Beast in brocade

Chapter 298 The Beauty of Wooden Cabinet Prison

After several checkpoints, Liu Xiran was finally 'detain' to the inner house. The checkpoints along the way are more and more strict. Liu Xiran had to be glad that he was 'detain' in. If he broke in by himself, I'm afraid he would not be there for a long time.

It's not that there are many masters along the way, but when he looks at it, the most people are the same level 4 and 5 masters as the blood lady. Such masters can be called masters, but only level 5 can get to the edge of masters. In Liu Xiran's eyes, only people above level 6 are real masters.

But even if there is no real master, even if there is only a group of ordinary soldiers, he can't stand the large number of people. If people rush to him one after another, his poison will not kill everyone.

Even if he is a six-level master like Yu Xin, he can't handle so many enemies.

I don't know what's going on with him. Can he break in alone with such a tight defense? However, looking at the orderly appearance of these soldiers, that is, no enemy invasion was found again, as long as they were not found. After saving people, he would find a way to inform the unintentional approach.

This is the first time to cooperate with the inad, but he cooperated very tacitly. When he found that there might be something wrong with Yuehe, he only used a look, and the inadvant immediately understood it and immediately pulled away. When he was surrounded by the Lei family, he silently killed the ambush in the dark, and didn't know How many people are there in total, but they can be killed without any sound. Liu Xiran also has to admire his unintentional strength.

Liu Xiran was thinking about Yu Xin, but he didn't know that Yu Xin was also thinking about him.

After dealing with the people in the dark for him, he knew that Liu Xiran could deal with the rest of the situation, so he sneaked into the forest first, but he had no one to lead the way. First, he didn't know the way, and he didn't have a pass, so he had to explore slowly by himself.

It was also his luck. Because he didn't recognize the way, he just bypassed the complex maze and came to a small river. The river flows from a mountain stream. The mountain stream is very narrow. If he is an adult, he will definitely not be able to go there, but he is unintentionally but not afraid. His body is now an orc. , and it is also a snake beast, and there are also the characteristics of nine-tailed snakes.

The biggest feature of the snake is that it can enter its body into contraction. Although the snake orc's instinct of shrinkage has degenerated a lot, its body is very tall. If you want to shrink your body slightly, you can pass through the mountain stream, so the snake has no intention to enter the mountain stream and put his bones little by little. Shift, then contract, and move forward slowly, but the mountain stream is really too difficult to walk. He moves step by step, and he is still stuck everywhere. Sometimes the narrowest place almost squeezes him down half, which makes him unable to breathe well and almost scolds his mother, but he has to have the strength to curse. If he can't breathe, he can't do anything. He could only grit his teeth and move forward little by little. Fortunately, when he got to the back, he walked wider and wider, and some places could make him turn around and have a rest.

This mountain stream is about four or 500 meters long. Because it is too narrow, it is estimated that no one will come in from here, so there is no defense here at all. When the dragonfly has no intention to cross the mountain stream, carefully observes around, and after confirming that there is no one, he opens his mouth and breathes greedily.

It's so fucking cool that he just knows how comfortable it is to breathe freely.

Although with his strength, it doesn't matter if he doesn't breathe for a period of time, it consumes energy and gas in his body, which is naturally not as comfortable as fresh air.

After breathing a few times and filling his body with fresh gas again, he walked forward.

Without the river, he walked all the way into a tree. Unexpectedly, when he crossed the back mountain, the terrain was so flat. When he looked back, he saw a mountain wall standing behind him. It seemed that this back mountain was the natural barrier of the dense forest of the Lei family, which was neither big nor high.

But it stood straight there, which was equivalent to preventing the side of the dense forest. If it hadn't been for the inability to shrink the bones, it would have been impossible to come in safely.

Now that there is no river, he feels that the river will definitely flow to the inner house, so that he will not have to look for it again.

He walked unintentionally for a period of time and walked through a forest. When he came out again, he saw houses. It seems that this is the inner house. It really takes no effort. Along the way, he sneaked quietly and was not found.

At this time, he couldn't help thinking that Liu Xiran would not directly sprinkle poison and rush in at the same time, right?

Then he has to bring more poison, otherwise he can't poison so many people.

Yu Wuxin couldn't help gloating in his heart and thought, regardless of him, I will save people first, wait for the rescue of people, and then save him.

He looked at the house in front of him and wanted to determine where the prisoners were detained, but the rows of buildings looked similar and he didn't know where to start.

