Beast in brocade

Chapter 039 Starland

The return son pinched the formula. When the sleeve was neutral, a small sword flew out. The sword flipped twice in the air and instantly turned into a big sword about two meters long and about one foot wide. The return son jumped gently and stood smoothly on the sword.

Zhou Jingxian also jumped up, and then stretched out her hand to pull the dragonfly unintentionally.

Yu Xin has not yet recovered at this time. Although he has already heard that masters above level 8 of Taixumen can fly with the sword, he was still extremely shocked when he saw the magical scene of the flying sword changing with his heart.

No wonder Taixumen is known as the first school in the mainland, and its strength is really strong and profound.

Zhou Jingxian thought that she was used to seeing the world's awe of Taixu Gate, but quietly stretched out her hand and did not shout that she was unintentional.

After a short period of surprise, he has calmed down, grabbed Zhou Jingxian's hand, took the opportunity to jump on the flying sword, and regained his previous arrogance.

Zhou Jingxian looked at the heartless with some surprise.

The flying sword crossed the stream like a white cloud. He only felt that the wind passed by, and the surrounding scenery ran past him like a rush. After about a cup of tea, the flying sword stopped over a dense forest.

This dense forest is located between the two peaks, full of towering trees with lush branches and leaves. From above, it looks like a green lawn. The flying sword slowly fell into the forest and finally fell next to a pool.

When he returned, he took off his sword and walked to the depths of the forest first. Yu Xin and Zhou Jingxian followed him closely. On the way, Yu Xin looked around. Except for the big trees, they were big trees. The thick branches and leaves covered the sky, and even the sunlight had to squeeze in from the leaves.

Thehui has no intention to guess that this should be an uninhabited area in the depths of the cold mountains. It seems that even animals rarely come here to create such a lush and quiet dense forest. And such places often hide unknown secrets.

Sure enough, they didn't go far. They came to a cave, took out a night pearl from his arms, and walked in with two young people. The cave is very narrow and can only be passed by one person. Two people will be very crowded side by side, and the cave is very deep. They have walked for a long time and have not yet walked out of the narrow corridor.

I don't know how many miles I walked, and finally walked out of the corridor and came to a wide stone room.

By the light of the night pearl, I saw that the stone room was like half a round ball, about ten meters high and more than 30 meters in diameter. The interior was smooth and flat, which was not naturally formed. It must have been chiseled by some pervert, and he couldn't help looking back.

The returner knew the meaning of the unintentional and quickly shook his hand and said, "The old man doesn't have this ability. To build such a stone room, it is by no means a temporary burst of force. He must have superb strength and exquisite control ability. When the old man first found this place, he was also shocked like you. According to I speculate that the person who built this stone room may have the strength of a demigod, that is to say, he has surpassed level nine.

"Half god? Isn't that a realm that only exists in legends?" The unintentional shock was again.

Returned son said, "For us, it is indeed the legendary realm, but the legend does not mean that it does not exist. In many ancient books of Taixumen, the realm of demigod has been recorded. It's a pity that we don't have the chance to step into that realm all our lives.

The cobster looked at the stone chamber infatuatedly and saw that its stone wall was as smooth as jade, and every place was integrated with the surroundings, as if it was born naturally. The cod can't help but imagine what the realm of the demigod is? Can they turn their hands into clouds and turn their hands into rain? Can they have tens of millions of incarnations and easily move mountains and seas?

He doesn't know the answer, but he doesn't want to ask the return son. This kind of question is meaningless, and the return son may not know it. His answer should only be a paraphrase recorded in ancient books.

At this time, I heard Zhou Jingxian ask her son, "Master, what do these paintings mean?"

Looking for Zhou Jingxian's voice, Zhou Jingxian stood on the left stone wall, with six pairs of stone paintings painted on the stone wall. Looking at the stone paintings carelessly, the first pair seems to be a star map, the second pair is like an array map, and the third, fourth, fifth and sixth paintings are like four maps.

Yes, it's the map. He didn't care to recognize the sixth painting, which is the whole picture of the continent where they live.

The return son walked to the stone painting and said leisurely, "This is what I want you to see. You must have seen that the last pair is the topographic map of our continent, so you can see what it has to do with the three, four and five maps."

