Beast in brocade

Chapter 043 The Seawater Recedes

Three days later, with the help of the masters of Taixu, the flood finally receded.

When the people stood on Fangjia Mountain, looked at the flying swords and magic weapons all over the sky, formed an energy wall, and pushed the sea back into the sea step by step, they all knelt down and worshipped and cried to thank the 'gods'.

After this incident, the original fairy name of Taixu Gate will be more solemn and sacred.

Yuxin was deeply shocked by the strength shown by Taixu Gate. How many masters and energy does it take to push the sea on the thousands of miles of coast back to the sea one by one in three days? No wonder the two groups of beasts and alien beasts dare not offend the female continent.

When Ma Daowen saw the sea retreat, he immediately borrowed a fast lion beast from Yin Fanghong and rode the fast beast and rushed to Taiping County. It is said that 100 miles of the coast was swallowed up by the sea this time, but the disaster 100 miles away was not serious. Taiping County is still peaceful. Ma Daowen went here to strive for the strong support of the lord of Taiping County and transfer Human and material resources to rebuild Haile City.

Intentionally, they organized more than 130 strong disaster victims, and more than 200 family members, divided into three teams and came to Haile City at the foot of the mountain. At this time, Haile City was already in ruins. The once lively streets were covered with broken bricks and tiles, and the rubble was also mixed with corpses of people and animals.

Looking at the bodies soaked in the sea and their panicked expressions one by one, he didn't want to fully imagine how panic and helpless they were at the moment when the tsunami hit. He couldn't help but be glad that if he hadn't gone to the cold mountain, he would probably lie in the ruins like them now. Go with panic.

"Let's do it quickly, try to exhumate all the corpses, and then cremate them uniformly, otherwise there will be a plague when the weather is hot."

Yu unintentionally commanded his team to start working. Qi Shuyu and Yin Fanghong also led a team to find the body in the south and east directions.

One after another bodies were dug out. Men, women and children could only pile them up in a relatively spacious open space. Everyone's mood was very heavy. They dug silently and did not look at the property scattered in the ruins. They don't understand their feelings. Maybe there are their friends or relatives in these corpses, or maybe these corpses are now their relatives. The only thing they can do is to send them on the last journey.

He had no intention to select a few people to collect the property found from the ruins. He promised everyone that the money would be used to rebuild their homes for everyone. At this time, they needed a leader to lead them out of the disaster and rebuild their homes.

Everything went orderly, and he also joined the team in person and moved the body. In less than a day, half of the Xicheng District had been searched, and the bodies were piled up like a hill.

Haile City used to have less than 30,000 residents, more than 10,000 people in the city, and more than 10,000 people outside the city. Now it has accumulated as much as 20% of the Midtown.

"I hope someone is alive." Although he was not a Haile man before, he is a Haile man at this moment.

After finding 30 corpses, a total of 2210 corpses were found, none of whom were survivors. The fireballs inadvertently ordered everyone to rest, and then the fireballs were sprinkled on the body. Although the bodies were soaked in seawater, the temperature of the inadvertent fireballs was so high that the bodies were ignited in an instant. The fire became more and more vigorous. The family prayed for silence for the deceased.

At this time, the blue bell, which had never appeared, suddenly walked to Wuxin and whispered, "Master, the property in the cabinet has been transferred and there is not much damage."

He asked unintentionally, "Where are the people?"

Blue Bell said in a low voice, "No one is spared. Tianbao is cremating his brothers."

Yu Xin sighed and said, "Fortunately, most of the brothers are outsiders. Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be no relatives left in the world this time. When this side is stable, you can arrange compensation for the brothers' home."

"Yes." Blue Bell takes the lead.

Before going down the mountain, he unintentionally ordered the five survivors of the gambling pavilion to drive them out of the ruins of the gambling pavilion, transfer the money, treasures, weapons and other things to a safe place, and then dispose of the bodies of the victims and bury them. Fortunately, the things of Gambling Tiange have always been hidden in the warehouse on the ground, and there will not be much loss when the sea comes. Moreover, there is a secret warehouse in the south of Haile City. Gambling Tiange has a secret warehouse in the mountains. He has no intention to transfer them as soon as possible to avoid the property being discovered by others when Haile rebuilds. At that time, he will have to bleed heavily.

"Hey, if people don't do it for themselves, heaven and earth will be destroyed." Yu is very proud of himself to deal with it quickly. Although everyone should work together in the event of a disaster, Yu doesn't think that his own work and contribution is also a matter of disaster relief and righteousness for the people. As for money, it is better to spend for himself.

The fire gradually went out, and the body of Chengshan finally turned into a pile of ashes. At this time, the sky was gradually getting dark. He had no intention to take everyone to the predetermined hills outside the South City. Yin Fanghong had already brought people to arrive early, and Qi Shuyu also brought people soon after he was careless.

Everyone camped and cooked on the hill, and some went straight to sleep. After all, people are too tired on this day, both physically and mentally.

Yu had no intention to get together with Qi Shuyu and Yin Fanghong to summarize today's situation.

Qi Shuyu said, "I found more than 1900 bodies in Nancheng, which have been cremated. There are no survivors, and the property also has almost 10,000 taels of silver."

Yin Fanghong said: "2,500 bodies in Dongcheng have been cremated, with zero survivors, and 30,000 taels of silver."

Yu nodded insoheartedly and said, "In addition to the 2210 bodies on my side, there are more than 6,600 bodies in total. Survivors don't have to think about it. As for the property, there are more than 20,000.

Qi Shuyu said heavily, "There are 13780 people in the city. We will almost exhume so many more bodies tomorrow. I'm afraid there will be none of the survivors."

Yu said unintentionally, "The tsunami is so fierce that even people with kung fu can't escape, let alone ordinary people. And I don't think we can find so many more bodies tomorrow."

Qi Shuyu asked, "Why?"

Yuxin said, "The sea is fierce, and many bodies have been washed away by the sea. As the sea withdraws, they have drifted to the sea."

Yin Fanghong shook his head and sighed, "Haile alone has killed so many people. I really don't know how many people will die in the whole Tianxin Bay?"

Looking at the western sky, the sun has set, and the sea in the distance has gradually calmed down, but everyone can see that the sea is much higher than before, and the people still don't know why the tsunami is caused, but they are very clear. He can't help worrying about what will happen to the strange treasure after the tsunami. What?

At this time, Lan Ling walked to them and whispered, "Chen Dongge is here."