Beast in brocade

Chapter 264 Cold Mountain Cave

Yu thought for a moment and said, "Actually, I don't understand. The ancient witch seems to be very afraid of me. Since their first sneak attack on me, they have been sneaky, but according to their strength, it shouldn't be like this."

Chen Dongge said, "The ancient witches have been lurking in Haile for so long. They must know the battle between you and the Tianhui, and I'm afraid they also know that you have a close relationship with Zhou Xianzi."

Yu said unintentionally, "This is possible, but I always feel that there are other factors."

Chen Dongge asked, "What factors?"

Yu shook his head inadlint and said, "If I knew, do I still need to tell you?"

Chen Dongge stared and said, "What do you mean by that? Am I here to answer your questions?

He nodded and smiled carelessly, "It's so smart. He really deserves to be my good opponent."

Chen Dongge snorted coldly, "No, I have nothing to do with you."

Yu asked with a smile, "Is it really okay?"

Chen Dongge said coldly, "It really doesn't matter."

Yuxin smiled and said, "Well, I wanted to tell you a secret. Since you have nothing to do with me, forget it."

Chen Dongge turned his head and looked at Wu Xin and slowly said, "If you have something to say, don't play children's tricks."

He said inattentionally, "Although it's a child's trick, it's still very useful for you."

Chen Dongge snorted coldly again and asked, "Do you say it or not?"

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly." Without thinking, he said, "I always feel that I can still live safely until today with the blessing of God."

Chen Dongge said, "With your strength, even if they don't kill the sky, they can't do anything about you."

Yu unintentionally shook his head and said, "That's not what I mean. Do you remember the origin of the sky I said?"

Chen Dongge nodded and said, "Remember, do you mean that the ancient witches actually knew the origin of Zhantian for a long time, so they avoided you?"

hui had no intention to ask, "Well, I think so, but when I told Wu Qiyan the origin of Zhantian, he was very surprised. It didn't seem to be a fake, and if they were really afraid of me, they would not send someone to kill me."

Chen Dongge thought for a moment and said, "Well, this is really confusing. The ancient witches are very afraid of you, but they have repeatedly killed you. So are they afraid or not?"

hui said unintentionally, "I don't know. I always feel that there must be some big secret in it."

Chen Dongge asked, "What's the big secret?" It can't be a secret between heaven and earth, can it?"

Yu said unintentionally, "Almost, if it's really as I thought, it really has something to do with heaven and earth."

Chen Dongge frowned and said, "The more you talk, the more evil you are. Can you and the ancient witch have something to do with heaven and earth? Even the demon king in those years was far away from heaven and earth, otherwise he would not have been destroyed.

He looked at him indifferently and said, "If I told you a secret, you would definitely not think so."

Chen Dongge said, "What's the secret? Tell me first."

hui had no intention to tell Chen Dongge the secret in the cave he saw in Hanshan. Anyway, he didn't tell him to keep the secret, so he naturally didn't care about the secret.

In fact, he has been very concerned about one thing these days, that is, the magic circle in the second picture in the ancient cave of Hanshan. Although he doesn't know what it means, now that he cares about one place, that is, in the middle of the magic circle, there is a dark shadow, the black The shape of the shadow is very similar to that of Zhan Tian. He didn't care about it before. Recently, he was so stimulated by the ancient witch clan. He couldn't help thinking that Zhantian had nothing to do with that magic array, right?

But he quickly denied it, because according to the mysterious master who killed the sky, Zhantian was created by the demon king himself, and the cave did not know how long it existed, so it was impossible for Zhantian to appear there.

After listening to the unintentional story, Chen Dongge was also extremely shocked. He never thought that the world could be changed.

"This is incredible. It's unintentional. If we hadn't known each other, I knew you wouldn't have joked at this time, otherwise I would have thought you were crazy."

hui carelessly shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't believe it either, but that's what the head of the empty door told me, so I can't believe it."

Chen Dongge said, "With the cultivation of the head of the return, he will naturally not lie to you, but you said that Zhantian has something to do with the magic array, which seems a little unlikely."

Yu said unintentionally, "I also think so. Zhantian has only been in the world for more than a thousand years, and the stone cave is afraid that it has been thousands of years. How can Zhantian have anything to do with it, but I can't let it go recently. I always feel that Zhantian has some kind of connection with it."

Chen Dongge said, "You won't doubt whether Zhantian was created by the demon king, will you?"

Yuxin said, "I really think so now. I even suspect that the demon king went to that cave more than a thousand years ago and took away the chopping sky in the cave."

