Beast in brocade

Chapter 282 Insect and Ant Transmission

You sneered and said, "That's to deceive my trust, right? You pretend to worship the demon king to explain why you know so well about the magic box, and it can also make me believe that you are not an ancient wizard.

Liu Xiran smiled and said, "Yes, the more I worship the demon king, the less you will think of me as a witch, because if I am really a witch spy, I should show my hatred for the witch."

Yu said unintentionally, "You are really scheming, but I'm very surprised. How did you inform Yuewei's family later that you were in my yard? You should know that you have been locked in a secret room.

Liu Xiran said proudly, "This is the secret contact method of our witch clan. As long as we want to contact, we can send out information anytime and anywhere."

Yu said unintentionally, "Well, what's there to be proud of? Isn't it because of the life-saving method practiced by avoiding pursuit all year round?"

Liu Xiran said, "Now you have to rely on this life-saving method to save your men."

Yuxin said, "Are you sure that Yue Rouxin can find the trace of the Haotian family?"

Liu Xiran said, "Don't worry. With her action, there are no witches in the world that she can't find. In the past, when our family rescued other families chased by other forces, we relied on soft hearts to find those scattered people."

Yu said unintentionally, "I didn't expect that the little woman still has this ability. Where is she now?"

Liu Xiran said, "Don't worry, we are about to reach the contact point. When we go there, we can know her whereabouts after reading the information she left."

The two walked quickly on the street, but Liu Xiran's legs were too short and the speed was only faster than ordinary people, which made Yu Wuxin very anxious. He said, "What are you hiding now? Hurry up and use the body of your ancient witch clan. We will rush to save people.

Liu Xiran said, "I didn't hide it. I really don't know how to kung fu, so I can't use the body methods you said."

Yu was curious and said, "As an ancient witch, why can't you work hard? Then how do you protect the magic box?

Liu Xiran said, "My body was attacked by magic when I was a child, so I can't practice all my life, and my body grows very slowly. As for why I protect the magic box, I naturally have my way." With that, Liu Xiran's face showed a light of confidence.

He shook his head and sighed, "So you can't practice either." At this time, his hostility to Liu Xiran suddenly weakened. After all, he could not practice, but now he has become a six-level master. Unfortunately, Liu Xiran is not so lucky.

When Liu Xiran heard that Yu had no intention to use a word, he couldn't help looking back at him and said, "What is 0? Who else can't practice?"

Yu said indifferently, "Many, many, the common-blooded children of the Beast Alliance and the orcs of the orcs, they can't practice, and their descendants can't practice."

Liu Xiran nodded and said, "Well, yes, those people have been unable to escape the spell for generations, but you are very lucky. You have not only escaped, but also cultivated to the sixth level of strength, which is to the extent that even many superior people can't cultivate."

He sighed unintentionally and said, "Luck? It's really a kind of luck."

Liu Xiran said, "You don't seem to be happy?"

Yu said unintentionally, "If I were really happy at the beginning, but after this series of events, I can't help but feel that the mediocre days were better."

After hearing this, Liu Xiran immediately laughed and heard him say, "I think you are very cute."

Thehui frowned and said, "What makes me cute? Boy, you are super cute, aren't you?"

Liu Xiran smiled and said, "Don't get me wrong. I don't mean to laugh at you at all."

Yu said heartlessly, "What do you mean?"

Liu Xiran said, "I have always felt that you are arrogant and arrogant, but now listening to your sigh, I feel that you are like a person."

Yu Xinxin snorted coldly, "Kid, don't think I'm begging you now, and you can scold me."

Liu Xiran shook his hand and said, "No, no, I didn't mean to scold you. I mean, people will have troubles and depressed times. If you don't have troubles, you are not human."

Yu said coldly, "Damn, what kind of theory is this? Aren't those carefree people human?"

Liu Xiran said, "Who is carefree in the world? You are also a person who has experienced life. Have you seen it?

Yu shook his head inadtentionally and said, "Yes, people will have troubles. Hey, I didn't expect that you, a child, looked at me more thoroughly than me."

Liu Xiran suddenly stared and said, "Who is a child? In terms of age, I'm older than you."

Yu nodded heartlessly and said, "I know, don't you look very young when I call you like this?"

Liu Xiran gritted his teeth with hatred. This bastard was really shameless. He still wanted to talk to him in vain. As a result, he even came to laugh at him. The villain was not ashamed to associate with him.

