Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 870 Finale 3

The carriages and horses went from Caishi Street to Yongdingmen Street all the way to the inner city.

Song Nan did not ride a horse, but shared a car with Zhu Fengtong. Both of them were silent. Song Nan's eyes looked at the street outside the car window. Jinyiwei's own army and regimental soldiers were fully armed to block the market to ensure that there was no aftermath of yesterday's incident in the capital. Although Song Nan announced in public last night that she would not blame the past, in fact, the relevant search and arrest had never stopped, and Song Nan did not intend to stop it. Everything must be done. It is not enough to punish Yang Ting and a person. It is also necessary to dig out all the root systems in their corners. Even if they are forgiven, they should make a voice to impeach Yang Tingyu.

Zhu Fengtong's eyes have been looking at Song Nan's side face, and the emotions in his eyes are complex and difficult to understand. There are not only love and entanglement, but also some sad clouds seem to gather.

Finally, Zhu Fengtong broke the silence and whispered, "Soong Lang."

Song Nan turned her head and saw the complex emotions in Zhu Fengtong's eyes. Zhan Yan smiled and reached out to hold Zhu Fengtong's hand and said, "What?"

Zhu Fengtong held Song Nan's hand and whispered, "Song Lang, I don't blame the slave family for asking too much, but the slave family is very worried and uneasy. Can you... ask Lang Jun a few words?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "Why not? Ask, if there is anything you want to ask, just ask directly.

Zhu Fengtong lowered his head and finally summoned up the courage to ask, "Song Lang, I don't know what you think about the future of the Ming Dynasty? I know that in fact, you are not a person who is passionate about power, but now you are more than ten thousand people. Do you have any other ideas besides fulfilling your promise to Princess Corning?

Song Nan whispered for a moment: "To tell you the truth, I came to this point today to fulfill my previous promise, but in fact, I was also pushed to the present step by step; I never expected today's situation. I didn't expect that the emperor would Die so soon, and I didn't expect that Yang Tinghe would meet me in a military battle for the choice of the new emperor. The emperor's bones were still cold, but we fought a lot. This is not my victory, but the sadness of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Fengtong whispered, "However... it's a fait accompli. What do you plan to do in the future?"

Song Nan stared at Zhu Fengtong's beautiful eyes and said, "I know what you want to ask. I'm afraid that many people want to ask your questions. Many people are thinking that the Ming Dynasty is no longer the Ming Dynasty. After the new emperor ascended to the throne, it is only a puppet supported by me, and I, Song Nan, am the powerful minister who holds the government. Since then, the world has been It's Song Nan's world, isn't it?"

Zhu Fengtong did not answer, but her expression obviously affirmed Song Nan's statement.

"Not only the subjects have such an idea. In fact, the emperor had a long talk with me on his deathbed. He asked me to swear that he would never take the Ming Dynasty and not be rebellious. It can be seen that the emperor has hidden worries in his heart. But the emperor still handed over the burden of assisting the new emperor in his edict. It can be seen that in this matter, the emperor knows more about me than everyone in the world, even my family and you.

Zhu Fengtong said in panic: "Song Lang, that's family doesn't mean that. The Nu family's original intention is to remind you that there has been no powerful ministers since ancient times... There is no good end. Although it has gained momentum for a while, it is inevitable that there will be a day of liquidation. The slave family wants to tell Song Lang that even if he has power in the future, he should think carefully. I'm sorry, the slave family may not listen to what he said, but this is what the slave family wants to say to you. You know that the slave family loves Song Lang very much and is deeply related to him. Maybe it's the slave family who talks too much, please don't be angry.

Song Nan smiled, held Zhu Fengtong in her arms, and kissed her gently on the face, "Who do you think of me? Do you really think of me as the emperor? Are you so careful and taboo to talk to me? In Song Mansion, I'm afraid you are the only one who can tell me these things. You are born as the princess of the royal palace and are a knowledgeable person. People must have foresight without close worries. Are you worried about the future and for my good? Why am I angry?

Zhu Fengtong buried his head in Song Nan's arms and said lowly, "You just understand. The slave family is really worried. Now that you hold heavy soldiers and the senior officials show that everything is beneficial to you, the officials in the court will not do anything to you? Moreover, according to the emperor's edict, you have to master the political affairs before the new emperor's pro-government, in fact. In the future, whether it is right or wrong in the court will belong to you. In the future, one day, when the emperor is in power, these things will be liquidated, and hundreds of officials in the court will also flock up, and the wall will be pushed down by everyone. That's what the slave family is worried about. Have you considered these?

