Beast in brocade

Chapter 088 Four Steps

Looking at the unintentionally walking down the tower, Ma Daowen came out of the tower.

"Master, why didn't you kill him?"

Wang Liuyun said in a low voice, "Looking at his momentum, we may not be able to keep him. Don't forget that the pair of brothers you hired are not weaker than us, and if you really kill or hurt him, as he said, his men may do something."

Ma Daowen frowned and said, "Is it so time spent with him?"

Wang Liuyun shook his head and said, "Of course not. Do you think Fang Xiao is in his hands?

"This... should be, otherwise who will save the notorious blood and exquisiteness?" Ma Daowen's tone is very uncertain.

Wang Liuyun said, "I believe that Fang Xiao is not in the careless hand, otherwise he would have hidden Fang Xiao long ago, and then continue to run his Pizza Hu as if he were nothing before, so that we can't figure out the details. But now that he is fighting against us like this, it means that he is also looking for Fang Xiao."

Ma Daowen nodded and said, "It's true, so we should also look for Fang Xiao first?"

Wang Liuyun said, "Our original goal is Fang Xiao. As long as we find Fang Xiao, it will not be so important."

"We will have plenty of time to settle accounts with him." Ma Dao warmly smiled and echoed.

Wang Liuyun smiled and said, "Yes, now go to see if people have entered the city? Be sure to go to the city and conduct a comprehensive search of Haile immediately. If you dig three feet of the ground, you should also find Fang Xiao. If you meet unintentional people, try not to conflict with them.

"Yes." Ma Daowen took the order to go down to the city. In front of Wang Liuyun, his former prestige was completely invisible, leaving only obedience and obedience.

In the next two days, Haile was really lively. Outside the city, there were crowds of people looking for something, especially those abandoned houses, which were searched by them over and over again.

Unfortunately, they all returned without success. Instead, they found a lot of treasures buried before.

In the house, Wei Tianbao stood opposite Wei Tianbao. Wei Tianbao held a big knife across his chest, and Yuxin also held an ordinary knife and waved a hand at will.

Zhan Tian was placed on the steps at the door of the main room at this moment, sitting next to him, watching the unintentional competition with Wei Tianbao, as well as Lan Ling, Pei Xinhong and Lin Huiyu.

Originally, Lin Huiyu wanted to command the team to find Fang Xiao, but Yu had no intention to leave her in the city, saying that the search was actually a waste of time, and she did not need to consume physical strength.

Lin Huiyu is very puzzled. Since he knows it's a waste of time, why did he send someone to look for it?

But he unintentionally smiled and said, "Although it is a waste of time, it has a great effect. Wait."

In this way, she can only stay in the house full of doubts and watch the intention to practice martial arts, thinking that Qi Shuyu should take people to search around at this time.

At this time, Wei Tianbao in the field suddenly moved and raised his knife to cut the inadvertence. The inadvertence to avoid it sideways. Because he was three levels higher than Wei Tianbao, he tried his best to transport his energy and control it at the second level.

But even at the second level, when the thunder energy is transported to his legs, his speed is still suddenly doubled. At the same time, he pay attention to Wei Tianbao's footwork and knife method. When Wei Tianbao finishes a set of knives, he has fully mastered the essence of Wei Tianbao's skills. When he uses it again, he can exert a stronger speed with smaller energy. .

Later, Wei Tianbao couldn't catch a trace of his clothes at all.

Wei Tianbao stood with a knife and admired, "The prince's skills are really powerful. If we really fight, the prince can split me in half with one knife."

Yu unintentionally smiled and said, "Thanks to the exquisite footwork you taught me, I didn't expect that there would be such a magical change between my feet."

Wei Tianbao said proudly, "Although my other skills are not very good, I can still use this set of square footwork. Unfortunately, my strength is not enough to give full play to its strength. Today, it is the only thing I use on the prince to really show its power."

Yu nodded inconsiderately and agreed, "Indeed, the four steps between the two feet need the high-speed and accurate cooperation of energy and action, and you can't use it easily now."

Wei Tianbao smiled with shame.

Lin Huiyu was so excited that she suddenly picked up her long gun and went to the field and said, "I'll practice with you."

Yu said with a smile, "Okay, just come here."

Lin Huiyu's eyes are slightly closed, and her whole body is like a long gun. When she is wielding a long gun, she has the feeling of only seeing a gun without seeing people. This is the so-called combination of human and gun.

The long gun attacked, and the dragonfly stepped in four directions, and the big knife in his hand opened the long gun diagonally. Lin Huiyu quickly withdrew the long gun, and then stabbed out another gun. The dragonfly opened again. But then Lin Huiyu's long gun stabbed like a sharp rain. For a moment, the tip of the gun was full of careless eyes. He could only rely on exquisite walking and fastness. The quick reaction barely stopped Lin Huiyu's gun rain.

And his energy was also unconsciously adjusted to level 4. Although Lin Huiyu is only one level higher than Wei Tianbao, the real martial arts world is not completely determined by energy, but by skill. Lin Huiyu's shooting skills are exquisite, so although he only has three levels of energy, he can also make four-level attacks.

After unintentionally blocking Lin Huiyu's last gun shadow, he seized the opportunity and suddenly bullied Lin Huiyu. The big knife cut her neck. Lin Huiyu set up the gun stall. The big knife saw that he was going to cut on the gun barrel. The dragonfly suddenly changed its direction. The big knife actually shrank back, and then suddenly stabbed Lin Huiyu's throat.

This move was learned from the shrinking gun used by Lin Huiyu just now, just like a spiritual snake spitting out a letter. Lin Huiyu had no time to resist, so she had to give up the gun and surrender. She inadvantly stopped the tip of the knife in front of Lin Huiyu's neck and smiled proudly at her.

Lin Huiyu snorted coldly and said proudly, "When I reach level five, I can also subdue you with one move."

Yu smiled and said, "Okay, but you have to pray that I didn't get promoted at that time."

As soon as she heard this, Lin Huiyu suddenly looked bitter. She heard Qi Shuyu and Lan Ling say that what a terrible upgrade speed it is when he has been upgraded to level three levels in less than a month. In this way, by the time he rises to level 5, he is likely to have broken through the top grade.

Why is God so unfair? He didn't see anything extraordinary about this bad snake. Why did he practice so fast?

Lin Huiyu thought depressedly.

At this time, a blue signal flare suddenly rose from the eastern sky, which was an unintentionally equipped signal bomb for each team. Its range was enough for the team members ten miles away to see that once a team found Fang Xiao but encountered the enemy's obstruction, they could launch a signal bomb and call teammates for support.

"It's the direction of Haimu Temple." Bluebell visually detected the direction of the signal bomb.

Yu Wuxin smiled proudly and said, "Xinhong is responsible for taking care of the house, and everyone else will follow me."