into the shadow, almost breaking his old waist.

Because he saw a person, the last person he wanted to see here, the man in a black robe and riding behind the two marquises, just turned his face and was illuminated by the dim lights on the street.

Liang Chu saw clearly that the long thin face and floating black-shave man was none other than Yang Yiqing, the minister of the Ministry of War. When this person appeared here, Liang Chu naturally knew what it meant. The soldiers and horses of these two regiments were not to help their own side, but were taken by Yang Yiqing to attack foreign troops.

Liang Chu hid in the dark alley and looked at the soldiers and horses passing by in front of him. His legs and feet were not strong at all. His heart was beating, and his whole body was full of cold sweat.

I don't know how long it took for the soldiers and horses on the street to walk over. Liang Chu was spontaneously stunned, and one of the two attendants came forward and whispered, "Your Excellency, my lord?"

Liang Chu woke up and said in a hoarse voice, "What?"

"All the soldiers and horses have passed, my lord, shall we go back to the inner city?"

Liang Chu poked his head and slowly walked out of the dark alley and stood on the dark and empty street. The wind blew through his sweaty body, making him feel cold all over his body; but he could still resist the cold on his body, and the cold in his heart was his biggest fear.

Yang Yiqing has obviously persuaded the brave and brave two battalions to participate in the operation. These two battalions are the least likely to participate in. Once they join Song Nan's side, the rest of the regimental soldiers and horses will definitely join in. Liang Chu is very clear about the style of these people. Which side has the advantage, and they will prefer that side. In order to get a share of victory.

However, the original foreign army's soldiers and horses were already struggling to deal with Zhang Lun's fighting camp and Shenji camp and Song Nan's thousands of Jinyi guards. Otherwise, why did Yang Tinghe lose confidence and why did he move the rescue soldiers? Now as soon as the regiment camp joins and loses the game, there is no chance to recover; this time, I really lost, lost in a mess, and lost nothing.

Liang Chu quickly calculated that it is futile to seek the help of other regiment camps now, and it is also a way to die when he returns to the inner city battlefield. He must leave the capital quickly before Song Nan orders to block the whole city and escape as far as possible. Although it will be difficult for him to live in the next day, even if he lives in seclusion among the mountains and forests and dies in the wilderness, it is much better than being captured and humiliated by Song Nan and finally beheaded.

"You two hurried to the inner city to report to the two marquis Yang Shoufu and Zhang Tan, and said that the brave two battalions of soldiers and horses had been dispatched and asked them to be prepared." Liang Chu whispered to the two attendants.

"What about you, my lord?"

"I went to the east of the city, and the Yaowu camp was stationed in the east of the city. I was going to persuade the marquis to send troops."

"Then...Your excellency, be careful."

"Don't worry about me. Hurry up. You two will come back quickly."

The two attendants immediately got on the horse and galloped away. Soon after, there was only the sound of wind blowing leaves on the street. Liang Chu struggled to climb up the horse, but did not go to the east of the city. Instead, he plunged into a small alley and went all the way south along the cobweb-like path. Liang Chu thought very clearly that Xibianmen and Guang'anmen will never get out, because since the brave second battalion has decided to join Song Nan's camp, the two gates in the west of the outer city will be controlled first. Although the situation of Guangqumen in the east is unknown, if you run to one of the two gates, you have to make a big circle, which will take a lot of time. Once the soldiers and horses stationed in Dongcheng get the news, they also choose to send troops to assist Song Nan. When they get there, they will also throw themselves into the trap.

Now the only thing that can go is the Yongding Gate in the south, which is not far away, and the Fighting Camp and Shenji Camp, which are stationed in the east of the altar of heaven and earth, have gone out to fight a fierce battle. Yongding Gate is still in the hands of foreign troops, and they will be able to pass safely.

With such a satisfactory calculation, Liang Chu quickly walked through the streets and alleys like a mouse drilling a maze. Fortunately, he has been in the capital for more than 20 years, and he is very familiar with the corners. When he emerges again, he has reached the street not far from Yongding Gate. Looking at the distance, the tall shadow of the gate stands and looking back The shouting of killing in the inner city was fierce. Liang Chu gritted his teeth and ran to the square behind the gate.

"Hist, the gate is heavily forbidden to stop, and those who come back." Soldiers shouted at the top of the city.

Liang Chu straightened his clothes and straightened his chest and coughed majesticly and said, "I am presumptuous. I am Liang Chu, a cabinet scholar. If you want to go out of the city overnight, why don't you open the gate and let me out of the city?"

"Liang Chu?" Someone at the top of the city shouted in surprise, and suddenly there was no sound.

Liang Chujing sat quietly and stared at several dark shadows on the top of the city that seemed to be running around. He was a little comforted. Although he was about to become a homeless dog, the name of this cabinet scholar would no longer be useless, but at this last moment, it is still a deterrent, at least the foreign army at the head of the city The soldiers and horses panicked.

The footsteps stomped, and seven or eight figures quickly came down the stairs of the city wall from the gate and rushed towards him. Liang Chu knew that they were here to plead and immediately opened the gate. He was ready to tell these soldiers not to be courteous. Just open the gate quickly, and even planned to encourage them a few words. However, the next moment, he suddenly However, I realized that something was wrong.

Those people ran fast, and the blades in their hands flashed coldly. Although they couldn't see their costumes clearly, a murderous atmosphere came to his face. Liang Chu was like a rabbit in danger, with a dangerous breath. He instinctively shouted, "Don't come here, just open the gate."

Someone on the other side laughed and said, "I didn't expect that our brother could catch a big fish while guarding the city gate. Hahaha, Lord Liang, our Lord Song will be very happy to see you. We are very grateful for giving this credit to our brother."

Liang Chu was very frightened. Hearing this tone, it was not the foreign army that guarded the door, but the people under Song Nan's command. When did the Yongding Gate fall into Song Nan's hands? This shock was not small. Liang Chu quickly turned the horse's head and wanted to escape, and there was a continuous click from the rear.

"Lord Liang, stop immediately, or you will bear the consequences." The soldiers in the rear shouted.

Liang Chu didn't care about his words. He raised the whip on the horse's buttocks and beat him several times. The horse was shocked and hissed out. Liang Chuxin said: Can you catch up with the horse?

"It's also a credit for death. It's not a credit for running away. Brothers, do it."

"Boom, boom, boom." The continuous sound of fire was very harsh in the quiet night. The birds on the big trees in the surrounding streets and alleys had just been able to perch safely for a while, and now they were shocked to fly up to the sky again. Liang Chu on the back of the horse only felt a dense pain on his back, arms and thighs, and the horse under the seat was about to roll over. At the last moment of his sanity, Liang Chu suddenly sounded the click on his back just now.

"That's the sound of gunpowder on the fire of Jinyiwei. Why did I forget this stubble? Stupid, stupid."

Liang Chu rolled to the ground in this final self-reproach. His body rolled more than a dozen times on the stiff brick floor like a doll, and crawled on a blue stone on the roadside. Dozens of blood holes on his back and legs bent their arms bleed. After a moment, he became a vast ocean.