Beast in brocade

Chapter 086 Go to the appointment alone

Three days, only three days.

Lin Huiyu's people gathered outside Haile City. On the hill, on the road, or in groups of three or five, or in groups of more than a dozen people, there were bandits everywhere.

The reinforcements of the War Sky Club have also arrived, but because the road to Haile has been blocked by the people of Longshougang, they have to look outside and sigh.

At first, they also wanted to forcibly break through the blockade, but the mountain forest battle is the advantage of bandits. Although Zhantianhui's personal strength is not weak, the people sent this time have first-class and second-class strength, but in the mountains and forests, the bandits of Longshougang hide left and right, and do not fight with them head-on at all, and also take the opportunity to strengthen the crossbow with bows and arrows. The attack made the people of Zhantianhui suffer so much that they had to withdraw from the blockade line and wait for the opportunity.

In order to let the people of Longshougang exert their strongest combat effectiveness, Yu Xinxin has already ordered more than 150 strong crossbows from the Fang family. The power of a strong crossbow will never be a first-class master.

With their skilled mountain and forest tactics, 30 reinforcements sent by Zhantian will be killed outside Haile City.

He looked at the latest war report with a careless smile and said to Lan Ling, "Tell Lin Huiyu, don't be careless. Although the people of Zhantianhui have been defeated now, their strength has not weakened. They must have taken a chance. The people of Long Shougang are not opponents at all."

Blue bell said, "Yes. I think Lin Huiyu should understand this truth, so most of the people never go out of the mountain and only attack the enemy in the mountains. Fortunately, there are mountains around Haile, which is conducive to their fight.

Yu said unintentionally, "In fact, it is still too difficult for 200 people to block Haile. The people of Zhantianhui just can't attack for a while, but if they change their direction and attack from the north or west, the people of Longshougang will definitely have no time to defend."

Lan Ling asked, "What should I do?"

He smiled unintentionally and said, "Then put them all in."

Blue Bell opened her eyes wide and said, "Put it in? Why? Once they enter the city, we will be in danger. According to Lanling's intelligence, no less than ten of these 30 people are second-class strength, and most of the others are first-class strength. Once they meet, we can't get the upper hand. It's better to find a way to get rid of them now through the mountains and forests.

Intentionally, "If we can't get rid of it, even if we can get rid of it, we will lose a lot of people, so it's better to put them in. Once they enter the city, although we are the first to suffer, don't forget that we are the safest."

Lan Ling suddenly realized, "Does the master mean the guard of the Chen family?"

Yu said heartlessly, "Yes, the strength of the Chen family guard is not as good as the reinforcements of the Zhantian Association, and they have the support of the Chen family. Wang Liuyun dares not fight with them, so we are naturally safe. Besides, it is not the time for the final battle, because the protagonist is still missing."

Blue bell nodded and said, "Yes, no matter how lively we play here, as long as Fang Xiao can't find it, neither side will get any benefit. Master, who do you think Fang Xiao will be rescued?

Yu said unintentionally, "I don't know, but someone may know."

Lan Ling asked, "Who?"

A man unintentionally smiled coldly and said, "A man sitting on the mountain to watch the tiger fight."

Thehui did not mean to speak any more, and Lan Ling stopped asking, but she was very curious. The master seemed to know a lot of things, and to whom did the messenger he sent the day before yesterday?

Forget it, anyway, it has always been difficult to figure out, and she doesn't bother. Lan Ling walked out of the unintentional room and sent someone to summon Lin Huiyu.

Since Lin Huiyu learned of the unintentional bold plan, she has felt full of energy. She has always wanted to seek a legitimate identity for the brothers of Longshougang. After all, it is too hard to be a bandit. She lives a life of licking blood with the tip of a knife every day. Some of them can't go back to their families, and it's like breaking off their relationships with their families. Some even don't get a family at all, so that their families won't be involved.

Lin Huiyu was born in the bandit's nest since she was a child. She watched her parents die alone one by one. After death, she could not return to their roots, and her heart was deeply stung. At that time, she vowed that she would not let her brothers live such a life again.

This flood hit, Lin Huiyu thought that they could take this opportunity to change Longshougang into an officially recognized town, and they could also seek an identity. Even if they could not be officials, they could get rid of bandits. However, she did not expect that due to her greed and merit, the officers and soldiers were attracted to suppress it, causing the death of the leaders and the brothers homeless. .

If it hadn't been for the inadvetion to give her advice, she really didn't know where to take her brothers.

Later, Yu unintentionally sent someone to send money and food. They lived near Haile. This time, they went down the mountain to help Yu Wuxin. First, it was because he paid, and second, he wanted to repay his kindness. Lin Huiyu never thought that there was a way to do what she had always dreamed of, and she also thought he could do it.

This made Lin Huiyu ecstatic and vowed to block the reinforcements of the Zhantian Association from Haile.

And at this moment, thehui unintentionally sent her message and asked her to let them go. Why? What kind of medicine does Wuxin sell?

If you want to have unintentional and new plans, then do as he says. At present, Lin Huiyu took her people and horses and quietly evacuated from the critical point and gathered near Fangjia Mountain.

At the same time, Yu Wuxin also received an invitation sent by Wang Liuyun to meet him at the Nancheng Gate.

"Master, you can't go." Lan Ling strongly opposed it. At this time, Wang Liuyun's date was definitely a conspiracy.

He smiled indifferently and said, "No matter what conspiracy he has, I have to go, otherwise it means that we are afraid of him."

Lan Ling knew that Yu was unconvinced, so she stopped persuading and said, "I'll accompany my master."

He shook his head inadtentionally and put Zhan Tian on his back.

Lan Ling said urgently, "Then take a few guards of the Chen family. Although it may not be reliable, it can also make Wang Liuyun taboo."

hui smiled and said, "No one has to be there. They can't help me. Good boy, wait for the master to come back at home. By the way, wait for Tianbao to come back and let him wait for me. I have something to find him."

Lan Ling said, "No, master, please don't be so impulsive. Now is not the time to fight for a while. If you have three advantages and two shortcomings, we also have the Fang family, Long Shougang, Qi Shuyu sisters, and hundreds of people's lives. Who will protect them?"

said in a low voice, "This is not a fight between men. The dialogue between men must be used. If I don't even dare to go on this kind of date, what qualifications do I have to protect you?"

Blue Bell wanted to say something more, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she leaned over and kissed her little mouth, then smiled slightly and went out with Zhantian behind her back.

Leaving Blue Bell to look deeply at his back, a man's back.