Beast in brocade

Chapter 352 Confidence Shaking

Yu Wuxin's face is too terrible. Lei Yating felt that she must not be careless. She must be optimistic about Yu Wuxin. If he does something to damage the Lei family, it must be something that she will regret for a lifetime. It's terrible.

I really can't imagine the consequences. God, why did she meet such a big bad guy? You can throw this scourge to other families to harm others. She really doesn't want to see such a person. If she stays with such a person for a long time, she is afraid that she will become very timid.

Because one look and expression may be the birth of a conspiracy, why is she not afraid in the face of such a person?

It's really terrible. It's really terrible. Lei Yating can't help complaining about her father even more now. Why do she want to provoke this disaster? Is it fun to fight with him?

Well, if you want to fight, then fight openly. If you are beaten by the other party, you can only complain that you are not as good as others, but what is it now?

They play with their own cleverness and use their own conspiracy in order to put each other to death. Well, even if you just want to get the unintentional sword, it is obviously his beloved thing. As the saying goes, if a gentleman does not take away from others's love, why do you take other people's treasures?

Besides, is there still a shortage of babies in our family? Since our ancestors, our family has established a treasure pavilion. Although we dare not say that everything in it is peerless treasures, there are also many rare treasures. Why do we need to seize the unintentional treasure knives?

If the unintentional is easy to bully, it will be taken away. However, this guy is not easy to bully. If he does not bully others, it should be burned. Now his father and others don't even know that they want to offend him.

Even if his current strength is not good, he must have a way to drag the Lei family and the Haotian family to death. The Haotian family is lawless, and they will die. But why should the Lei family be involved?

If you want to live a good life, why do you want to do this kind of thing? Is it that hundreds of years of peace have been too comfortable? Want to find something unhappy for yourself?

That's really cheap. I'm looking for abuse by myself.

The more Lei Yating thinks about it, the more angry she becomes, and more and more rude she becomes. How can you make her polite? She now feels that Wuxin is a dangerous big black hole, which is a man-eating black hole. It's too late for others to hide, and her family even has to drill into it.

As the saying goes: Kill the enemy a thousand, lose 800, fight is not a good thing, and here, she believes that if you want to kill him a thousand, others have to use 2,000 to win him.

What's the pain in that case? How good would it be if such a person could be friends? If there is his joining, which family will not open its eyes to provoke the Lei family in the future, and it is not convenient for the Lei family to come forward. At that time, they can use their unintentional power to play those families to death.

hum, it must be fun to come there now. I really hope to fight side by side with Yu unintentionally and fight together to kill the enemy.

Lei Yating looked at Yu Wuxin and couldn't help but imagine the picture of fighting side with Yu Wuxin. Unconsciously, there was a trance in her heart, but she came to her senses and was secretly surprised. How could she think of such a thing?

Why do you want to fight with him now when you hate him? Do you appreciate his domineering and wisdom in your heart?

It must be. Although I hate his character very much, I have a great curiosity about him from the beginning. In fact, that curiosity is the appreciation of him. If you don't appreciate him, how can you be curious about him?

Lei Yating sighed in her heart. She had to admit that Yu Wuxin was actually very excellent. She had always admired this kind of person. He had extraordinary strength and he also had superhuman wisdom.

He can turn decay into magic, and he can make the impossible possible. Only this kind of person is qualified to survive in this world and seek a place to survive for himself in such a troubled world.

He did it unintentionally. His strength is so strong that he always makes some impossible possible. He can seize a city on the most chaotic women's continent in the world and still stand under the attack of one enemy after another.

And every time you can turn the crisis into safety, you can also get benefits from it, and take your strength to the next level.

Maybe this time the Lei family is also a stepping stone for his carelessness. He can go to a stronger height through the Lei family.

What height will it be? Maybe he will also become a family, so that there will be one more family among the twelve families of the women's continent, a family established by orcs, which will be an unprecedented feat.

It is not without orcs in the female continent. Three of the twelve families were established by the orcs, but they are different. They are all alien orcs separated from the alien orcs and come to the female continent to establish a family to ensure the interests of the orcs in the female continent.

