Beast in brocade

Chapter 293 Grieving about women

The soldier found Yue He's side in a blink of an eye. Yue He held his breath and prepared poison in his hands. When the enemy entered her attack range, she suddenly took action and fought to the death with the enemy.

And when she was silent in her heart, she suddenly heard someone shouting, "I found the intruder. Over there, chase him and don't let him run away."

Yue He was shocked and was about to stand up with the poison, but as soon as she looked up, she saw all the soldiers chasing in the other direction from the grass.

Is there anyone else coming in?

Yue He was stunned and suddenly couldn't scream. It must be Liu Xiran who came in. When he saw the signal bomb, he must have found it here, but there are so many soldiers here. Can he handle it?

Yue He was worried about Liu Xiran and followed the soldiers through the grass. At this time, she didn't care about her injuries on her feet and accelerated to get closer.

Sure enough, he didn't go far. He saw the soldiers surround Liu Xiran in the middle with torches. Liu Xiran stood upright in the middle of the crowd and asked loudly, "Let me ask you, have you caught a woman?"

A captain of the soldier shouted and scolded, "What are you? If you eat the leopard, you dare to break into the forbidden land of the Lei family. I advise you to surrender quickly, so as not to become the soul of our brother's knife in a moment."

Liu Xiran laughed and said, "Just because you can't catch me, I'll ask you again, have you caught a woman?"

The captain of the soldier turned his eyes and said, "Oh, you're talking about your accomplice. Yes, she has been caught by us. The little girl is really too much. She was pressed to the ground by our brother in three or two times. I think your little arms and calves also save some energy. Go and reunite with her early."

He didn't want to hear this, but he laughed and said, "You didn't catch her."

The captain of the soldier was stunned and said, "How do you know?" As soon as the man spoke, he knew that he had lost his words. Originally, he wanted to scare Liu Xiran with these words, but now he not only did not scare people, but also told the truth himself.

As soon as he heard that the captain of the soldier admitted it, Liu Xiran was even more relieved. He smiled and said, "Of course I know that it's not surprising if you catch her, but it's absolutely impossible for you to say that she was pressed to the ground by your people three or two times."

The captain of the soldier snorted coldly, "Well, you believe in her strength."

Liu Xiran said, "Yes, if you want to catch her with your strength, you don't want to get close to her without paying more than a dozen lives."

The captain of the soldier frowned and said, "Little guy, you don't even look at the place. This is the dense forest of the Lei family. Our brothers are all good hands selected by the imperial army. Everyone has been to the battlefield and has dozens of lives in their hands. You little thieves also want to be rampant in our hands. Humph, brother Guys, let him have a good look at what is called awesome.

The soldiers were also angry with Liu Xiran's arrogance. As soon as they heard the captain's order, they immediately shouted and rushed to Liu Xiran.

Liu Xiran didn't care at all, just counted the numbers there: "One, two, three, four, down."

With one of his inverted words, the five people who rushed to the front fell to the ground and there was no more sound. The soldiers behind were suddenly shocked and hurriedly stopped. A bold man dared to touch the ground. As soon as he touched the man, he also fell to the ground.

At this time, the loudest soldier captain suddenly shouted, "Be careful, it's poisonous. That boy's body is poisonous."

Liu Xiran smiled proudly and said, "It's not bad. You can see that I'm poisonous. Haha, who should be rampant now? Why didn't you come to arrest me?"

The captain of the soldier looked at Liu Xiran with fear in his eyes, but still shouted calmly, "Don't be crazy. Don't think that you dare to come to our Lei family with some poisonous skills. Humph, how much of this strong poison can you bring? Our brother is desperate and will run out of your poison. At that time, it will be your death.

Liu Xiran smiled and said, "Okay, let's see when you can consume my poison. Come on."

Liu Xiran glanced at the soldiers and asked, "Which one of you will go first?"

But whoever he saw, he retreated. No one dared to come forward and only laughed proudly at Liu Xiran.

The captain of the soldier looked at his people so useless and scolded angrily, "You bunch of rubbish, are so many of us still afraid of him alone? Well, even if you die, it will be magnificent. The host will keep your family's food and clothing for the rest of your life.

Hearing the captain's inducement, several people were a little moved and began to slowly approach Liu Xiran.

Liu Xiran looked at them and suddenly waved his hands. Suddenly, they were so scared that they shouted and quickly retreated back, which made Liu Xiran laugh.

For a moment, the soldiers and Liu Xiran were in such a stalemate, and at this time, the soldiers searching elsewhere also heard the movement and began to move this way.

