Beast in brocade

Chapter 079 Chapter 080 Third Force

It's late at night, and Bishengju is still full of voices and hot.

After Pei Xinhong put Ming to sleep, she returned to the hall, and Wu Wenjing was still there, working as a dealer without fatigue.

Thehui hui stood on the second floor and looked at the grandeur in the casino.

Pei Xinhong saw that people were trading with money. She didn't need to make an appraisal, so she returned to the second floor and stood beside Wuxin.

Yu smiled and said, "At this time, there is no one who needs to exchange gold and silver. Go to bed, or you will wake up and cry to find your mother."

Pei Xinhong smiled proudly and said, "The rookie of the monarch, the loyalty of the monarch. Since I have taken your money, I naturally have to stick to my post. Whenever the casino closes, I will go to bed."

Yu shook his head and laughed: "You are so strong. All right, it's up to you."

At this time, he saw a man entering the gate, glanced at him, and quickly went out.

Yu unintentionally said to Pei Xinhong, "I'll go out for a while, and I'll leave the matter here to you. If anything happens, I'll find Wu Wenjing and Tian Bao."

Tian Bao is the new guard leader of Bishengju. Yu has no intention to really cooperate with Chen Dongge to open a casino, so Lanling and Wei Tianbao have a false reputation here. Tianbao has also recruited a new group of people from Haile to be the escort of Bishengju. Tian Bao has practiced for several years to deal with ordinary people, so he was appointed. Guard leader.

He didn't want to get out of Bishengju and dodged into an alley next to him, where there was a man waiting for him.

He opened his mouth and asked, "What's wrong?"

The man whispered, "Go back to the prince, his subordinates were ordered to monitor the city master's mansion. Just now, a man in black suddenly ran out of the west city and went out from the west city. Our man deliberately touched him at the west gate, sprinkled thousands of miles of incense on him, and his subordinates specially reported back to the prince."

Aqi nodded inconsiderately and said, "Very good. Go back and continue to monitor."

"Yes." The man withdrew from the alley and disappeared into the darkness.

Since agreeing with Qi Shuyu, Qi Shuyu listened to Yu's unintentional advice and wandered around the city all afternoon. After nightfall, she suddenly disappeared into the city.

Yu Xin had already sent people to guard the city's mansion and Liuyun Commercial Bank to see how they reacted to the disappearance of Qi Shuyu. Sure enough, Qi Shuyu had just disappeared for less than half an hour, and they took action.

"It should be to transfer troops outside the city."

Inadvertently guessed, he quickly ran to the west gate through the darkness. Because the west gate was washed away by the flood, it had not been repaired at this time, and the gate was half open like that. Fortunately, Haile has nothing to prevent now. The city guard has just been transferred from the peace, and no one is stationed here, which is very convenient to go back and forth.

Along the way, the dragonfly unintentionally gave full play to his super sense of smell and looked for the fragrance of thousands of miles. Qianlixiang is a special spice, which may smell like ordinary grass by others, but as long as you apply another spice on your nose and smell it again, you can smell a sweet smell. This smell can stay in the air for a long time and is a very useful tracking prop.

He has a well-intentional sense of smell. He can clearly smell the marks in the air without wiping spices on his nose. Looking for the marks, he came to a mountain in the west of Haile City.

Inadvertently dived to a cave and heard a faint voice inside, but the cave was so deep that I couldn't hear what they were talking about.

Intentionally, he slowly went deep into the cave. Finally, he heard what the people inside were saying and heard one person say, "... That man's strength is no less than level five, and we can't stop him at all."

At this time, one person snorted coldly, "Waste, you ten people can't complete it. It's a waste of such a message."

This is Wang Liuyun's voice. He actually went out of the city in person late at night. Does he mean to arrest people?

Before, the man admitted his mistake repeatedly and said, "Master Wang Tang is angry, and his subordinates will definitely atone for their sins and catch the woman back as soon as possible."

Wang Liuyun said coldly, "You don't have to worry about Fang Xiao's affairs. Since the other party is a five-level master, you can't deal with it. Now I give you a new task. Ma Daowen's concubine Qi Shuyu has disappeared. She has a deep relationship with Fang Xiao. Now it is likely to meet Fang Xiao. You will go out immediately. Be sure to find Qi Shuyu."

"Yes." Several people in the cave responded in unison.

He hurriedly withdrew from the cave and hid in the dark. Wang Liuyun, dressed in black, quickly came out of the cave and ran down the mountain.

Then, the others in the cave also came out. There were ten people in total, scattered and ran down the mountain. They no longer care about them, but just stood there, making high-speed movements in his mind.

Although there are not many words from the words I just heard, the information in it is enough to be unintentionally digested.

First of all, the people in the cave call Wang Liuyun as the head of the hall, which seems to be the position of some organization, and Wang Liuyun calls Ma Daowen's name directly, as if Ma Daowen wants to be under him.

In addition, they met a five-level master when they caught Fang Xiao. Is it Fang Xiao himself? However, although she has six-level strength, Qi Shuyu has said that she has only recovered to three-level strength now, and it is impossible to exert five-level strength. Even the blood magic will raise her to level at most. So the so-called five-level master should be someone else and save Fang Xiao away.

Now Ma Daowen suspects that he is from their side, but they are also wondering.

And more importantly, Wang Liuyun said that he had wasted a message just now, which means that someone sent a message to them. No wonder he could find such a place, but who betrayed Fang Xiao? The seller didn't seem to know the relationship between Qi Shuyu and Fang Xiao, and only told Ma Daowen that the relationship between the two was not shallow.

But I don't know if I didn't want to sell it.

This can also explain why Qi Shuyu is fine for the time being. Thinking of Ma Daowen, they didn't figure out the relationship between Qi Shuyu and Fang Xiao, and they didn't know how to do it for a while.

So the most urgent thing now is to find the master who saved Fang Xiao and find out who sold the news to Ma Daowen, otherwise the guy will lurk around like a hound, and may be bitten by him again.

"It seems that it is necessary for me to go to Fang's house to find Yin Fanghong for some information."

Thehui had no intention to transport thunder energy to his legs and quickly ran to Fangjia Mountain, but as soon as he ran down the mountain, he suddenly found that the position of Qianlixiang was also heading south. Didn't Wang Liuyun return to Haile City? Yu Wuxin immediately decided to find the thousands of miles of fragrance left by Wang Liuyun. His intuition told him that tracking Wang Liuyun was far more than going to find Yin Fanghong, which could answer his doubts.

So in such a night, the poisonous snake attacked again.


The novel is going to be full again. Unconsciously, it has passed 200,000 words, and the formal ** is gradually kicking off. Please move your fingers, log in to your account and click on the collection to increase my motivation to write. Thank you!!