Chen Dongge said, "That's too ridiculous. Now that the ancient witches are eager to resurrect the demon king, will it have anything to do with that cave?"

Yu said unintentionally, "This is not impossible. The ancient witch may have known the cave from the records left by the demon king, so now they want to resurrect the demon king in a hurry."

Chen Dongge asked, "But what are the benefits for them to resurrect the demon king?" If they want the Demon King to lead them across the mainland again, it has nothing to do with the cave.

Yu said heartlessly, "It doesn't matter. Do you think there will be only a few paintings in that cave?"

Chen Dongge was shocked and said, "Yes, if Zhantian came from there, then there will definitely not be only Zhantian."

Yu nodded heartlessly and said, "A cave that has existed for thousands of years, even if it is a stone, I'm afraid it's not ordinary."

Chen Dongge suddenly stared at Yu Wuxin, who was strangely seen by him and said, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Chen Dongge asked solemnly, "Why did you tell me such an important thing? Aren't you afraid that I will go treasure hunting? Or I will betray you."

hui unintentionally smiled and said, "You won't. I believe you. Although we are enemies, you and I both know in our hearts. In fact, we are the same kind of people and all have our own dignity. If we want to fight, we must fight beautifully, and I'm not afraid that you will go treasure hunting. That cave is very hidden, even if I have been there once. , you can't find it. You can't find any treasure by yourself. If you want to find treasure, you still can't do without me.

Chen Dongge laughed and said, "I knew you were very calculating. In fact, I don't think there is any treasure there now."

Yu said unintentionally, "Yes, I will go there when I have nothing to do. If there is anything good, it must have been taken away long ago."

Chen Dongge said, "If the ancient witches target the cave, they may not be disappointed."

Yu sighed and said, "We don't know their real purpose yet, so we can't persuade them."

Chen Dongge laughed and said, "Do you still want to persuade them?" I'm really full, and I don't wonder if they will believe you. If they know that you have been to that cave, they will definitely regard you as a treasure and give you well.

He couldn't help scolding, "His grandmother, it's really annoying."

Chen Dongge suddenly said, "Have you ever thought about whether there are any secrets in Zhantian? The ancient witch was afraid of you, but they were actually afraid of killing the sky?

Yu unintentionally glanced at Chen Dongge and said, "I knew that nothing could be hidden from you, and I also thought so, but for me, Zhan Tian's whole body was a mystery. When I didn't know its identity, I was curious about its identity. After knowing its identity, I wanted to be curious about its background. I have given up now. For Zhantian, I just need to use it smoothly.

Chen Dongge nodded and said, "In fact, whether it is a blessing or a curse, you have to thank it. If it weren't for it, how could you go through so many dangers?"

hui unintentionally agreed and said, "I agree with this. If I hadn't cut the sky, I would have been defeated as early as the confrontation with Liang Haoweng. Thanks to it, so many dangers after that."

Chen Dongge laughed and said, "Don't say so pitiful things. Aren't you just blaming me for attacking you too hard before? Your boy also killed one of my men. Of course I can't wait to kill you.

Yu smiled heartlessly and said, "Bah, if you kill me, who will help you deal with Chen Donglai and Chen Zhankui? I really don't know what's good or not."

Yu has no intention to be honest with Chen Dongge. Even if it is a life-and-death battle, it is just a game in their eyes. They are destined to be opponents. In the end, only one person can survive. They all know this ending, but they are still friends, which is also doomed.

What does it mean? What does it mean to be full of pride? There is a deep bond between the unintentional and Chen Dongge. In fact, they enjoy the current appearance. They have a friend and enemy who can make friends and pay with all their best. This is life.

Yu said unintentionally, "Why don't your men come yet? At this time, I'm afraid the whole Taiping County can come by.

Chen Dongge looked out and said puzzled, "Yes, it's been so long. Why hasn't Erlong come yet?" I'll go and have a look." With that, Chen Dongge got up and walked out.

As soon as I reached the door, I saw a subordinate hurried towards Chen Dongge. As soon as I saw Chen Dongge, he shouted, "The owner is not good, and the big thing is not good."

Chen Dongge scolded, "If you have something to say, what does it look like in a panic?"

The man stopped in front of Chen Dongge, took a short breath and said, "Master, the king leads him... he..."

As soon as Chen Dongge heard that Wang Erlong had something to do, he quickly asked, "What's wrong with Erlong? Say it quickly."

The man said, "The king led him to death."

Chen Dongge was shocked: "What's going on? How did the two dragons die?