Beast in brocade

Chapter 350 Un surprise

Lei Yating always thought that her master's poison was invincible in the world, but she returned with no effort. It's really incredible. How powerful is this man? What kind of person is he?

Leiyating has always wanted to know, but with the understanding, she found that this bad guy turned out to be so bad and too bad. Why didn't he have any manly demeanor? A master like him should be more elegant, but she can't find any demeanor at all from him. It can be said that she feels that he doesn't even have any advantages.

No, I can't say that, and I can't say that he has no advantages. After all, this person's achievements are not comparable to others. Alas, why does such a person have no demeanor? Doesn't he know how to write the word "meanor"? Or he doesn't know what demeanor is at all.

Humph, such a bad person is really bad. For him, you can't treat him with a good attitude at all. Since he is bad, she is worse than him. Damn bastard, she is not easy to bully. If you want to bully her, you have to see what she is.

thing? Haha, is he a thing? Well, it's not a thing, haha, yes, he is not a thing. He is a human being. How can it be said to be a thing? Right? Although Lei Yating is bad, she is not as bad as him. It's hard to imagine how a person like him can have such a high achievement?

How strong it is to become a hegemon from nothing. I'm afraid that some people will not achieve such an achievement in their lifetime. Alas, it's incredible.

Even if his father is now an enemy, he has to admit that he is a master, a master who cannot be despised. From what he has done in Haile, it can be seen that if you despise him, you will lose miserably.

However, Lei Yating is not afraid of him. How can a smart person like her be afraid of him? Even if he is powerful, she still has a way to deal with him. Hey hey, now that he is helpless to her, you can see how powerful she is, right?

But just now, looking at his treacherous smile always makes her feel uncomfortable. If it's someone else, she doesn't have to care, but she can't be careless about it. This person is deeply in line with his clan - snake.

Like a poisonous snake, if you are not careful, he will bite you, and it is fatal. There is no antidote. If there is an antidote, it is to let him die, but will such a person die so easily? No, such a person certainly won't. If he died so easily, then he would not have what he is today.

Damnly, don't people say that the vitality of snakes is very fragile? Why is his vitality not fragile? Why did all his enemies die?

And for thousands of years, orcs have been unable to practice their skills. How can it be useless on the unintentional body? How could he break the shackles of the orcs for thousands of years? It's really puzzleable. Even if someone breaks the thousand-year shackles of the orcs, they still need to find a good person. Why do they find such a bad person? Lei Yating didn't understand. She felt that God was really blind sometimes. She suggested that God should also treat his eyes.

Then look at the big bad guy, drop a thunder for him, and kill this big bastard. Humph, it's too bad.

Lei Yating gave a cold white look. She looked at the cuteness of her white eyes and laughed treacherously. No matter how unhappy she was, it was useless. Hey hey, anyway, when she had dinner later, there were more things that she was not happy about.

Hey, do you want to eat? Do you want to eat well? Then listen to him obediently and be a kidnapped person. For him as a kidnapper, you should learn to obey and save Wei Tianbao smoothly.

When Lei Yating saw another unintentional laugh, she was even more puzzled. Why did he still laugh? Normally, he should be worried now, right? How can you be so proud? Is it he who is happy in his suffering? Impossible. People like him will definitely not do that kind of boring thing. He must have an idea in his heart to show such a proud expression.

Humph, this bastard certainly didn't come up with any good ideas, but don't be proud. If she let him succeed, then she doesn't have to think about traveling around the world or making contributions. Bad guy, let's see which one of us is better.

Lei Yating gave a provocative look at the unintentional glance.

Yu couldn't help laughing and said, "Miss Lei, looking at it like this, I don't know what advice I have for?"

Lei Yating snorted coldly, "I don't dare to teach you. I just want to ask, where are we going next?"

He said unintentionally, "Go to Taiping County."

Lei Yating looked at Yu and said heartlessly, "Taiping County is the base camp of our Lei family. If we go there, I'm afraid we have been caught before we enter the city. Don't you want to find death?"

He smiled proudly and said, "Taiping County is a good base camp of your family, but it is the safest place."

