Beast in brocade

Chapter 306 Pre-Prison War

Liu Xiran opened his way with poison, which is really unstoppable. Ordinary soldiers do not deserve to wear poison jade. In front of Liu Xiran, they can only be regarded as a group of poor children. They were killed and injured by Liu Xiran's gentle wave of his hand, but it is very difficult for them to get close to Liu Xiran, because of his side There are two four-level masters escorting him.

At this time, three masters in the iron supervision team were unintentionally restrained. The other masters either did not arrive or guarded the inside in the prison to prevent the internal emptiness from being exploited.

In this way, the strength of the iron supervision team has been greatly reduced, which also blames that the iron supervision team has been too comfortable in recent years. Although the death of the captain has always been their shame, that time it was because the enemy's strength was too strong. Even if they were ready, they could not change the result, so they did not start from that time. How many lessons have been learned from the incident?

So much so that the iron supervisor still regarded themselves as an indestructible iron prison, and because there were guards outside, they basically couldn't get out of the sheath here all year round. This time, they were caught off guard and immediately exposed their shortcomings.

The three masters besieged one unintentionally, but failed to gain the upper hand, and as soon as the three masters were dragged down by the unintentionally, the other men could no longer get on the stage.

The three captains on duty have long gone to see Death early with the cooperation of Liu Xiran, Blood Lady and Yue Rouxin.

The three masters saw that Liu Xiran and others were getting closer and closer to the prison door, and their hearts were suddenly anxious. The strongest man among them shouted, "Close the two doors and shoot arrows."

A person next to him immediately said, "If you close the two doors, it will take three days to open. There is no preparation inside. What if they starve to death?"

The master said, "Now we can't care about this. We must not let these people enter the prison, otherwise where will we put our face?"

As soon as this was said, the man next to him stopped talking. At this time, even if he wanted to speak, he had no time, because he unintentionally saw that his strength was the weakest, and began to focus on attacking him, and his moves were cut at the place where he was controlling his life, which made him so tired.

His companion quickly responded from the side and attacked the inattentional sides to relieve his stress.

When he saw the three people attacking him at the same time, he immediately stepped out and the attack of the three failed. At the same time, a thick lightning flash in his left hand went straight to the strongest person. The man knew the power of the lightning and dared not pick it up, so he had to dodge.

At this time, the union of the three was broken. He had no intention to take this opportunity to cut off another person. The man quickly blocked him with all his strength, but he was just a false move to him. His goal was still the weakest person. The man was not prepared and was bullied in front of him before he could defend himself.

Intentionally, he cut off his head with a big knife.

As soon as the other two saw their brother being killed, their eyes immediately spewed fire and took action angrily.

Zha Wuxin laughed and retreated. The attack of the two failed again. They stood firm and caught up with Yu Xinxin again. This time, they vowed to kill Yu Wuxin and avenge their dead brother.

Intentionally, he still did not take their moves, but ran to Liu Xiran and the three of them, and the two masters of the iron supervision team naturally followed him.

At this time, the defenders of the arrow building in the cell had begun to shoot arrows at Liu Xiran. They dodged left and right. The situation was very critical. They wanted to use the soldiers of the iron supervisors as a shield, but those people were very shrewd and ran aside early.

The three people appeared undisguisedly within the range of the archer's attack.

Yue Rouxin drew an arrow with a knife and said to Liu Xiran, "Xiran, let's go quickly. It's too dangerous here."

Liu Xiran shook his head and said, "No, I must rush in. I promised you not to suffer with me."

Yue Rou's face was cold and said, "I was born to be your person, and death is your ghost. I will be wherever you are. If you don't leave, don't persuade me to leave, or I will be anxious with you."

Hearing Yue Rou's affectionate confession, Liu Xiran's heart was warm and his body was suddenly full of strength. He said, "In fact, there is nothing I can do to deal with those archers. I can't do it alone."

Yue Rouxin said, "What can I do? Tell me, I'll do it."

Liu Xiran said, "You can't do it alone. You have to let the bloody lady help you."

Yue Rouxin glanced at the Blood Lady, and the Blood Lady snorted coldly, "If there is anything, just say it quickly. If it goes on like this, we will die."

Liu Xiran said, "I have two bullets here. If you throw them hard on the arrow building, you must let the two bullets collide and explode. The poisonous fog produced by the combination of the two is enough to make the chickens and dogs above uneasy." With that, Liu Xiran took out the small medicine bullet from his body, gave it to Yue Rouxin and the Blood Lady respectively, and said, "Remember, the two must collide, otherwise it will not work."

Yue Rou nodded and said, "Don't worry, as long as the blood lady throws the medicine bomb to the arrow tower, I will definitely let the medicine bullet hit another bullet."

The blood lady didn't say anything. She raised her hand and wanted to throw medicine bullets. But at this time, the archers on the arrow tower called in another team, and the attack became more and more dense. The two only cared about blocking the arrows and had no chance to take action at all.

Yue Rou frowned and said, "No, we have to find a way to slow down the arrow."

Liu Xiran thought for a moment and said, "I can make some smoke to disturb the sight of the archers, but this will also affect your throwing of medicine bombs. What should I do?"

While the three were thinking about the strategy, they suddenly found that the attack had gradually weakened. They turned their heads puzzled and found that the two masters had led the two masters to their front, just blocking the arrow feathers for them, because they were inside, and they were still two adults. The people on the arrow building did not dare to shoot again for a while. Arrow.

The two also had a secret hatred in their hearts. They didn't expect to be used by the hui xin, but it doesn't work. They must kill thehui xin.

When Liu Xiran saw the opportunity coming, he said to Yue Rouxin and the bloody lady, "Hurry up. It's a rare opportunity."

Yue Rouxin and the Blood Lady were also unambiguous. The Blood Lady first threw the medicine bomb over the arrow tower. Yue Rouxin then took action. The medicine bullet shot at the medicine bomb in front of her like a meteor. With a crackling sound, there was an explosion, and then a purple fog was released.

Before the archers on the arrow tower understood what was going on, they began to fall to the ground one by one.

Liu Xiran rushed to the prison door again with Yue Rou's heart and blood lady. This time, not many people stopped them.

soon rushed to the prison door. Most of the soldiers here died under Liu Xiran's poison, while a small number of people had run away before Liu Xiran rushed here.

Liu Xiran didn't care about the deserters. He grabbed a living mouth and said, "Open the door of the prison quickly."

The living mouth was carried by Liu Xiran. Although he was much taller than Liu Xiran, he had just been looking at the child like a god of murder. Wherever he went, there was only a corpse left. At this time, he was only scared that his legs were weak and he didn't know how to speak.

Liu Xiran said again, "Open the door for me quickly."

The live stammered, "I...I..." But he said nothing for a long time.

Liu Xiran said anxiously, "If you have something to say, or I will poison you."

As soon as he heard that his life was at stake, the living mouth could not be afraid and immediately said, "I can't open it. The double door has been put down inside."

Liu Xiran frowned and said, "What is a double door?"

At this time, the bloody lady said, "Forget it, let's go. Once the double door is put down, no one can open it again. Only three days later, the double door will automatically open, which is a strong defense of the iron prison."

Liu Xiran was shocked and said, "Can't we do anything about it?"

The bloody lady nodded and said, "There's nothing we can do. Even the iron supervision team can't do it ourselves. They have to wait."

Liu Xiran said, "Will the people inside starve to death in these three days?"

The blood lady said, "There is a reserve of food in it all year round, which is enough to eat for five or six days. This is for opening the double door at any time."