Beast in brocade

Chapter 341 Resentment of Mountain Thieves

With so much gold, what else do they need to be mountain thieves? They have been doing whatever they want for a long time. They go home to be rich and live a happy life. In short, it is better to be a mountain thief here. Be a mountain thief is the hardest life.

Every day, I live the life of licking blood with the tip of the knife. I don't know if the head is still on my head today, and I will fall to the ground tomorrow.

How many people are willing to live such a day? But they still have to live, because they have no way out. If there is a way out, they won't want to live this kind of life. This kind of life is simply not human.

Who do you think will be afraid of his head falling? Of course, there must be some. Some people will worry that their heads will fall one day, because such people have nothing to do when they are full. That's right. If they do what they don't want to do after they are full, they will really have no taste in this life.

People just need to find something to do, but when they do something, they have to have food to eat. After they are full, they continue to look for something. Life is like this to do every day.

Do you think there is anyone who doesn't need to do anything? Yes, I heard that the emperor enjoys happiness every day. Everyone serves him, and the beautiful women of the 72 concubines of the three palaces and six courtyards play with him. How good his life is. They are the same people, why do they have to be mountain thieves, and the emperor can have so many blessings to enjoy?

I can't figure it out. Do people really have to be divided into three, six or nine? Didn't you say that Wang Hou Xiangning has the guts? But why didn't you see any generals in their family?

Well, even if there is no general, it's okay to have a county magistrate. At least they don't have to be mountain thieves here.

In the eyes of the mountain thieves, the county magistrate is a big official. Although they are bandits and the county magistrate is an official, they still have to filial piety to the county magistrate from time to time. Without the permission of the county magistrate, even if they are a mountain thief is not allowed to be a mountain thief. Otherwise, the county magistrate will directly transfer the army and give your cottage to Damn, what kind of mountain thief did you do at that time? Just be a dead ghost.

Alas, life is hard. Why is there so much suffering in the world? The emperor is an endless blessing, and they just suffer endlessly. They only think about how to suffer every day. They don't know what a blessing is.

To be honest, they really don't know what blessing is. It seems that they don't know what blessing is from the time they remember it, because at that time, their parents have told them that you are born to suffer. Don't think about blessings. You just suffer anymore, and you can't suffer well. .

Then they knew that they were suffering. There was nothing else to do every day, but to suffer, and then had a child to continue to suffer.

But who can tell them when they will be blessed? Are they not blessed in their lives? Can you only live in this hardship? Oh, my God, there is really no hope for this day.

Why can't it be fairer in the world? God is really not a good person. No, he is not a man. He is a god, so he is not a good god.

The blessings of some people have been fully added, and they have to continue to be added to him, but what about adding pain to them? It's also full, and it's all flowing out, and it still needs to be added.

Why? Can't he do it fairly? Why did you add so much suffering to him?

Why? The mountain thieves' hearts are very bitter, because their lives are too hard, and they will definitely not see tomorrow. They have to rob their homes every day and wait for others to be killed, which is the end of their lives.

In fact, they don't want to kill people. Killing people is not a good thing. Killing people will suffer retribution. If they go to hell after death, they will also be punished by death. They don't want to kill people and kill people short-lived lives. This is what they all know, but no one tells them that they can not to kill people.

All they know is that if they don't kill, they will die faster. At that time, no one will pity them and collect their corpses. They will only be eaten by wild dogs, and ghosts will become lonely ghosts and wild ghosts. Poor them, why is the world so unfair?

Even if they die, they can't get a good home. They are all buried in the scenery. What about their burial? What about their coffin? No one will remember them after they die.

No, maybe someone remembers them, but those who remember them will only remember how many evil things they have done. God, they don't want to do these things, but if they don't do it, what do they eat? How can they live if they don't do it?

They don't want to die. They want to live and live well. Even if they put it in the oil pot after death, they have to live and kill people, because it's better to live than to die. They can breathe fresh air for one more day, and maybe one day they will rob a big family, have a good meal and drink.

If you are lucky, you can rob several women. No matter what your appearance is, it's good to play. Haha, women are their favorites. In addition to wine, their mountain thieves love women, but there are not many women who can be robbed, so sometimes they go to the city to find *, but they You can't go to a good brothel, because it's a place where dignitaries go. The price there is so expensive that they can't afford to go. If they have that money, it's better to buy a few jars of wine and go back to the cottage to drink, so they never go to a good brothel.

They all go to some low-level brothels or look for secret prostitutes, but those * families that have passed away, those who are already old and yellow, are their dishes. There is nothing they can do. The price of young and beautiful is too expensive.

In the final analysis, it's just for money. If you don't have money, you can't do anything. You can't even find a *. Even if they go to find those low-priced *, they will often be looked down upon by others, because no one looks down on being a mountain thief. Mountainzei is a scum that everyone shouts to fight.

Oh, my God, why can't they have a good reputation? Some mountain thieves will be called knights who rob the rich to help the poor. They have also done some good deeds and divided their extra money to some poor people.

It's just that they can't do this kind of thing often, because they also want to eat, they also want to drink, and they want to play with women. If it weren't for the extra money, they wouldn't share the money to others.

Those who like to share money without money are actually because they have a lot of money. They can rob big families, and the more money they rob, the more people they kill. Why doesn't anyone scold them? They came to scold these little people.

Oh, my God, why are you so unfair? Does everyone want to see money? Can you forget anything else when you see the money?

If you have money, you are an uncle. If you don't have money, you are shit. What kind of world is this?

Mountain thieves shouted in their hearts. They are too bitter. Sometimes they really feel that life is boring. If it weren't for wine and women, they may choose to die, but death is sometimes quite terrible. Think about the body being eaten after death, think about the soul becomes a lonely ghost after death, and then be caught in hell. Punishment, my God, that feeling is terrible.

They don't want to die. They want to live. At least when they are alive, they can still protect themselves. If they die, how can they protect themselves?

Is there nothing we can do? I don't think so. Otherwise, why are so many people afraid of death?

Although the mountain thieves read less, they listen to many stories, so they still know a lot about all this, but why does no one sympathize with them? In fact, they also want to be good people. Although they also know that it is difficult to be good people. With their temper, they may kill people again with knives in two days, they still want to be good people.

After all, good people will be respected. Being a bad person will only be scolded by others. Who naturally likes to be scolded by others? Whoever has nothing to do is want to listen to and scolded. They want to be good, want to be rich, and want to play with beautiful women. Unfortunately, all this has nothing to do with them. They are just a mountain thief, a mountain thief who will die at any time. No one will pity them, no one will sympathize with them, and some will only hate and scold them.

No one looks down on them. They can only go to the darkness step by step, going further and further and getting darker.