Leiyating thought for a moment and said, "What do you mean by that?"

Xu said unintentionally, "Miss has guessed it. Do you still need to ask me?"

Leiyating said, "You mean that the more dangerous the place, the safer it is?"

Yu said unintentionally, "Yes, the more dangerous the place is, the safest it is. If you were asked to command the Lei family to search, would you think of searching Taiping County?"

Leiyating said, "Yes, but I won't attach too much attention to it, because Taiping County has been run by our Lei family for hundreds of years and is firmly ruled. We are very reassured about Taiping County and will never worry about fleeing to Taiping County. Generally speaking, prisoners will not choose Taiping County, and they will also be afraid from the bottom of their hearts."

Yu said unintentionally, "Yes, ordinary people will definitely be afraid, but I'm not an ordinary person, and Miss Lei, you are not an ordinary person. The more dangerous Taiping County is, the safer it will be."

Lei Yating got an unintentional compliment and couldn't help laughing and said proudly, "Of course, how can I be afraid? I think with your ability, there is naturally a way to sneak into Taiping County and then avoid the search of our Lei family. As long as you hide, you will naturally not be found."

Qiu unintentionally said, "Miss is really smart. With the joint efforts of you and me, I'm afraid that few people in the world can find us."

Lei Yating's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. Uh-huh, that's great. Now is the time to truly reflect her wisdom, and it must be good to cooperate with such a master as Wuxin. Although he is not a good person, his strength and wisdom have to be admired. If you cooperate with him, you can also know more about him. Love, uh-huh, that's it. This is simply a very wonderful idea. It's worthy of being unintentional. It must be extraordinary to think of an idea.

Sure enough, she didn't see the wrong person, but she can also think of such an idea. As long as she is given more time, she will definitely come up with a more comprehensive way. Humph, she won't be compared with a big bad guy. She just lost experience. If she had the same experience and experience as him, she would naturally come up with many good ideas.

Alas, it's sad to think about it. If it hadn't been for her father's restrictions, she would have been a master now, and she might even take over as the head of the Lei family. Unfortunately, many things are beyond her ability to control. If she could decide these things, then the current events have been repeated. At that time, she was the one who had no intention to deal with the dragonfly, and she must have been able to clean up the dragonfly for a long time. How could he be so free now and let him be at the bottom of the eyes of the Lei family? Down.

I hope someone in my family can think of searching for Taiping County, but Lei Yating knows that general thinking is not possible in this aspect. This is a kind of misunderstanding, a strange circle, that is, the so-called dark under the light. This kind of thing cannot be solved casually, nor can it be avoided.

For a long time, many things have been lost in this situation, so Lei Yating has no hope for her family, and she doesn't want her family to find them so early. In that case, what else will they play? So Lei Yating actually thinks most about how to avoid her family. Uh-huh, think about it, what can be done to avoid your family's search?

Lei Yating tried to recall the things in her mind to see if she could remember the things she had heard about Taiping County before. She remembered that her father once mentioned how the guards in Taiping County were laid, but they couldn't remember what they said at all. At that time, she didn't care about this kind of thing. Unexpectedly, she never thought that she would one day leave that boudoir and really set foot in the world. Although she entered the world for the first time, she was against her family, but there was nothing she could do. Anyway, she would not hurt her family. That's it. Hey hey, in fact, such a person does not have to beat you to death. Everyone can coexist peacefully.

As the saying goes, there must be a injury when the two tigers compete with each other. Why? Really, and according to her observation, Wuxin is definitely not the kind of territorial dispute that focuses on an inch by inch. He must also understand that the Lei family has been in charge of Taiping Province for hundreds of years, which can not be shaken casually. Even if the Lei family can be shaken, it was the family rule of the whole Nvzhou at that time, although in peacetime. The families in each province are independent, but once it comes to their vital interests, they will definitely attack them in groups to maintain the dominance of their major families.

Because once a family is replaced by others, it means that other families will also be replaced, so this precedent cannot be opened. Major families will not regard their rule as a child's play. Yes, that's it. Yu Xin must know in his heart that naturally he will not poke this hornet's nest.