Beast in brocade

Chapter 028 Double Meeting

It was dawn, but fortunately there was no danger.

He didn't want to sleep all night. At this time, he was relaxed and couldn't help but feel a little sleepy.

"Alas, I'm too anxious. If I had known that I had rested outside the mountain all night, I wouldn't have met those two difficult guys."

Yu has no intention to regret his impatient decision. Now that Nanxiong is injured and he is a little tired. If such a situation is in danger again, it will be difficult to deal with it.

"Forget it, anyway, get something to eat first. The big wound needs to recover, but you can't be hungry." The cod has no intention to look around and see that there is no edible fruit on the flowers and trees around it, and there are no small animals such as birds and rabbits in the forest.

But think about it, after the appearance of the two fierce beasts last night, the small animals within a few miles may have already escaped. In this way, it is difficult to stop the unintentional. If you go hunting elsewhere and let the southern bear be here, in case any beast appears again, the big man Nanxiong will become other people's food.

What should I do? It seems that he can only disturb his beautiful dreams.

Thehui had no intention to walk to the south bear, and the big man was snoring slowly. Obviously, the injury was not too serious for him.

Yu Wuxin was even more relieved. He raised his foot and kicked Nanxiong's buttocks and shouted, "Nanxiong, don't sleep. Get up and eat."

"Meal? Where is it? Where is it?" Nanxiong sat up and looked around for food.

This guy really only knows how to eat. He shook his head and smiled and said, "I have to cook by myself. I'm going to get up and hunt. You know the best here. Is there any place that is easy to hunt?"

Nanxiong's big face fell, pointed in a direction and said, "It's an old nest of hairy pigs. It's easy to catch. I'll sleep a little longer, and you call me back." With that, Nanxiong is going to lie down again.

The heartless suddenly became speechless. This guy dared to instruct him to do things, and immediately kicked him again and said, "Sleep, get up and hunt."

Nanxiong rubbed his buttocks, put on a very wronged look, pointed to his shoulder and said, "It hurts so much here. I can't work hard. You can go for me."

Who said that a big man has no brain? Looking at Nanxiong's pitiful appearance, it is completely proportional to the spirit of what he just heard about eating. He has no choice but to admire that he can still act.

"Oh, you're injured, so don't go. I'll go by myself and bring you some bones later." He turned around and left, but he laughed treacherously in his heart.

Sure enough, Nanxiong shouted, "I don't eat bones, I eat meat."

He didn't look back and said lightly, "You are injured now. You can't eat meat. Besides, the meat is not enough for me to eat alone, so I can't bring it back."

"Well, if you lie to me, I don't care about your hunting. I'll make delicious food by myself." Nanxiong stood up angrily and strode to the mountain without looking at him.

"Stupid big." Yu Wuxin smiled secretly and raised his legs to catch up with Nanxiong. Nanxiong deliberately accelerated his pace, and Yuxin also accelerated. The two chased and came to a fruit forest.

This fruit forest grows on the slope of the mountain. Looking around, the trees are full of fresh fruits, and there are so many varieties that you can't even distinguish the self-respecting and knowledgeable.

Nanxiong looked at the careless cod and said angrily, "Aren't you going hunting? Why do you always follow me?"

He smiled and said, "I'm not familiar with the place here. Without you, I don't know where to hunt. Hey, Nanxiong, you are not authentic. You coax me to beat that pig, but you run to such a beautiful place and eat fruit leisurely.

Nang curled his mouth and said, "I'd like to, you can't care." After saying that, he no longer cares. He walked to a tree and reached out to pick the fruit.

The cod is unintentional and rude. He jumped directly into a tree and enjoyed the round and red fruit on the tree without knowing its name. The fruit is the size of a fist and crispy in the mouth. With a light bite, the mouth is full of juice, and its taste is sweet and pleasant.

"Wonderful, this is really a paradise. Nanxiong, do you usually eat such good food every day?

Nanxiong's big mouth was full of pulp and said vaguely, "This is quite far from my house. I only come here to relieve my gluttony. Humph, it's cheaper for you today."

"Haha, thank you very much." He didn't want to eat and laugh, but when he picked another fruit and wanted to bite it, he suddenly stopped and the snake stared at halfway up the mountain.

"Someone is coming."

The southern bear was still eating, but he didn't care when he heard the unintentional words. He casually said, "It's a hunter."

hui shook his head unintentionally and said, "No, there seem to be more than a dozen people coming, and I feel a murderous atmosphere."

Nanxiong didn't know what murder was. He continued to eat the fruit. His heart beat beside him, patted him on the head, and said, "Don't eat, hide quickly."

With that, he first jumped into a crown and hid himself with dense branches and leaves. Although the southern bear was very reluctant, he knew that the cobra was more powerful than him. Since he had escaped, he should hide himself. The southern bear drilled into several big trees and hid among the trunks and grass.

