Beast in brocade

Chapter 177 First Vistoxin

In the end, Fang Xiao still served Yu unintentionally and had enough to eat, and then went back to his room to sleep.

But it was impossible for the inad to fall asleep. He sat cross-legged and took out the Aozhu in his pocket. The candlelight in the room had been extinguished, and the inad could still see the faint fluorescence emitted on the beads.

"It's obviously a water system, but it's dark. Little guy, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The dragonfly is full of tenderness. For Aozhu, he sometimes thinks that after finding it, he will treasure it forever and find another water beast bead to replace it.

Because the meaning of Aozhu to him has far exceeded the value of a beast bead. Without the appearance of Aozhu, he may not be able to know that he has nine pearls at all, which is too coincidental.

Maybe this is God's will, otherwise, how could a king who has formed a beast bead be killed by him so easily?

What's more coincidentally, when he was attacked, he picked up Aozhu and released the energy wave of the sea for the first time, which laid the foundation for today's Jiuzhu Xuangong.

"Without Aozhu, there would be no carelessness today."

Yu Wuxin has always thought so, so he wanted to keep Ao Zhu as a memorial forever, but later he changed his mind.

Since Aozhu guided him to know the nine-pearl Xuangong, it means that it is predestined to nine-pearl Xuangong. It is destined to become one of his nine beads. If the dragonfly does not want it to integrate into the nine pearls, it is a trip against the sky.

Only by letting Aozhu realize its value can we truly cherish it.

The anvil unintentionally gently clamps the ao beads in the palm of his hand, calms down, injects the power of the soul into the ao beads, receives energy through the bone network, and enters the sea little by little, which is different from the hot heat of the tiger beads, and also different from the domineering dragon beads. The water energy of the ao beads is so soft and cool, such as a trickle flowing into the sea of knowledge and inters with chaotic energy. Woven together.

The water energy in the chaotic energy is separated and fused, and the more powerful water energy is formed in the sea of knowledge, and then constantly circled around the water droplets, one, two times, three times, slowly turning faster and stronger and stronger. The water droplets immediately emit dark fluorescence and began rapid rotation, gradually reaching with water energy. The same speed.

Soon, he couldn't see which was water energy and which was water drop. He could only see a high-speed rotating ball, which was constantly increasing, and the volume was close to the fire bead next to him. He was overjoyed. After all, he was his first beast bead, and the refining speed was indeed extraordinary.

So he wanted to inject the power of the soul again and accelerate the refining of Aozhu, but when he carried the power of the soul again, he suddenly felt a strong dizziness.

The power of the soul is overdrawn, and there is no warning. What's going on? He didn't want to know that there was too much water energy absorbed today, but it was because there was no sign of overdraft that he dared to absorb so much.

Why is there no omen? Is it because you are too excited?

It is possible that the heavy excitement of Aozhu did make him forget everything, but the dizziness was so strong that he was almost out of breath, and it felt like he was poisoned.

Suddenly, he thought that Shen Zuiyin had said that he had been shot by Deng Yifei* before. At that time, his right hand did feel uncomfortable, but because that feeling later disappeared, he thought that Shen Zuiyin was all over him. Now it seems that Shen Zuiyin said this symptom.

How did it just happen now? Why haven't you felt it all the time? Why do you like to play surprise attacks today?

Yu was depressed and wanted to cry without tears. At this time, he fell weakly and didn't even have the strength to call for help. Damn it. What should he do?

The body is powerless, and his soul is more and more dizzy. He tries to make his body move, but he can only move a little finger. No, if it goes on like this, he will definitely die. Why didn't he believe in Shen Zuiyin at the beginning?

He can't die. He finally started such a big family business. The feud between him and Chen Donglai will soon come to an end. How can he die at this time?

The strong desire to survive instantly filled his soul. At this time, the exhausted soul power suddenly gave birth to new power. As soon as this power appeared, it immediately eliminated the dizziness of the mind, although the weakness of the body had not improved.

But the power of the soul actually mobilized the three energies of thunder, fire and water. It ran quickly in the bones of the whole body and soon did not separate many green elements from the bones. It turned out that the toxins inhaled heartless body before were absorbed by his special bones. Originally, it was constrained by his bones and soul, and did not treat his body. The body causes damage, but when the power of the soul is overdrawn, the toxin loses its restraint and begins to invade his body, and it also produces new toxins.

At this moment, the three energies are forced out of the bones. Those toxins are like frightened ants, fleeing everywhere, but the three energies form a perfect defense network, wrap these toxins in them, and then return to the sea of knowledge.

All this is not controlled by the unintentional consciousness, and it is completely an instinctive movement of the power of the soul, so the unintentional is curious about how it will deal with these toxins.

However, what he never expected was that the chaotic energy in the sea would quickly wrap the toxins focused from the bones and swallow it up little by little, like seeing a delicious beast.

At this time, it suddenly remembered that the mysterious woman had said that among his nine attributes, the last one ranked was poison.

No wonder he can control toxins. It turns out that he is also a master of poison and is more powerful than Deng Yifei.

Now the sea energy is actually not devouring toxins. It is the same as when the sea is unintentionally refining the beast beads. The poisonous elements in the sea want to merge with the toxins from the outside world. Unfortunately, the sea energy has not yet refined the poison beads, so the fused poison elements will soon return to chaos.

It's as if the toxins outside have never come, but Wuxin still felt the previous thin chaotic fog, which seemed to have become much thicker.

The toxins in his body disappeared, and his unintentional body function recovered. He lay flat **, gasping heavily, as if he had just finished some strenuous exercise, and his clothes had been deeply sweaty.

The rest of his life after the disaster was happy. He laughed at himself and said, "I haven't experienced this feeling for a long time. It seems good to experience it occasionally."

At the same time, he is happier about his understanding of his poisonous elements. All the time, he is about to forget that he still has poison energy, and even he almost forgets that he is omnipotent.

Hey hey, what will it feel like to attack nine energies together?

He has no intention of infinite longing. Maybe by that day, he will already be a demigod.