Yu couldn't help scolding in his heart: It's really annoying to his grandmother. Why doesn't he know how to put a road sign? Aren't they afraid that their own people have gone wrong?

Yu Xinxin's words are completely venting. How can their families go the wrong way? If they don't set up a road sign, it's just inconvenient for a malicious invader like him. After thinking about it, he decided to find a road sign. Since he can't find a dead road sign, then find a live road sign.

Looking left and right, thehui had no intention to look for someone to see what had passed through. He directly pulled him into the woods and tortured him severely, but he was afraid that he couldn't ask anything. But it was strange that when he was afraid of being discovered, a large number of soldiers passed in front of him, but now when he needed someone, he didn't see a single person.

I'm really pissed off. Where have all the good people gone? Really, no matter who they are, as long as they recognize the way, one will come out soon. Don't let me wait for a long time.

He didn't want to wait for a while, but no one appeared. He decided not to wait any longer. Now he has wasted a lot of time. If it is delayed, he will really be ready to collect Wei Tianbao's body.

Damn, when Wei Tianbao is rescued, you must find Liu Xiran to get a few packs of poison, all scattered in the wells of the Lei family and Haotian family, poisoning these bastards.

Thehui has no intention to sneak out from the dark and approach the place where there is a house. If there is a house, there must be someone. If you can't wait, you can only go to the house to arrest people.

When I approached those houses, I unintentionally found that they were all old houses, which seemed to be used for warehouses and so on. No wonder no one is here. At this time, who else will come to such a place?

It seems that his plan to arrest people will also fail, and he has to go in.

Through several rows of houses, the houses are gradually getting newer and newer. You can see people living in some places, but you haven't met anyone yet, and you don't have to worry at this time. Anyway, they have come in and you can definitely catch people.

Sure enough, it didn't take long to hear someone's breathing, which made him feel refreshed. Hearing the sound, he was sure that there was only one person, and it was not like the breathing sound of a martial arts learner, so it would be better to pay.

Now Yu is heartless and feels that it is still as simple as it is. His purpose is to save people and save people, which is the most fundamental thing. He approached the man carefully. In a room, he walked to the window unintentionally, gently clicked the window paper and looked in, but he didn't see anyone in the room. It's empty. It's impossible. He clearly heard the sound of breathing. Why is there no one?

He had no intention to look at it again, and even boldly broke the window paper a little bigger, but he still didn't find anyone.

Isn't it a ghost?

It's impossible. Ghosts don't breathe. This breathing sound is indeed made by living people. It seems that there is something strange in this room.

He couldn't help but be curious. He came to the door and saw that the door was locked. Alas, he looked in without looking at the door carefully just now. It seems that the person in this room has been locked inside, so where is he? It must be afraid of being discovered and hidden. Hey hey, interesting. What does this mean?

The more he thought about it, the more curious he became. He looked around and saw no one. He grabbed the door lock with one hand and didn't see how hard he tried. The lock had broken in half, and he didn't find any sound.

He opened the door inadtentionally and gently looked at it. The furnishings in the room were very simple, just like what he saw outside the window. There was only a bed, a table, and a few stools. The only conspicuous thing was the big black cabinet.

Thehui had no intention to identify the source of breathing again, and it was confirmed that it was sent out in that cabinet. He closed the door again, then slowly walked to the cabinet, hid his body aside, and slowly opened the cabinet door. There was no danger, so he slowly turned around and immediately saw a white thigh, very white and tender, a woman's leg. His eyes lit up unintentionally, and then opened the other cabinet door to show all the scenery inside. In front of you.

At that moment, he opened his eyes wide.

In the cabinet is a woman with her whole body. She was tied to her hands and feet, and then fixed it to the back wall of the cabinet, stuffed with white cloth in her mouth to prevent her from talking.

The white body was looked at unreservedly. What surprised me most was that the woman was good-looking but a rare beauty. At this time, the woman was in a coma and seemed to be some kind of medicine.

Which immoral guy imprisoned beauty here? Unfortunately, he has something to do now, otherwise he will play the play of heroes to save beauty.

Alas, it's a pity. What's more, such a person can't ask anything. His plan to let people lead the way has still not been implemented.

Inouxin slowly wanted to close the cabinet door. At this time, the woman suddenly opened her eyes. When she saw that Yu Xin was standing in front of her, her eyes immediately lit up and she wanted to shout loudly. Only the white cloth gagged, and she could only whine.