If they all gathered together, even if Liu Xiran wanted to poison, he could not poison them. Liu Xiran thought in his heart and slowly walked to the soldiers, but those soldiers were afraid of avoiding them. As a result, he took a step, and those people took a step back.

As soon as she entered and retreated, Liu Xiran continued to walk to the signal. Yue He looked at Liu Xiran walking in the army as if he was idle. His temperament and domineering made her intoxicated. Such a man can be called a hero. Although he did not have a tall body, no one dared to ignore him.

Why is such a man occupied by Yue Rouxin? What is her soft heart? However, because his father is a patriarch, he has been superior since he was a child and is held in the palm of everyone. If there is anything good, he should contribute to her first.

Although Yuehe is one year older than Yue Rouxin, she has to obey Yue Rouxin's orders since she was a child. At her disposal, when she has a task to go out, she has to rush to break through the thorns and resist danger for her. However, she has won the credit, but it is all her Yuerou's heart.

Is this fair?

Yue He admired Liu Xiran very early. When Liu Xiran was still young, the older children often bullied him, and Yue Rouxin also looked at him coldly, but Yue He always felt sorry for this disabled little brother.

But she can't risk offending everyone to love him. Every time he is bullied, she can only watch from afar.

Later, Liu Xiran was successful in practicing poison and watched him teach all the people who bullied him a lesson. Not to mention how happy she was. At that time, she began to pay more attention to this unique little brother.

Especially when she heard that Yue Rouxin wanted to test his poison skills, her heart sweated for him. With her understanding, Yue Rou has been unruly and wayward since childhood. If Liu Xiran wins her, she will definitely sue her father, and Liu Xiran will definitely be unlucky at that time.

But if Liu Xiran loses to Yue Rouxin, he is likely to be poisoned by her.

Alas, this is neither progress nor retreat, so what should we do?

She waited worriedly. She didn't dare to watch the game between the two. Later, she inquired about the results from others and knew that Liu Xiran was better and defeated Yue Rouxin, who had long been famous.

At this time, her heart was both happy and worried. She was worried that Yue Rouxin would revenge on him, but she waited left and right, but did not hear what punishment Liu Xiran had been punished. Instead, she saw that Yue Rouxin and Liu Xiran often had a pairing.

She was puzzled and thought it was Yue Rouxin's conspiracy, but slowly she found that something was wrong. Yue Rouxin and Liu Xiran had been together longer and longer, and when they were together, they smiled so happily and sweetly.

Her heart suddenly sank. She knew that she had lost to Yue Rouxin again, and the man she saw was also robbed by Yue Rouxin.

From this moment, her resentment against Yue Rouxin was planted. Several times she wanted to poison and kill Yue Rouxin, but her poisonous skills were not as good as Yue Rouxin, and she did not dare. In case something was exposed, not only she, but also her family would be punished.

She only had patience and could only watch Yue Rouxin and Liu Xiran get closer and day by day. She prayed countless times that the two would not have a happy ending. Later, she heard that Liu Xiran's bloodline was different. Yue Rouxin was the daughter of the majestic patriarch. The patriarch would definitely not agree with Yue Rouxin's marriage with Liu Xiran.

At this time, her heart was very happy. She only hoped that the patriarch would come out and intervene quickly. At that time, she could appear beside Liu Xiran, ask him for warmth, and replace Yue Rouxin to settle into his heart.

Unfortunately, she was disappointed again. The patriarch did not stop the relationship between the two, and it was even rumored that the two were going to have a big wedding after the coming-of-age ceremony. She was desperate.

Later, Liu Xiran was sent to the Liu family to protect the magic box, which means that Liu Xiran and Yue Rouxin will be separated for several years, which made her happy for a long time. Since she can't get it, it is also very enjoyable to see Yue Rouxin alone.

In a few years, everyone has grown up, and her teenage feelings have also been suppressed. Some time ago, her family proposed a marriage for her. When this mission was over, she went back to get married. She thought her life would be doomed like this.

I didn't expect that she saw Liu Xiran again this time, and found that her feelings for him had never changed. When she first saw him at the secret stronghold, her heart was like an overturn. She only tried hard to suppress herself and not to show it, so she was so calm, as if she had seen an ordinary person.

At this time, looking at Liu Xiran's majestic domineering, Yue He was intoxicated again. She couldn't help coming out of the hiding place and shouted to Liu Xiran, "Xiran, you finally came to save me."

As soon as Liu Xiran saw that Yue He was safe and sound, he was immediately relieved and said, "Come here quickly and let's get out of here."