Liu Xiran immediately accelerated his pace and strode in front of the unintentional. The unintentional smile followed, and the two did not speak. Soon they walked to the depths of an alley, where there was a well. Liu Xiran walked to the side of the well, picked up the well rope and shook it three times, and then stood there, motionless.

He stood in the back and sneered, "Mr. Liu, are you thirsty here? Or do you want to sacrifice your soul?"

Liu Xiran didn't say anything, but just looked back coldly and stared at Wuxin, which made him shut up.

He was angry, but when he saw Liu Xiran's face, he knew that something must have been found, so he suppressed his anger and settled the account with him later.

Liu Xiran still stood quietly. There was no sound around him. He suddenly felt a little gloomy. At this time, a breeze blew, which made him shiver. According to his courage, he could not be afraid of anything, but he didn't know why he looked at Liu Xiran standing motionless. There, Yu unintentionally felt a little hairy in his heart.

Maybe it's because he is an ancient witch. The ancient witch people have always been unpredictable. Although they are human, in fact, there is no difference between things and ghosts. The more they think about it, the more nervous they become.

At this moment, suddenly a slight sound came from the well, and it became louder and louder and louder. Gradually, I didn't know that it was a rustling sound. What should be the sound of crawling? What would be hidden in the well?

The annoice's unintentional face stagnated. He silently transported energy, and the two kinds of energy of thunder and ice were poured on his arms. When there was any change, he immediately attacked and wiped it out together with Liu Xiran.

Liu Xiran heard the rustling sound, but a smile appeared on his face. He walked to the mouth of the well and put his hand on the edge of the well. Soon he saw a dark shadow exposed from the well, and then climbed to the palm of Liu Xiran's hand.

Only then did thehuixin see clearly. It turned out that it was a big beetle. The whole body was black and almost invisible in the dark. If it hadn't been for the moonlight, it wouldn't have been clear that there would be such a guy.

It was almost as big as the palm of Liu Xiran's hand. Liu Xiran raised it flat in front of him and whistled gently. The whistle fluctuated, as if it were in a tune. After hearing the whistle, the beetle actually waved its two tentacles and began to hit Liu Xiran's palm in a fast and orderly manner.

One person and one insect whistled like this, as if they were playing a song or dance, but he unintentionally understood that this should be the deworming art of the ancient witch clan, and got the information they wanted by driving the insects.

The more you look at it, the more frightened you are. If you let these bugs find out the news, then what else is there that they can't find out? It is to ask, who will know that an inconspicuous little bug is actually a big spy.

He was more afraid of the ancient witches. Now he began to suspect that the secret of the magic box was also heard by the Haotian family.

At this time, Liu Xiran had finished talking with the beetle. He put the beetle back into the well and saw the careless expression.

He smiled and said, "What? Scared? I didn't expect that our witches had such a magical contact method, did they?

Yu nodded heartlessly and said, "It's really amazing. It's simply a magical skill. Does the Haotian family rely on this method to know that the magic box is treasured by heaven?"

Liu Xiran shook his head and said, "You look too highly of the Haotian family. This method of worm and ants to send letters is only used by our Yuewei family. Other witch families can't use it at all, and you also look at insects and ants spreading letters, because they can't find out information like human beings, but it's still possible to let them remember a small amount of information in a short time.

The witch was heartless and relieved. If the ancient witches could really use insects and ants to find out the news, then he did not have to fight with the ancient witches and surrender directly.

He asked, "What message did Yue Rouxin leave you?"

Liu Xiran frowned and said, "There is no message. The information left here is just what Rouxin left before looking for you. Now it's been so long, and Rouxin hasn't come back to update it. It's strange."

Qiu Wuxin was immediately disappointed. If he couldn't find Yue Rouxin, how could he find Wei Tianbao? Suddenly, he thought of something and said to Liu Xiran, "When Yue Rouxin broke up with me, she saw your family's distress signal. Is she going to save people now?"

Liu Xiran was shocked and asked, "Did you see that signal bomb?"

Yu nodded heartlessly and said, "Yes, in the south, not far from the gate."

Liu Xiran said, "What color is it?"

said unintentionally, "Purple."

Liu Xiran's face changed color and said, "It's not good, purple bullets, which means that they have met very tricky enemies. They don't know how many people have come. The enemy forced them to use purple cloud bullets. I'm afraid they are more or less lucky."