Beast in brocade

Chapter 288 Deep Mountain

Yu Wuxin suddenly smiled and said, "Marriage is really the best way to cooperate."

Liu Xiran also sneered and said, "Yes, the power of marriage is very powerful, but we witches can't marry foreigners, otherwise the offspring will definitely be different."

Thehui had no intention to guess, "So it has created a body like yours?"

Liu Xiran nodded and said, "You are right. My body is caused by the blood of the two clans. According to the elders of the clan, the ancestors of the Liu family participated in the encirclement and suppressing the demon king in those years, and it is likely that they were attacked by the demon king. The demon spirit remained in his body. He directly inherited it to his descendants. Originally, this demon Qi did not harm his descendants, but when the bloodline of the witch clan was unified with the blood of the Liu family, it immediately caused a magic change. The bloodline of our witch clan was easy to mutate, and as a result, there was this evil result, which seriously damaged my development.

After hearing this, he sighed, "No wonder everyone says that marriage requires sacrifice."

Liu Xiran suddenly smiled and said, "In fact, this body is nothing, and the biggest advantage is that it won't get old. When you are too old to move, I have just entered middle age."

Qiu Wuxin admired Liu Xiran's optimism, but he still couldn't help saying, "You may not compare with me. I am now at level six, and my life expectancy can be twice that of ordinary people. If I can break through the next product, my life will only be longer. At that time, you will be too old."

Looking at the unintentional villain's ambitious appearance, Liu Xiran snorted coldly, "You have become interested. Just because you still want to break through the lower grade. Dream, how many people have not reached the first grade in their lives. How can you be one more than everyone else?"

The dragonfly smiled and said, "This may not be impossible. I can become the strength of the current level six from an orc who can't be cultivated. It can be said that I am the first person from ancient times to the present, so there is still a long way to go. My achievements are absolutely immeasurable."

When Liu Xiran heard this, he suddenly felt uncomfortable. He knew that what he said was right. He was definitely the first orc in history. No one can say how big his achievements will be. He can practice to level six at a young age, which is something that many practicing geniuses can't do, so he absolutely Qualified to hit the top quality.

But Liu Xiran did not have this life. His body has been doomed by his fate from birth. No, this is not right. The fate of all people has been determined before birth. Everyone comes to the world to experience it. The only thing in his fate is hardship.

Watching others practice since childhood, he can get praise from his parents, but he gets endless white eyes and ridicule, and even his parents' beating and scolding.

This result is not caused by him. Why did he suffer?

At the beginning, they knew that marriage with foreigners would make future generations different, but for the benefit of the family, they created him as a victim, and the situation was more serious than any thought.

It's hateful. Why don't they think about their sins?

From childhood to adulthood, he has no friends, no children of the same age, and no one wants to play with him. When others are tall and strong, running and playing, he is still like a baby, thrown on the ground by his mother and struggling on the ground.

At this time, those naughty children would surround him and tease him with some wooden branches and stones, as if he were a toy. He protested loudly, but only caused greater ridicule, so later he gave up struggling and shouted.

But he did not give up in his heart. He swore that he would take revenge. Although God did not give him a good body, he had a tough heart. Although he could not practice, the greatest skill of the ancient witch was poison, a skill that could be performed without skill.

Of course, if he has skills, his power will be greater. If he doesn't have skills, then use techniques to make up for this deficiency. Finally, when he was ten years old and his body was only five or six years old, his poisonous skills were already quite impressive. Those peers who are taller than him and more powerful than him are always tortured by his poisonous skills. After that, no one dared to despise him.

His parents have also greatly improved on him, but his heart has been completely closed and he will no longer give anyone a chance to walk in. He has always thought so.

But when she appeared, his heart could no longer calm down. She was the daughter of the patriarch and had been held in the palm of everyone since she was a child, and her appearance was also beautiful. What's more, her poisonous skills were comparable to him, and the two fights were comparable to him.

Gradually, he fell in love with her. Although their appearance did not match well, she had become a beauty at that time, and he was still a child's appearance, but this could not stop the love in his heart, and he began to launch a fierce offensive against her.

She began to ignore his offensive. Later, she was annoyed by him and began to treat him coldly, but all this did not repel him, but made him more and more brave.

