Beast in brocade

Chapter 016 Jiuzhu Xuangong

"Here you are."

The dragonfly inadtentionally dismissed the blue bell, and immediately entered the sea of knowledge. In the depths of the sea, the woman in black stood next to the round-headed king's bead. This time, she did not hide her head and tail, but covered her veil and quietly looked at the faintly shining bead.

"Your knowledge of the sea is the only place I can't see through in the world. Of course, I will visit it often." The woman did not look back and moved to the other side.

Inadtentionally, he broke into the sea of knowledge and understated others. This man is really not very strong, but he has never heard of such a powerful figure. There is no story about female masters in the legends circulating in the mainland.

"Forget it, no matter who she is, I can't afford to provoke her now. She likes to come to my sea of knowledge, so just come casually." He shook his head and walked to the woman in a few steps.

The woman suddenly raised her hand and said, "Look there."

He looked at it unintentionally and was stunned. There was a red bead the size of a grain of rice, just like the flaming tiger bead he was just using.

"What's going on?"

The woman thought and said, "Your energy of the sea can be imitated and condensed into beast beads with the same attributes."

"I've thought before that it's just that orcs also have beads, which is really surprising, and isn't there only one bead? Now that the round-headed King Ao's bead has condensed, why does another one appear here? Looking left and right unintentionally, the beast beads of the round-headed King are still floating there without any change.

The woman said, "Of course, orcs can't condense animal beads, otherwise they would have been able to practice. You are now condensing beast beads because you have swallowed the nine-tailed snake. You should know that the nine-tailed snake is talented. Each of the nine tails has nine attributes, namely, wood, fire, earth, gold, water, wind, thunder, ice and poison. That is to say, the chaotic atmosphere of the sea you know is actually focused on the nine energies of the nine-tailed snake. Aozhu belongs to water and tiger beads belong to fire. When you use energy through them, the water and fire energy in the sea seem to find relatives, so when the energy is replenished, it directly condenses into beads, which is no longer a chaotic form without attributes.

Thehui had no intention to look up at the sea. Sure enough, there was less fog. He said doubtfully, "Isn't there no beast beads?"

The woman shook her head and said, "Who said that the alien beast has no animal beads?" In ancient times, foreign beasts also relied on cultivating beast beads, but later, most foreign beasts chose to cultivate people, so they could not condense beast beads.

The dragonfly nodded heartlessly and asked, "I have always wondered whether the energy transported by the beast beads is the energy of my knowledge of the sea or its own energy?"

The woman said, "Through my observation, it is your energy injected into the beast beads, and then overflows the original energy of the beast beads out of the beads, forming an attack wave. Therefore, it can be said that although you use the energy of the beast beads to attack, it is actually your own energy, and then your energy will be converted into your body. When the blood replenishes energy, it will imitate the animal beads.

The dragonfly said in disbelief, "Isn't this amazing?"

The woman said, "It's really amazing. At the beginning, you didn't know how to devour the nine-tailed snake. If it hadn't been for the pure and attributeless spiritual core as a container, I'm afraid that the nine energies would have impacted each other and the bones that corroded you would have disappeared long ago."

Yu Wuxin suddenly stared at the woman and said in a solemn voice, "Are you there when I fought with the nine-tailed snake that day? What the hell happened at that time?

The woman slowly recalled that the power of the unintentional destruction of the spiritual nucleus and the nine energies of the nine-tailed snake reached an extreme, and then the energy was centered on the spiritual nucleus, forming a devouring black hole and devouring the surrounding energy body, not only eating the bodies of Helianting and the nine-tailed snake, but also several magic weapons on the spot. It absorbs all the energy.

Later, the woman grabbed the cicada and wanted to see when the black hole would be filled. As a result, there was a powerful sea of knowledge in the unintentional body, which bound the crazy energy in it. Finally, the trapped energies devoured each other and mixed into chaotic energy, and then stayed peacefully in the sea of knowledge.

He Lianting's soul has been in the spiritual core and has not been destroyed by external energy, so he became the final winner.

"Oh, my God, it's hard to imagine. I originally just wanted to occupy the nine-tailed snake, but now I have created such a body." Yu Xin said excitedly and fearfully. There was God's will in the dark. If there was no condition on that day, he would have disappeared.

The woman said again, "I have been thinking about how to let you practice these chaotic energy before. Now when I see these two beast beads, I think I understand."

The dragonfly couldn't wait to ask, "How to practice?"

"These chaotic energies are originally formed by the aggregation of nine energies of nine-tailed snakes. If you want to practice, you naturally have to practice nine energies separately. These times, through the battle of beast beads, the energy consumed by the sea is no longer chaotic, but beast bead-shaped. I suddenly understand that you practice the same as beasts, first condense the air beads, and then make the beast beads evolve layer by layer. However, you have to practice nine beast beads at the same time. Finally, when the nine beads evolve nine layers, I really can't imagine What kind of monster will you become?" The more the woman said, the more excited she became. When she finally looked at the heartless, there was a flash of fire in her eyes.

