Beast in brocade

Chapter 082 Chen Family Guard

After Zhao Wei used three methods of torture, the arrested man finally spoke.

He knew that he was a peripheral disciple called the Zhantianhui, under the Wufeng Hall under the control of Wang Liuyun. This time, ten people from their team were first sent to Fangjiashan to arrest Fang Xiao, but the task failed.

Later, they were ordered to search the mountain near Haile, but there were only ten of them. How could they find them? However, it was difficult to violate the order. They had to be responsible for one area. No matter what the result was, they would go to the previous cave to meet after the search.

Zhao Wei laughed proudly and said, "Send a signal to the second brother and tell her that we are going to the west guard hole to wait for the mouse."

"Yes." A bandit took out a small cloth strip, wrote a message on it, then opened a small cage and released a bird from it. The cloth strip was tied to the bird's leg, and the bird flew away with the cloth strip.

This kind of bird is called a nesting bird. No matter how far it flies, it will return to the nest where it was born, so it is often used as a letter bird on the mainland. As long as it takes its nest, it will automatically fly back.

After that, Zhao Wei ordered to kill the prisoner, and then took people to Xishan first. Although this group of people is not a mysterious force unintentionally looking for, it is also his enemy. He once said that it can be removed when he meets it.

I didn't expect to meet you.

When Zhao Wei and the others arrived at Xishan, they found that five people were wandering outside the cave. Zhao Wei took out bows and arrows from behind, and 20 arrows greeted five people in an instant. The five people only let out a scream and returned to the sky together.

Zhao Wei fought again, and 20 people carefully approached the cave. At this time, a man rushed out of the cave. Looking at his posture, his strength was also above the second level. Zhao Wei was a little shocked, but soon laughed. After all, it was a ten-person team sent. If his strength was poor, how could he be sent to arrest Fang Xiao?

Fortunately, Zhao Wei killed them with a bow and arrow as soon as he came up, otherwise he didn't know how much effort it would take.

At this time, the man had rushed to them, and a big man stabbed him. Both of them used knives and were also second-level strength, fighting at the same time.

It's just that time is tight now, and they can't tolerate their slow competition. Zhao Wei shouted, "Xiao Liu, come back and let me do it."

Zhao Wei held two short knives and quickly met the man. The man stood there with the length of his knife and waved a big knife without dodging. Zhao Wei was even more powerful. One knife opened the man's big knife, and the other knife quickly scratched his neck.

Unexpectedly, he solved a second-level master with only one move. It seems that Zhao Wei is also a hidden person.

Others checked the cave. There was no one in the cave. It seemed that three people had not returned. The bandits were ambushed around the cave, but the sun was already west, but no one had come.

Xiao Liu said to Zhao Wei, "Three leaders, will they not come?"

Zhao Wei frowned and said, "Is it possible that they met the second brother on the road and were eliminated?"

Xiao Liu nodded and said, "It's possible."

Zhao Wei thought for a moment and said, "Then let's withdraw. Today's mission is over and go back to the camp."

"Good." Everyone ambushed for a long, and their bodies were about to grow grass. As soon as they heard the end of the team, they shouted with joy, and the group went down the mountain happily. Not long after they left, a man came here. As soon as he saw the bodies all over the ground, he immediately returned to the mountain and ran to Haile City.

At this time, he received a group of unexpected guests in Bishengju.

They are a team of 50-person guards. Each team member is well prepared and murderous. At a glance, they know that they have been strictly trained. Most of them have first-level strength, and the captain has second-level strength.

Half an hour ago, the captain came to Pizza Hu with a letter and gave it to Wuxin.

When he opened it, it turned out to be written by Chen Dongge. The letter said that considering that there were not enough people in Bishengju, he mobilized his private guard to help, and Wuxin commanded him with full authority.

Just kidding, what can a group of guards do?

He has no intention to ask for Chen Dongge's intention. Are these people used to monitor him? It should be that the Chen family buried a nail beside him because they were afraid that his wings would become more abundant.

However, relying on these people, if you want to control the carelessness, you should underestimate him.

With no intention to smile, he sent someone to arrange shelter for 50 guards, 30 of whom were arranged to guard in his mansion, and the other 20 stayed in the casino.

Looking at the neat and orderly team style of the guard, he felt a burst of envy in his heart, thinking about when he would train a group of such guards, and then see who would dared to be rampant with him.

At this time, Lan Ling came to his side and said in his ear, "Just now, a man ran into the city from outside the city in a panic and entered Liuyun Business through the back door."

hui had no intention to ask, "It seems that he has some news to pass on to Wang Liuyun, but I don't know whether it's about Fang Xiao or Qi Shuyu. Do you have any news about our people?

Blue bell shook its head.

He said unintentionally, "I hope they don't expose it, otherwise the situation will be unfavorable to us."

Lan Ling said, "I have conveyed the killing order to them according to the owner's will. Once you are found, you must put out your mouth as soon as possible."

huiIntentionally said, "Others are fine. I'm just worried about those mysterious guys. They can even hide it from you and my ears, and how can those people under them prevent it?"

Lan Ling comforted and said unintentionally, "Don't worry, master, there should be very few people who can hide from us in their organization and will not be sent out easily. And our people are led by Tianbao. With his experience and the strength of his friends, as long as they are not masters, they should be able to deal with it. Lin Huiyu's people are from bandits. The mountains and forests are equivalent to their paradise, and that is their world.

hui nodded heartlessly and said, "I thought too much, mainly because the organization hid too deeply, which made me feel how powerful he was."

Lan Ling smiled and said, "The master has been too tired recently. You need to rest. If you are exhausted, we are really in danger."

hui shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter. I'm not so coquettish. I'm waiting for a message outside the city now. I'm not safe if I don't clean up outside the city."

Lan Ling said, "There will be news soon."

Sure enough, as Lan Ling said, soon someone quietly approached them, handed a note to Lan Ling, and then disappeared.

Lan Ling opened the note and read it, and said to Yu Wuxin, "Lin Huiyu summoned that Zhao Wei's team killed Wang Liuyun's seven men, and three others did not know where they were going. The rest of the team found nothing and did not reveal their whereabouts.

Thehui was slightly surprised and said, "It's also good news that he killed Wang Liuyun's people by hugging grass and beating rabbits. It seems that the people who ran into Liuyun Trading Company before are one of the three leaks."

Lan Ling also smiled and said, "The first battle was a great victory, and now there is only one organization left. I think they may also get the news and have hidden in fear."

"Now Wang Liuyun must be guessing who killed him, right? Do you think it was done by Qi Shuyu? Yu proudly imagined Wang Liuyun's angry appearance.