She was finally made helpless by him and had to agree to a date with him. Unexpectedly, the date that he only came out perfunctorily, but it became a common thing between the two of them. Later, even she couldn't tell whether she was rejecting him.

In the end, they simply agreed to him, which made him very happy. Just as they wanted to tell their parents, he received an order to go to the Liu family to help protect the magic box, so they agreed that when he came back, it would be the day of their marriage.

This is seven years. They usually exchange letters. Only when she comes out to do things and pass by Haile can they have a chance to meet once, but this does not affect their relationship at all. In the past seven years, their feelings have become stronger and stronger, and they have reached the point where they can't lose each other.

When he saw the beads he gave her scattered on the ground, his heart was full of anxiety, but as his lover, he believed that she would be able to escape smoothly.

Liu Xiran kept comforting himself in his heart. Although he wasted a lot of time with Yu Wuxin, he believed that Yue Rouxin must be waiting for him there.

The unintentional speed did not decrease. Following Liu Xiran's guidance, he walked into a deep mountain. The mountain forest under the night was dark. There was only one path on the mountain. Along the path, he suddenly turned to the middle of the mountain road and entered a col. The col was very hidden, and unfamiliar people could not send it at all. Now, in the depths of the mountain, there is a small courtyard.

It seems that this is the secret stronghold of the Yuewei family. It is indeed extremely hidden. Liu Xiran asked Wu to put himself down, and then carefully walked to the small courtyard and told Wuxin, "You go with me, don't step on it casually. There are many organs here. If you are not careful, you will Your life."

Yu looked at Liu Xiran's cautious appearance and knew that the organs here must be powerful, otherwise they could not be protected from foreign enemies. However, the greatest dependence of the ancient witch clan was poison, but poison had no effect on him, so he didn't care in his heart and said with a smile, "What organs will there be? Poison? Poisonous fog?"

Liu Xiran said coldly, "Don't think that you are not afraid of poison, you can despise our witches. Let me tell you, our witches are not only poisonous skills. Our machine art is also unique on the mainland. There is a set of arrays here. Even if you are a six-level master, you can be half-dead."

He is not a brainless person. Knowing that Liu Xiran is not alarmist, he said, "Hey, interesting. If it's not important to save people now, I must have a good look at the mechanism of the ancient witch. You lead the way."

Liu Xiran didn't say much and began to lead the way in front of him. He turned left and right in the col, and sometimes even had to step back a few steps. It seemed that the design of the mechanism here was very complicated. If it crashed, it would immediately touch the mechanism.

Walking to the door of the small courtyard, Liu Xiran looked at the door and immediately said happily, "Soft heart is in it."

He looked at the door and found that it was just an ordinary courtyard door. At this time, it was tightly closed. He said strangely, "How do you know she is inside?"

Liu Xiran said, "Did you see the two copper bells on the door? That's our contact signal. One copper bell means one person, and now two copper bells indicate that there are two people in the safe haven.

When he looked at it unintentionally, he saw two copper bells hanging on the door. What he didn't know was the decoration on the door.

Liu Xiran walked to the door, tapped the door three times, then patted five times, and finally tapped three times. After that, he heard a woman inside asking, "It's late at night. Who knocked on the door?"

Liu Xiran said slowly, "For passers-by, it's getting late. I want to spend the night."

The person inside asked again, "Is it a resident or a ghost?"

Liu Xiran said, "Lone soul and wild ghost."

As soon as the words fell, the door of the courtyard opened automatically. I saw that the yard was empty. I didn't see any light outside just now. At this moment, it was already brightly lit. It seems that it was just lit.

Liu Xiran went straight into the room, and Wuxin also followed him. He saw a woman sitting in a chair in the room, and there was a man lying on the ground next to him. The man's breath was confused and seemed to be seriously injured.

Liu Xiran did not look at the man, but only stared at the woman, and his face was full of surprise. He asked, " Yue He, why are you here? Where's the soft heart?

The woman named Yuehe said, "Soft heart was captured by them."

Liu Xiran immediately asked urgently, "What's going on? Who caught the soft heart?"

Yue He said, "I don't know. As soon as we arrived in Taiping County, we were ambushed by a group of people in black. Most of them died, and only the two of us escaped."