"What does it matter?" Zhou Jingxian pondered, "These four maps are arranged differently, and the first three maps are composed of eight pieces of land, one more land than our seven continents. Master, where do these three maps refer to? Is it the overseas place you once said?

The return son shook his head and said, "Although I have never been to overseas, I know that these three maps are by no means overseas."

Zhou Jingxian was puzzled and said, "Where are these three maps?"

The returnee smiled and said, "Take a closer look."

Zhou Jingxian continued to watch, and Yu Xinxin suddenly said, "These four maps are actually drawn on the continent we live in."

Zhou Jingxian retorted, "It's impossible. The terrain of these four maps is very different. How can it be the same place? Will the terrain of our continent change? And if the first three pairs are also our continent, where is the small round land? There is no such continent in our seven continents.

Yu said inadvely, "I don't know. I'm just looking at the shape of the other seven pieces of land in these four maps, except for the first three pairs of circular land, so I guess it's one place."

Zhou Jingxian suddenly looked ashamed and said helplessly, "Boss Yu, I thought you were a smart person, but I didn't expect to see the problem so simple."

The return son smiled and said, "Jinger, it's not that the boss is simple, but that you make the problem complicated. As the boss said, these four maps are all maps of our continent. You said that the topographic changes on the mainland are actually there, but this change may take ten thousand years."

Zhou Jingxian was surprised and said, "Are these all maps of our continent?"

Return nodded and said, "Do you remember the twenty-eight stars you taught as a teacher? Remove the circular land in the map, and then look at these four maps.

Zhou Jingxian hurriedly did what the returnee said, and was immediately shocked, "This... these terrains are actually arranged by stars."

The return son said, "Yes, the topography of the first map is arranged according to the eastern green dragon seven nights, the second is the southern rosefinch seven nights, the third is the western white tiger seven nights, and the last one, that is, the continent we are living in, is the northern Xuanwu seven nights. I don't know how many years these seven continents will change once according to the position of the 28 stars, and these four maps will exist, so the teacher gave it a name to the star continent without authorization.

He said unintentionally, "Real person, this is too strange. Why have you never heard that our continent will change? And why is there no circular land now?

The return son shook his head and said, "I don't know. All the history books on the mainland have always said that our continent originated 2,000 to 3,000 years ago and never mentioned the deeds of a long time ago. If I hadn't found this stone chamber, I would have always thought that the history of the mainland would be only 2,000 years. But when I saw these stone paintings, I suddenly had a bold idea.

Yu said unintentionally, "Do you think that our previous era, that is, the era of the White Tiger Continent, has been completely destroyed with the change of land?"

The returned son praised: "Mr. Yu is really smart. Yes, Lao Dao believes that every change on the continent will be the demise of an era, and all civilizations and races in that era will also disappear. When the new continent is formed, a new racial civilization will appear."

Zhou Jingxian said in disbelief, "This is terrible. Will we also be destroyed?"

The returned son said, "I don't know how many years it will take to make a change in the mainland, but if you encounter a change in the mainland, destruction is also difficult to escape, unless you can survive with the strength of the demigod like the owner of this stone room."

He said carelessly, "The sky collapsed and smashed everyone. No matter how many years it changes, I just need to enjoy it enough today."

The return son laughed and said, "Mr. Yu is very wise and admires him. As the saying goes, there is a cycle of life and death. Life and death are the process that life must go through. We just need to follow fate, regardless of tomorrow's life and death. Haha, in the past few days, due to the appearance of strange treasures, Lao Dao suddenly felt a little ups and downs, so he took you here on a whim. Now after listening to Mr. Yu's words, I suddenly feel that the six gods are at peace, and Lao Dao thanks here. With that, the returned son really bowed and saluted inadverted. As an apprentice, Zhou Jingxian naturally saluted with her master.

Yu unintentionally returned the salute and said, "I'm just a rough person. I don't know the way of life and death. It's just a nonsense with my nature. The real person is too broken."

The return son said solemnly, "It's natural. The prince is not heavy and unreliable, which is the right way of Taixu."

At this time, Zhou Jingxian's unintentional eyes also changed, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Suddenly, the returned son shouted, "The strange treasure is about to be born."


Today's first update, there is another update in the evening, with a total of 5,000 words. I hope you can enjoy reading it. If you think it's okay, please collect it or red tickets.