Song Nan laughed and said, "What you said is cloudy. In your heart, do you think what I did today is a rebellious act?"

Zhu Fengtong hurriedly said, "No, no, how can the slave family have this intention?"

Song Nan said, "Then why did you say anything about future liquidation?"

Zhu Fengtong blushed and said, "The meaning of the slave family is... yes..."

Song Nan smiled and said softly, "Let me answer for you. In fact, there is no reason for the liquidation. The first spearhead of the new emperor's personal government is me. There is no need for any reason. No emperor wants a powerful minister in the court to be above him and master the comprehensive government, no matter whether he has any kind of latitude in the court. As long as the emperor wants to be the emperor, the first thing to do is to bring down this man. There have been many such examples since ancient times. To put it bluntly, if you don't kill powerful ministers, how can the new emperor stand up and control the world?

Zhu Fengtong nodded and said, "That's what the slave family means. Since you know this, you know why I have said more today."

Song Nan stroked her face and said slightly, "I promised the emperor to assist the new emperor until he personally governs. It is difficult for anyone to predict what will happen in the future. In fact, there is no way to protect myself. If I am not afraid of the mouth of the world, many methods are available, and I am not worried about the future."

Zhu Fengtong whispered, "The slave family knows that you can completely obey the person sitting on the throne. Anyone among the descendants of the Zhu family can sit in that position. It depends on whether you choose him or not, but in that way..."

Song Nan said, "Yes, in that case, I will become a real Ming rebel. Naturally, I have the right to choose an emperor with no resistance, but I won't do that, and I can't do it. I won't be a traitor, because there is a promise between me and the emperor. You know my attitude towards the promise, no matter how big or small, but I must do what I promise.

Zhu Fengtong smiled and said, "The slave family knows that Lang Jun is a man of promise. Fengtong has learned this. I think Princess Kangning in the palace also knows that Lang Jun's promise will be fulfilled, so she has always believed that there will be a hard wait today."

Song Nan turned his head and looked out of the window and said lightly, "Fengtong, since you talked about these things today, I will tell you what I think. I don't think about the future at all, nor do I think about what will happen in eight or ten years; I admit that I am not a person who can ignore personal life and death, but I am not a person who is selfish and bound by fame and fortune. Since I came to Beijing from Weizhou to now, more than eight years ago, I have seen a lot of things and experienced many things personally. At first, I fought for my personal success and for the beautiful wife and concubines of my ancestors, but the deeper I got involved, the more I couldn't feel at ease. Today, if no one worries about the future of the country, but only worries about the future of individuals, it will be difficult for the Ming Dynasty to revitalise.

Song Nan took a breath and turned her head to look at Zhu Fengtong with bright eyes. Zhu Fengtong held Song Nan's arm tightly and listened to Song Nan continue to say in confusion.

"The rise and fall of a day is small, but it involves a lot. It is the people who suffer, and the people of the world suffer. If you see the ruins of thousands of uninhabited walls, if you see the hungry and cold people on the streets on a cold night, and if you see the dead bones on the green hillsides under the sunset, you will have the same sigh as me. Since I am in the Ming Dynasty and in the current position, I can't ignore changing all this. I can't think about what will happen in the future. I have secretly vowed to these eight before the new emperor's accession to power. In nine years, we must use the power in our hands to change the status quo of the Ming Dynasty. At the very least, we must make the world peaceful. The people have food, food, clothing, no longer displacement, no longer suffer from war, and let them live a stable life. These things have been lingering in my heart for nearly a year. I know that I can't get rid of this sense of responsibility. If I can't control my fate, it's okay. Whoever wants God to put me in this position, then I have to do something."

Zhu Fengtong's face became crimson and his breathing was short. His eyes burst out with a strange look. He looked at Song Nan for a long time, and finally whispered, "Fengtong did not see the wrong person. Fengtong knows that Song Lang is extremely human. Song Lang, no matter what happens in the future, Fengtong will be by your side. If you live together, and if you die, you die."

Song Nan smiled in her abundance. He pinched his buttocks and said, "I still want to live to the end of my life. What is life and death? Mingshifang arrived. When you got home, I will get out of the car and go to the palace. I will come to see you later. When the big event in the court settles, I will carry a big sedan chair to marry you and enter the door.

Zhu Fengtong nodded and agreed. Song Nan got up to get out of the car. Zhu Fengtong suddenly said, "Soong Lang."

Song Nan turned his head, Zhu Fengtong put his hand around his neck, and kissed Song Nan's mouth with a soft and hot lips. Song Nan turned around and hugged her tightly, kissed her fiercely, and then got out of the horse and galloped away.