Beast in brocade

Chapter 320 Trading becomes difficult

Nameless is looking forward to the unintentional answer. Under his black robe, he can feel a pair of very eager eyes, staring at the unintentional.

This is completely unexpected. That's why he pretends to be thinking. In fact, he is also thinking about how he can get more benefits from nameless.

But now he suddenly felt that he didn't seem to have anything to get from the nameless, and the nameless himself had already opened his mouth to save Wei Tianbao for him, so what else did he have to say?

No, he can't tell the nameless so easily. Liu Xiran still hasn't exchanged the secret he wants to know at his own expense. His nameless is nothing.

If he wants to know, he has to bleed fiercely, but it is obviously impossible to let him be an unintentional follower, because with his arrogance, even if he agrees to be an unintentional entourage for a moment, he dares not use it unintentionally. Just kidding, such an entourage can be placed by his side at any time. It will explode. In case one day he loses his temper and intentionally harms the dragonfly, or throws a few poisons casually in the dragonfly's house, the joke will be big.

He didn't even think about it and directly rejected this possibility. He is a life-threatening person and will not joke about his own lives and his own lives.

If you are really poisoned by nameless, I don't know how many people will laugh to death. Chen Dongge will also laugh for three days and nights. There is nothing he can do. Who is most hateful?

Since his debut, he has been stepping on other people's heads all the way. Those who live and die are all hatred for him. I'm afraid that now in death, how many times he has been sued, so he doesn't want to die. After death, he will go down to fight against them. Who knows How complicated is the situation below? If there are any forces and relationships below, how can others survive if they are not familiar with it?

No, it should be dead, and it can't be. Oh, anyway, how can he stay there? You can't take all his men down, right?

Well, if you put the nameless by your side, it is likely that you will really bring down everyone, and it will be a lot of fun. Then he will really build a dead house below to see if he can compete with death.

But when you think about it, you also know that it is impossible. Death is a god. How can he compete with others? At that time, he will still be destroyed by death, so he can't go down.

went down and hurt himself and made his enemies happy. This kind of thing that harmed himself and benefited others was not his unintentional style, so he shook his head and rejected the possibility of being an unnamed follower.

But he was nameless but didn't know what he was thinking. He just cared about why he could avoid his poison. In fact, when he asked, he was still poisoning him. He didn't believe that there was no poison that hurt him.

But I saw that thehui had no intention to be happy and worried for a while, sometimes nodded, and sometimes shook his head, but there was no sign of poisoning at all. Damn, how could there be such an evil thing in the world?

The nameless wanted to know the unintentional secret, and he urged again: "The unintentional, I have made such a favorable condition. Do you agree or not?"

He didn't want to be called anonymous, but he curled his lips and said, "Your conditions are good, but as long as I catch Lei Yating, the Lei family still have to let people go, so I don't need to make a deal with you. It's not cost-effective for me to exchange my secret for a piece of information I can already get."

The nameless heart said anxiously, "If you don't promise me, I will tell the people of the Lei family that Lei Yating is acting with you, so that you can't save your men."

Yu indifferently smiled and said, "Don't worry about this. As long as Miss Lei is in my hand, the Lei family will not think that I will take Miss Lei to play, and they will not take their eldest daughter's safety as a joke."

When you think about it, things are indeed like this. No wonder he is not in a hurry at all, but he is not in a hurry. He is in a hurry. He wants to know what kind of treasure can avoid his poison?

This is something that he has never seen before. Don't even hear it. He can say that even if he hasn't seen 90% of the poison in the world, he has to see 80%, and he knows a lot about the method of detoxification. Basically, in the world now, it is rare to live his poison. , almost nothing.

And there are few detoxification methods that he has never seen.

Now that I see a person who can't use poison, he can actually remove his medicine without moving. No, he directly ignores the past, as if his poison is just a fart.

This is too unbelievable. If it hadn't been for his little reason, he would have thought that this guy was probably a fairy descending to earth, but the theory of immortality only exists in legend, and there are no immortals in the world.

Even if some people can become the realm of demigods, but only beyond the nine-level spectrum, they will die. For example, isn't the great demon in the witch clan also sealed?

So the nameless people don't believe that there are immortals in the world. He believes that when he goes to the next level, even if he meets a demigod, he can poison them.

But now he hasn't even cleaned up a person who is not a top-quality person. Does he have any face to say how powerful his poison is?

No, he must know what's going on. He must find a way to break the unintentional magic weapon. Only in that way can he make new progress. In fact, this matter is not necessarily a bad thing. He has not made progress for many years. If he can break the unintentional magic weapon this time, then his entry must not Small.

Yes, that's it, it must be.

Thinking of this, he was very excited. He even felt that his heart was about to jump out. He hadn't been so excited for many years. He hadn't been so happy for many years. Just now, he was still angry and depressed, but he forgot such an important thing. It's really wrong. It's too stupid.

Thinking of this, the nameless is even more impatient, but he doesn't dare to speak loudly to the inconnocuous now. He is afraid of making the incongruent, so he won't tell him the secret, which will make him miss a good opportunity in vain, but what should he do?

How can he make him carelessly tell him the secret?

After thinking about it, he doesn't seem to have anything to do. His strength is not weak. In several confrontations with the Haotian family, he has not suffered any loss, and he can avoid poison, and the biggest unnamed trust is also useless to him.

The more I think about it, the more I admire the carelessness. This man is so powerful. No wonder it makes those people in the family have such a headache. Now he also has a headache. Finally, he understands why those people have a headache. Yes, it's difficult to meet such a person without a headache.

If you rashly threaten his family, it will only be counterproductive, because everyone knows that the people of the citricum family are unintentional weakness, but it is also a reverse scale. If you touch his counter scale, it will not only hurt him, but also attract him to fight back.

And although his Haotian family is obedient and lawless, it is not really without scruples. This time, the destruction of the Liu family has attracted the attention of all parties. If they move the mansion again, they will not want to have a good life. In addition, I also heard that Yu Wuxin has a good relationship with the female fairy of Taixumen. If that's the case, then Taixumen will not let go of the Haotian family.

For so many years, Taixumen has been waiting for the opportunity to destroy the Haotian family.

Although the self-deserved and decent people of Taixumen have been shouting about destroying the ancient witches for thousands of years, in fact, it has only been some blows and suppression of the ancient witches for so many years, but it still gives the ancient witches a certain living space.

In fact, this is normal. Any race has a reason for their existence. If it is forcibly eliminated, it will hurt the sky. This is what those high-ranking people are most afraid of. And if the ancient witch people die, how can they set off their right role?