Beast in brocade

Chapter 105 Scarlet

Returning to Yufu, Yu had no intention to send someone to ask Lan Ling and Pei Xinhong to see him, and especially emphasized that he would also bring Mingming.

Then he came to the study and put Zhan Tian on the table. At this moment, Zhan Tian was still so calm, and it could even be said that he was as silent as usual. He had no intention to put his hand on it. Except for the coldness, he could not feel any breath.

But Zhan Tian was indeed trembling before, and it felt like when people were excited.

What exactly is in the black box? Is the head of the Liu family guarding it? Or are you studying it?

At this time, Lan Ling and Pei Xinhong came to the study. Pei Xinhong hugged Mingming with a cold face and sat straight on a chair, neglecting the carelessness.

Blue Bell asked, "Is the master looking for us for something?" Did something happen when Gao Hu called you out before?

Because Yu Wuxin issued a sealing order, Lan Ling did not know about the black box, so he said it again. Lan Ling and Pei Xinhong's eyes widened when they heard it. Their reactions were as incredible as the Qi Shuyu sisters.

Pei Xinhong didn't care about being angry and asked, "Isn't that box really a trace of pattern?"

"No." He nodded unintentionally.

Pei Xinhong asked again, "Zhan Tian can't leave traces on it?"


"The material that can resist chopping the sky, black without lines, what kind of material will it be?" Pei Xinhong meditated hard.

Yu said to Mingming, "Mingming, can you chat with Zhan Tian?"

"Okay, but Zhantian hasn't paid attention to me for a long time." He looked aggrieved, as if he had been abandoned by a friend.

He picked up Mingming with a smile and said, "He may talk to you today." With that, he took Mingming to the desk and put his little hand on Zhantian's knife.

After a long time, he obviously curled his little mouth and shook his head, "Zhan Tian still ignores me. Doesn't he like me?"

He smiled carelessly and said, "No, he may be sleeping."

Obviously, he made a grimace at Zhan Tian and said, "Zhan Tian is so lazy. He sleeps every day."

"Yes, he is too lazy. When he wakes up, you say him fiercely."

"Hmm." Obviously, he nodded his little head heavily.

At this time, Pei Xinhong suddenly stood up and said, "I'm going to see that box."

He shook his head inadtentionally and said, "No, it's too dangerous. I won't allow you to take risks."

Pei Xinhong said, "I don't touch it. I just want to see that mysterious thing with my own eyes."

Yu unintentionally still disagreed and said in a low voice, "That thing is too dangerous. I don't know what's terrible about it. At first, I also wanted you to identify it, but when I almost survived, I decided to send this danger away and not let it harm you."

Pei Xinhong felt the sincere concern, and her heart was extremely warm. She smiled and said, "With your company, you will definitely not hurt me, will you? I really just want to see it."

He looked into Pei Xinhong's eyes unintentionally. The first time he looked at her like this, he felt that her eyes were so quiet and there was trust in him.

"Okay, just take a look. You can't get close to it three steps."

"Hmm." Pei Xinhong nodded with a smile.

Blue bell tuned a team of guards and hit the torches. Yu unintentionally took Pei Xinhong and Lan Ling out. Originally, Pei Xinhong meant to carry Mingming. If the sky and the black box reacted again, he could ask Mingming to explore the soul of the sky.

However, this is too dangerous. Maybe some terrible information will come out of Zhantian. She didn't want Mingming to leave a psychological shadow at a young age, so she categorically refused, which also moved Pei Xinhong even more. For the first time, she found that this man had been thinking about them.

If he doesn't have a bad personality, it's perfect.

The group came to the construction site, and the guards immediately gave way, and Wei Tianbao greeted them.

He asked unintentionally, "Nothing happened again, right?"

Wei Tianbao shook his head and said, "No, everything is normal."

"That's good. Keep guarding it. It will be all right tomorrow."

Yu Wuxin took the two women near the pit. The guards lit torches around and lit the pit brightly. Pei Xinhong looked at the black box in the pit and slowly approached it. Yu Wuxin followed closely. When Pei Xinhong unconsciously approached the box, Qi Wuxin quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her.

"You can't go any further, it's dangerous."

Pei Xinhong seemed to wake up and said, "Ah, I'm sorry, I'm just looking at the box."

He didn't want to hand her a long wooden stick and said, "Touch it with this."

Pei Xinhong nodded, took the wooden stick, and carefully knocked on the box a few times. The sound came out as if she was knocking on a stone. She knocked around the box several times with a wooden stick, indicating that the box was an entity.

"Is this just a stone?" Pei Xinhong guessed.

said inadtentionally, "But this shape should be the box, and that thin seam should be the combination of the box lid and the box body."

Pei Xinhong nodded and said, "Indeed, it looks like an old coffin."

Yu said insoheartedly, "I think so too. I have always felt that it is likely to be filled with a corpse, and it is also the body of a monster."

Pei Xinhong was shocked and said, "What you said is too scary."

Thehui said unintentionally, "It can take the lives of several people, which shows that I am not alarmist, so I want to send it away. If it hadn't been for Zhan Tian's reaction to it, I wouldn't have bothered to study it."

Pai Xinhong quickly walked to the edge of the big pit and said, "Send it away, send it away quickly. The more I look at it now, the more uncomfortable it is."

Yu unintentionally smiled and said, "It's terrible if you look good at it. At that time, when you fell in love with the monster inside, you became a miserable child without father and mother."

Pei Xinhong just walked on the mound. Hearing his joke, she was almost unstable. Thanks to Lan Ling holding her in time. After standing firmly, Pei Xinhong stood still and said angrily, "Damn guy, I just thought you were a little human and wanted to praise you, but I didn't expect that the dog still couldn't eat shit. I can see it clearly. I want to hear you say good things in my life. Don't expect it. I'm really not worth it for Smurfling."

huiIntentionally said, "I'm not afraid that you will be fascinated by me because of what I said at home, so I will be very embarrassed."

Pei Xinhong became more and more angry and tried to lower her voice and said, "Will I be fascinated by you? Don't dream, and why are you embarrassed?

Yu Xin** said with a smile, "If you are fascinated by me, I will be responsible for you. At that time, it is inevitable that something will happen to us. If we are clearly seen, won't my image be completely destroyed?"

"No heart, I'm going to kill you..."