This is normal. The twelve families of the women's continent are actually a competition of all forces in the world. Although there is no race and no war here, there has always been a struggle between the families, and they are fighting for the forces behind them. This is no secret.

People who understand the mainland forces will definitely know this kind of thing. As far as she knows, their Lei family has a close relationship with the human race. It seems that hundreds of years ago, the ancestors of the Lei family were members of the human royal family, so it is not difficult to imagine that there must be various histories behind the family.

No one will reveal this secret. Even if someone exposes it, no one will pay attention to it. Everyone understands this truth. Only by maintaining the stability of the women's continent can the world maintain peace. If one day the women's continent is in chaos, it will be in chaos.

This is also the purpose of building the female continent at the beginning. In order to prevent the whole continent from getting involved in the endless war, Taixu Gate regarded the female continent as a large battlefield without smoke. It happened that the female continent was also the location of the Taixu Gate and was under the care of the Taixu Gate. They believed that the world would be peaceful.

Just as they think, the world has always been so peaceful. For nearly a thousand years, the major forces have been sticking to their own territory. No one is willing to break this balance first. In fact, they are not willing to fight. Who will let go to the peace and fight the dead?

Sometimes you won't get any benefits from fighting a war. On the contrary, if you lose a few battles, you will lose a lot of money, not to mention the dead. Why bother?

Even if you win the war, sometimes it is impossible to get anything, because the ability to fight is not necessarily for any benefit. It is likely that it is because of one thing, or a word, and then when the leaders of both sides are angry, a big war is inevitable.

In the end, except for the dead, it costs money, so many times, no one is willing to fight, but sometimes it's not enough not to fight, otherwise you can wait for others to come to bully. Alas, for your own face and your own interests, you can only fight a war.

At that time, interests were not money, but a face, a territory, and a promise. In short, things in the world are sometimes so funny.

I don't want to, but I still have to do it. Even if I don't get any benefits in the end, I have to pretend to return with a full load. It's really ridiculous.

Fortunately, they came forward later. They ended this ridiculous farce. No, it should be that they officially turned this ridiculous farce into a drama, set the stage on the female continent, and let all forces sit far away at home to manipulate their own side.

So there are twelve families. These twelve families are actually twelve pieces of chess, and their interests are the interests of their rear.

And this interest has really turned into money now, which is also another credit of Taixumen. In the past, the war of laboring people and hurting money has now become a competition for interests. Without smoke, there is gold and silver, so everyone is happy.

are very satisfied with this situation, and everyone respects Taixu Gate from the bottom of their hearts. For more than a thousand years, Taixu Gate has been respected by people all over the world, and they have basically become the symbol of immortals.

Although people have never seen real immortals, they think that the immortals are protecting the people, and the Taixu Gate is also protecting the people, so they are immortals.

Lei Yating also regarded them as immortals, so when she heard that she had no intention to see the return son, she immediately envied it. It was a fairy, not a legendary one, but a real immortal living in the world. As a result, such a big bad guy could see him.

But it's really unreasonable for such a beautiful and lovely little girl to see her. Why is she so unfair? How can a person like him see so many tall people?

She also wants to see her. Even if she sees only one, she will be satisfied, but this wish is obviously not easy to achieve. She didn't agree to take her to see her at all. It's really abominable. Humph, why doesn't such a sinister and dirty villain die?

He is still living and wasting food in the world, and someone will die when he lives. Why can God tolerate such an unfair thing? Did he really fall asleep?

How can we wake him up?

Alas, Lei Yating sighed. Forget it. There are many unfair things in the world. An unintentional is actually nothing. As long as he doesn't provoke him, he will not take the initiative to bully others. When he goes home, he must persuade his father not to deal with such people. Now it is obvious that he can't be friends.

Then try not to be an enemy. Everyone should go their own way and don't be entangled together. There must be many people who will die, and it is obvious that the Lei family will suffer the biggest loss. Although Lei Yating believes that she is very smart, if she really wants to fight with Yu, she is not sure of winning.