Beast in brocade

Chapter 055 Lingquan Stone Wood

The unintentional five teenagers arrived at the foot of Tianmu Mountain at noon the next day. This task was not as urgent as last time, so it was not fast along the way. It took a day to reach 80 miles.

Of course, after the flood, many roads were destroyed, which forced them to slow down and even take a long detour twice.

Standing at the foot of Tianmu Mountain, I looked up heartlessly. I heard that Tianmu Mountain is only 400 or 500 meters high, and the coverage area is not very large. It is only a small and medium-sized mountain on the coast of the continent. Because it is on the border between Haile and another city, it has always been. Both sides were caused by friction due to its ownership. Later, when they saw that there were no decent specialties on Tianmu Mountain, they were unwilling to fight for it, so that in the past 30 years, Tianmu Mountain was gradually forgotten by people, and only nearby residents occasionally came up to cut firewood and hunt.

This flood, the village under Tianmu Mountain was flooded, and the people died and fled. Tianmu Mountain will be even more desolate in the future.

And this situation is the best for the unintentional. It happens that no one will disturb his activities.

"Kies, cheer me up. Let's go up the mountain." With that, he ran to the mountain first.

Gao Hu and the other four teenagers also showed no weakness and strode to catch up.

After running for a while, he intentionally stopped and took out a map to check the surrounding path.

The map was painted on a small yellow paper, and the painting technique was very rough, and he had no intention to carefully compare it before he could barely find the route drawn on the picture.

He couldn't help sighing: "Is the treasure map all this broken? No wonder it's so difficult to find treasure."

Gao Hu slowly leaned his head from behind, looked at the map in Wuxin's hand and asked, "Sir, why are we coming all the way here?"

The dragonfly replied carelessly, "Cut down trees."

Gao Hu was surprised and said, "Cut down trees? There are so many trees and two hills near Haile. Why did we come all the way here to cut wood? How can we move back after cutting?"

He unintentionally put away the map and turned around and said coldly, "I like the trees here. As for moving back, of course, it's up to you."

Gao Hu shook his head like a wave drum and said, "No, no, I'm so young, how can I move the tree back?"

"That's why I asked you to find more people. As a result, you found so many bean sprout soldiers for me, so I can only bother you." With that, Yu had no intention to give Gao Hu a demonic smile, and then strode forward.

Gao Hu's body shivered, and he quickly chased the unintentional, and shouted, "Sir, please forgive me. I know it's my fault that I didn't complete the task, but please ask you to change the punishment."

He didn't want to stop and asked thoughtfully, "Is it in a different way?"

Gao Hu nodded violently.

Yu said unintentionally, "Okay, then go find something for me. If you can find it, I won't let you carry the tree back."

Gao Hu immediately agreed, "Mr., please tell me."

Thehui unintentionally stretched out his hand and said, "I want you to find a tree. It is about your height, with black palm-sized leaves, and the bark is gray-white. When you hit its trunk, it is as hard as hitting a stone, understand?"

After repeating it, Gao Hu replied, "I understand, don't worry, even if I look for the whole mountain, I will find the right one."

Yu unintentionally took out the map and pointed it out to him: "You go to these places first. If you don't have these places, you have to search this mountain for me. You can also go together. Once you find anything or are in danger, blow this signal bomb, and I can get there immediately."

Thehui had no intention to distribute a signal bomb to each of the five teenagers, and then the five teenagers took orders and left. He also walked to an area himself.

At this time, if Lan Ling or Qi Shuyu and others are here, they will be shocked by the kind of tree unintentionally described. Because what Yu Wuxin said before is the rare, non-earth and non-wood natural treasure on the continent - Lingquan stone and wood.

Stone and wood are born next to the spiritual spring and absorb the essence of heaven and earth, like trees like wood, but they are harder than diamond stones. All iron cannot be damaged. Since ancient times, they have been the best material for making weapons, but stone and wood are like the spirits of heaven and earth. There is no fixed living environment. The only requirement is that there must be a spiritual spring next to it.

So as long as there is a spiritual spring on any mountain, there will naturally be stone trees.

It's just that the spiritual spring is the water of the earth's heart. It absorbs the essence of the full moon and is born in hundreds of years. People below level 6 can be upgraded to a level if they are lucky enough to bathe in it, so they can also be regarded as a rare treasure.

For a long time, it has been said on the mainland that those who get the spiritual spring stone and wood can get one of them in exchange for the superior cultivation formulas in any sect on the mainland, which shows how eager people are for these two treasures.

Yu Wuxin has also heard of people's coveting for Erbao before, but he never thought that one day he would be related to it, which was entirely due to the looting of Ma Daowen's secret room.

Two days ago, when he was sorting out the treasures in the treasure bag, he found an old book in it. He thought it was a secret book for cultivation and so on, so he opened it to read it. As a result, it was a travelogue of a businessman decades ago, which recorded the customs of the place where the merchant went to when he was doing business, and there were also some strange things, but he was unintentional. If you are not interested in these, you want to abandon them.

At this time, I suddenly found that one of the pages was a little different, and there seemed to be a mezzanine inside. So I was curious, so I opened the page and found a small page and the map, which recorded that the merchant accidentally went to Tianmu Mountain 40 years ago and found a thousand-year-old spiritual spring. There was a small tree by the spring. It is the middle of Shimu.

The life cycle of stone and wood is 100 years. If it leaves the spiritual spring before the maturity of a hundred years, the stone tree will rot within 100 days. At that time, the merchant saw that the stone tree was just 70 years old, so he did not cut it down, but took less spiritual spring and left.

Later, he wrote this matter in the mezzanine. If he couldn't get it in his lifetime, he would let future generations get it back. Unfortunately, for some reason, his descendants could not know the secret of the mezzanine, and he didn't know why the book fell into the hands of Ma Daowen. Similarly, he didn't know this secret, but made the robber careless. It's cheap.

Recently, Haile was busy rebuilding. He had nothing to do and didn't want to fight with Chen Dongge and Ma Daowen every day, so he decided to go to Tianmu Mountain to try his luck to see if he could get such treasures.

"I should be able to get it. After all, my luck is super strong."

He laughed unintentionally and looked carefully in the mountains, but he didn't know that there was a pair of eyes staring at him secretly.


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