Not long after, a group of people slowly approached. Their footsteps were very light and there was almost no sound. If it weren't for their voices from time to time, I'm afraid they could only be found by getting close.

At this time, the southern bear also knew that they were not hunters, and the hunters were not so light.

Of course, they are not hunters, and they have no intention to see two familiar figures from the crowd - Shen Qianxun and Jianyu.

When I saw them before, I already knew that their kung fu was higher than Lan Ling, which was no less than level 4. Especially Shen Qianxun gave him the feeling that he was afraid that they had level five. Now seeing the two of them in the team, they seem to be acting as guards and protecting a tall man in the middle with everyone.

There are 11 people in this group, which is similar to the breathlessness before. Everyone of them has weapons in their hands and look nervous. They seem to be preparing for something. No wonder they have been caught by the murderous spirit far away.

Yu unintentionally observed the crowd and found that except for Shen Qianxun and Jianyu, the other people's cultivation did not seem to be high, and only two people were similar to themselves. Of course, it may also be that they deliberately hid their strength. However, what he cares most about is the big man in the middle.

He is about 30 years old, nearly two meters tall, with a broad body and a tiger's back and a bear waist. He walks in the crowd with steady steps and wind. He has a general demeanor and is extraordinary. Looking at his sword eyebrows and tiger eyes, his face was resolute and faintly exuded a sense of prestige, which made him not angry and arrogant.

"Look at this group of people like people in the army, the big man is very likely to be a general. Looking at their appearance, they are definitely not here to hunt. Hey, I'm really right to come to Hanshan this time. First there are monsters, and then there are generals. Hanshan is destined to be extraordinary. Yu had no intention to observe secretly and turned his mind tightly.

By this time, the group had come to the fruit forest and found beautiful fruits everywhere.

One person cheered and said, "Good guy, with so much fruit, I've been hungry all night, just to have a big meal."

Everyone also responded happily, and it seemed that they must have had a hard time this night.

Shen Qianxun suddenly said, "Don't be happy, Wang Tongyong, go and check whether these fruits are poisonous."

The man with a knife was ordered to take out a knife from his arms, choose several fruits, gently stab each one a few times, and then look at the body of the knife to confirm that it is non-toxic. Only people can take it at ease.

He couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. When he saw the fruit, he opened his mouth and ate it. He also forgot to check whether it was poisonous. After all, Shen Qianxun was still cautious. However, even if you want to test the poison, there is nothing you can do. The knife is made of yellow iron. As long as any toxin is stained on it, the iron will change color. However, because yellow iron is scarce, only a few dignitaries can have it.

Everyone picked the fruit and sat under the tree and ate it. Jianyu also picked the fruit, but it was given to the big man to eat.

At this time, the big man suddenly opened his mouth and said in his strong voice, "The two friends must not be full. Why don't you come out and eat together?"

Yu was shocked. Nanxiong was not good at hiding. It was not surprising to be found, but he had carefully restrained his breath. This man could still find it, and Jianyu and Shen Qianxun were not surprised. It can be seen that his whereabouts had been exposed for a long time, and he had to reconsider their strength.

"Ha, I'm sorry, I ran to the tree while eating, which made you laugh. Nanxiong, you also get out and hide behind the tree to eat. Are you still afraid that I will rob you?" Yu jumped off the tree with a calm look, joked with a smile, and had no embarrassment of revealing his whereabouts.

Nanxiong came out from behind the tree, still stuffed with fruit in his mouth, and muttered vaguely, "You asked me to hide, and now I don't admit it. Humph, I ignore you."

Yu unintentionally pretended not to hear and stood opposite the big man. Shen Qianxun and Jianyu also recognized him. Shen Qianxun smiled and said, "I didn't expect to meet the boss here. We are really predestined."

Yu Xin looked like he had just recognized them and said happily, "It turned out to be two. We are really predestined. I don't know when you two are free, and then go to me to bet on Tiange for a few games?"

Jianyu smiled and said, "I will definitely go if I have time."

The big man also smiled and said, "It turned out to be Boss Yu. I have heard Qianx say that Boss Yu is bold and heroic. When I see him today, he is really extraordinary."

hui said politely, "No, I'm flattered. I'm just a gambler, but this brother is full of noble spirit. He must not be a mortal."

The big man smiled and said, "What is expensive or not? My surname is Taishi, my name is Changkong, my ancestors live in Niuzhou, and my family is also some assets."

"Oh, it turned out that it came from the land of the human race. Niuzhou is thousands of miles away from here. You have worked really hard." Yu Wuxin seemed to say it unintentionally, but his intention was to make a test. Originally, he didn't want to provoke this group of people who were not weak, but he was really curious about what happened to Hanshan. Of course, he was more concerned about whether his Leizhu could still get it.

It's just that his temptation obviously provoked everyone. Those who were eating the fruit all put down the fruit in their hands and put their hands on the weapon.