Beast in brocade

Chapter 337 Malignancy

But how many people in the world are more vicious than him?

At this time, it suddenly occurred to me that I had never thought that there was anyone in the world who was more vicious than me.

If there are people who are stronger than him, there must be many people. Even in the witch clan, there are dozens of people stronger than him. In this Yunlan Mountain, he can't even deal with several witch kings, so you can see how strong Yunlan Mountain is.

And there are more masters outside the witch clan, such as Taixumen, Xiu Beast Lianming, Alien Beasts, and Zhenwu School, these are places where strong hands are like clouds.

However, no matter how strong their strength is, they will always be bound by benevolence and morality. Even if the witch people act fiercely, they do not dare to kill and set fire casually. They also have to see things. They will kill people when they really have to.

Otherwise, it will be easy to attract righteous people to pursue.

So there are really not many vicious people. It is certain that among the witches, his viciousness can definitely rank first, but outside the witches?

As far as he knows, many of the masters outside are repeat offenders who have been hunted down by righteous people. Everyone has a big case, all of whom are murderers without blinking, but there are only three people who can really be seen by nameless.

These three people are Sesura, Ghost Godless and Swordless.

I heard that each of them has hundreds of lives, and there will be large bodies wherever they go, which is really terrible.

So Nameless feels that only these people can be compared with him. Although he hasn't killed so many people yet, he is preparing to kill, and most importantly, he has the heart to kill. He wants to kill people in his heart, and he thinks it's fun to kill people.

In addition, he has never heard of those three people who like to play with women. Although they may all play secretly, he likes to play blatantly. That's fun. How wonderful it is to play a beautiful woman to death.

I think those three people are not so bold. The main reason is that they certainly don't have such a high pursuit, so for now, he is definitely not as good as those three people, but as long as he is given some time, he will definitely be able to overwhelm those people and become more powerful villains than them.

What a lofty ambition, but now it's going to be bound in this deep mountains. Damn, fuck, he's fucking pissed off. Who on earth sued him?

If he is found out, he will definitely cut off the bastard's hands and feet, then hang them on the beam, pull all his female relatives in front of him, play with his female relatives one by one in front of him, and then kill those women, pissed off the bastard to death, hum, Be sure to make him regret 1,000 times and 10,000 times.

Let him know that to offend him is equivalent to offending Death. He will definitely make them regret it. He will not only regret, but also make them pay a very heavy price.

The nameless heart secretly decided the most vicious revenge plan, which was indeed extremely vicious. Only he could think of this terrible plan, and only he could do it.

If he hadn't been placed under house arrest by Yunlanshan this time, the world would have suffered again, but the world would have suffered, but the nameless would have given his life to the end. Now he is not done much evil, so Fang Mingjun can still save him and take him to Yunlan Mountain. To avoid the limelight.

But if he is still doing evil outside now, there will definitely be more people who want to kill him, and may directly attract the killing of righteous people. At that time, even the emperor can't save him, so he is now in Yunlan Mountain. In fact, he is alive, but he doesn't know this, and he won't think about it. These.

On the contrary, he wants to go out to do evil now, so in the days of Yunlan Mountain, I'm afraid he can only live his life temporarily. Once he goes out, he will become Bengali, which will only accelerate his demise.

Fang Mingjun now doesn't know what the nameless heart is thinking. He thinks that after these hours of cultivation, the nameless mood has changed.

Yes, there has indeed been a change, but it is not to change in a good way, but to become more evil and vicious. Such a demon is destined to come out to harm the world, so if Fang Mingjun wants to save him, he can only save him for a while. The fate is still to happen.

It's really a pity that Fang Mingjun loves his nephew. Although Fang Mingjun is not a good person, his feelings for the nameless are sincere, otherwise he will not use his face to let the other six witch kings agree to protect the nameless.

You should know that although the seven witch kings have a good relationship on the surface, they are also their own forces. Once their interests are involved, they will also be hostile to each other, but there are few times, because they are generally consistent with the outside world, so there are basically no internal contradictions.

However, basically no, but it does not mean no. They all know in their hearts that if one day something violates their interests, they will immediately turn against each other and fight each other to the death. Therefore, face is also a very important weapon. Now it is equivalent to Fang Mingjun owes six of them. Once there is a conflict, he has to take care of this favor. Otherwise, he will lose his morality. Even the witches should do things with morality. People without morality can't do anything.

This is the unchanging truth in the world.

Fang Mingjun owes such a big favor to six witch kings for nameless, but he doesn't know it at all, and he doesn't understand his uncle's painstaking efforts. Instead, he is still thinking about how to do evil more. If Fang Mingjun knows what he is thinking now, he will definitely clean up this scourge with his own hands to avoid He has to die at the hands of others.

Anyway, he died at the hands of his uncle, and at least he could suffer less.

Unfortunately, Fang Mingjun doesn't know it now, and he doesn't know it. He just wants to do evil now, as long as he takes revenge, and then how to enjoy a better life.

Of course, he will also go to find Liu Xiran. He will definitely kill Liu Xiran, and then grab the little beauty Yue Rouxin and play with her until she dies. Hum, if it weren't for Yue Rouxin, he wouldn't have been so humiliated. Now that I think about it, I'm afraid many people think that he can't do anything now. Right?

Humph, he must make the world powerful. He is a real man. He is more powerful than any man. Just thinking about this, he can't help playing drums in his heart. He hasn't tried it now. I really doesn't know how many times he has recovered. What should he do?

In case it's just a little recovery, won't it be even more humiliating? No, you must find an opportunity to test it, just who to look for? Women here can't be touched. Who else can touch them?

Sure enough, he still has to go out to find a woman. Otherwise, he has never had a chance to test. He must go to test so that he can know how much he has recovered. If he doesn't recover well, he can be treated in time. If he doesn't recover well, but now he may miss the opportunity for treatment. At that time, he You have to regret it all your life. At that time, even if you kill Liu Xiran, it won't be of any use. Even if Yue Rouxin is in front of him, you can only watch it. Damn, it's terrible.

I feel that I want to escape quickly, otherwise, I will find a good woman here. With the final punishment, I will also play with a woman to try the effect.

Alas, I think he has always been happy. How can he worry about this kind of thing? Now he is worried about a woman. It's really a tiger. It's all caused by that bastard. Who is that bastard?

must be found out, must be found out, kill him, kill all the women in his family, and dig his family's ancestral graves, so that his ancestors will not be at peace. This is the end of offending him.

The more he wants to be nameless, the more vicious he is. It can be seen that he is really angry. Yes, the person who complained behind his back is a good time for three years. With these three good years, he can do whatever he wants, but unfortunately, the nameless is now is wasted.