He was also excited, but he thought of one thing at the same time and asked, "Then how should I practice? Now the energy I use every time is the previous energy. Although the energy recovers and condenses into beads later, the energy has not actually increased.

The woman nodded and praised, "You are right. You are actually stepping in place now. Every time you have to rely on your own blood to convert energy. If you can't practice the method, you will only sit and eat in the end."

"What should I do?"

The woman smiled gently and said confidently, "Isn't the bead a treasure house? You just need to suck the energy into your body."

"Yes." The heartless eyes lit up, and his consciousness immediately returned to his body and reached out to pick up the beads on the table. The beads were close to the palm of his hand, and he felt that the energy was about to come out of the sea of knowledge and walk along his arm to the palm of his hand.

The inadvertently concentrates, injects consciousness into the beast beads, and then forcibly pulls the energy in the beast beads inward. Slowly, the energy in the beast beads begins to run inward along the palm of the hand, just in line with the energy released outward. The inadvertently guides the external energy with all its strength, and finally the external energy slowly pushes the internal energy back. External energy successfully entered the sea of knowledge.

"What a comfortable energy." Inadvertently, he felt that there was a trickle of heat flowing to the body for indoctrination, but in less than a quarter of an hour, he felt unconscious fatigue and could not continue to guide external energy, and the internal energy began to move out again. He quickly let go of the beast beads before his energy returned to stability.

"That's great, I've grown up." Unconsciously, he re-entered the sea of knowledge and saw that the fire beast beads had changed from the size of rice grains to the size of beans. Although the fog energy of the sea had faded, it had not weakened. It seemed that the fire beads not only absorbed the energy of the outside beast beads, but also absorbed the chaotic energy to grow so quickly.

The woman also said happily, "My guess is right. You will be the first person in the world, and I'm afraid you are the only one with nine beads."

The heart was surging, and he didn't know how to vent his excitement. Suddenly, he thought of another question and said, "Do I have to rely on the beast beads of the outside world for every practice and battle? In that case, how long can a bead last? I have to think about looking for beast beads every day?"

"I'm still overjoyed and still don't forget to think. No wonder you have such luck." The woman praised before thinking and said, "At the beginning, maybe you have to rely on the beast beads from the outside world all the time, but when your own beast beads evolve to the first level, I think you can completely use your beast beads to practice and fight."

As soon as he heard this, his face suddenly showed bitterness and said, "The beast beads have evolved once in a hundred years. If it goes on like this, I have to practice for a hundred years to have my own beast beads. However, through the previous battles, even if there is the first change of beast beads, I can only fight with the fourth-level people in the ninth-level spectrum. If I encounter Masters above level 5 can only die. Don't wait for another 900 years, when the pearls change.

The woman suddenly giggled and said, "You really think far away. Don't worry, the beast beads have changed for a hundred years. Compared with beasts, their physique is weak, and their cultivation is naturally slow. You have the talent of nine-tailed snakes and the assistance of pure spiritual core. Coupled with this body's special ability to absorb energy, your cultivation will not be limited by time. I think as long as you absorb this flame beast Pearl, you should practice the fire beads to the first change. As for the future progress, the key depends on your own efforts and opportunities.

Hearing this, Yu was immediately relieved. Zhan Yan smiled and said, "In this way, I am relieved. As for working hard, there must be no problem. My first task now is to refine my own beast beads first. With the energy of self-preservation, I will have the opportunity to find beast beads of other attributes."

The woman nodded and said, "Well, that's good. Now you have completely embarked on a new road. Today, when I see you take over this gambling house, you will know how to go in the future.

The dragonfly caressed the fire beast beads and said firmly, "On that day, I want to be a strange beast. First, I want to change my fate, and second, I want to use the alien beasts to severely attack the beast cultivation alliance. Later, an accident made me a little confused. But when I looked at this beast bead today, I suddenly understood that I wanted to do whatever I wanted and unyielding. People must have their own strength and power, so I received this beast bead and this wealth gathering building. As for the revenge of the Chen family, just take him as a stepping stone for me.

The woman slapped her palm and said with a smile, "Sure enough, it didn't make me waste my mouth."

Yu Wuxin suddenly bowed deeply to the woman and said, "Although I don't know the senior's name, the senior has always taken good care of the boy. If it weren't for the senior, I would have been living on Wanbei Island today."

The woman received a salute from him and said lightly, "I help you is purely idle and boring, and I see you such a rare adventure for ten thousand years, so I want to see how much you will eventually grow."

The dragonfly smiled proudly and said, "Senior, please wait and see. Since I know the secret of the body today, I will naturally live up to this precious wealth given to me by God. I believe that it will not be long before there will be my unintentional name among the strong men of the whole continent."

The woman suddenly said coldly, "What does it have to do with me whether you succeed or not? I'm just idle and looking for trouble. I'm leaving. Your newly received little girl has come to you.

The dragonfly looked at the slowly disappearing shadow puzzledly. Are all the high-level people so moody?

At this time, the blue bell's voice sounded from outside the door: "Master!"