Beast in brocade

Chapter 361 Sores on the Back

Chen Dongge is so confident that it actually comes from this point. He knows that the Haotian family will not do anything to the Chen family, at most a few people will die. In that case, it will make the Chen family more united and fight against the Haotian family.

But if Chen Dongge retreats, really listens to the words of the Haotian family, draws a clear line with the intentionally, and then closes the Chen family, then Chen Dongge will no longer want to raise his head in the family. Who wants to live with an incompetent and timid family owner.

At that time, the Chen family will only remember the benefits of Chen Zhankui, and then give Chen Zhankui a chance to turn over, so Chen Dongge can't back down and must retreat. The situation he has just finished is completely gone.

He can't afford to pay for this loss. In fact, relatively speaking, he would rather destroy the Chen family under his hands than slip away from his hands. This is a psychology. Chen Dongge feels that he is like an upstart now and always wants to show off his achievements to others, and it is still the kind of shouting, and I am not sad to destroy it.

But if someone wants to take it from him, don't blame him for being rude. Humph, no one in the world can take anything from his hand, Chen Dongge.

You can kill him or defeat him, but you can't take anything from him.

Chen Dongge is such domineering, otherwise, he would not have come to this day. How can a person like him survive from the hands of Chen Zhankui and Chen Donglai without this domineering?

For so many years, Chen Zhankui has always wanted to let him die, but Chen Dongge's life was hard and he survived again and again.

In fact, it can't be used. The main reason is that Chen Dongge's wisdom saved him. Since he knew his identity, he began to know to protect himself. Otherwise, his biological father, the real beast, will kill himself.

It is said that Yuxin is a beast, but compared with Chen Zhankui, Yuxin is actually not a beast. He is still a good man, a big good person. At the very least, he knows what he has done and what he does. He knows what morality is, but Chen Zhankui even moves his daughter-in-law, that is, he is not as good as a beast.

Chen Dongge hated Chen Zhankui. If it hadn't been for Chen Zhankui, his mother would not have died so early. He knew what kind of pain his mother's heart was. That kind of suffering could not be endure at all.

His mother bears it alone. Fortunately, his father is actually his brother, who has always taken good care of his mother. If he lives together, it is likely that his mother can live two more years, and Chen Dongge can be happier for two more years.

However, God has no eyes and killed such a good man. Since the death of the young master of the Chen family, Chen Dongge's mother and son have collapsed. Chen Zhankui always makes trouble for their mother and son when he has nothing to do.

Later, my mother finally couldn't stand it and returned to the west. Before her death, she told Chen Dongge that she must live well and then one day avenge her.

Chen Dongge remembered that from that day on, he began to learn to protect himself and avoided the plot again and again.

Once, Chen Zhankui deliberately asked a subordinate to take him to a deep pond in the name of teaching swimming, trying to kill him by drowning.

Fortunately, he found it in time, and then pretended to have an uncomfortable stomach and ran back in the name of finding a place to go to the toilet.

Let the subordinate look for a lot. Chen Zhankui was angry when he saw that the plan could not be done. He said that he was disobedient and hit him heavily. Poor him at a young age, how could he suffer such a hard time? The ten rattan whip was so hard that he couldn't get out of bed for three days.

Since then, Chen Zhankui has become more and more strict with him, and he often beats and scolds him. He has put up with all these. If he wants to live, he must live well. One day, he will make Chen Zhankui pay the price.

Because of Chen Zhankui's attitude, the whole Chen family looked coldly at Chen Dongge, the second son. Everyone slapped Chen Donglai, because everyone knew that it was the eldest son, not the second son, who would take over the Chen family in the future.

And Chen Donglai often takes pleasure in bullying Chen Dongge. He remembers these in his heart. He only waits for the opportunity. He knows that if he wants to defeat Chen Zhankui, he has to have a place in the Chen family, so he pretends to be very obedient and obedient to Chen Zhankui and Chen Donglai, which makes Chen Zhankui embarrassed. God bullied him.

Later, when Chen Dongge got older, Chen Zhankui began to let him slowly learn some family business. In fact, according to Chen Zhankui's original intention, he did not want Chen Dongge to manage the business, but the older Chen Donglai was, the more promising he became. He knew all day long that it was not the material for managing business.

As a last resort, Chen Zhankui had to let Chen Dongge manage his business, but he still guarded Chen Dongge and constrained Chen Dongge everywhere, but in this way, it also made Chen Dongge overjoyed. This is an opportunity. He has always wanted to contact the power of the Chen family. As long as he has power, he will defeat Chen Zhankui.

Naturally, he would not care about the constraints given to him by Chen Zhankui. At the beginning, he behaved very obediently and was seen everywhere. He was taking care of Chen Donglai's business. He did not complain. It was enough for him to be a housekeeper of the Chen family.

This makes Chen Zhankui feel very relieved. He feels that the pressure over the years has made Chen Dongge recognize his identity. If he can do so in the future, it will be a great blessing for Chen Donglai.

Chen Zhankui has to admire that Chen Dongge is a good material for doing business. Any business will become very easy in his hands. Unfortunately, if it hadn't been for his identity, the Chen family would have continued to flourish.

And Chen Donglai was not born with that material. The Chen family is in his hands. I'm afraid it's good. But what can be done? No matter how good Chen Dongge is, it can't be used. Even if he uses Chen Zhankui's bloodline, he is a wild seed and his mother is unclean.

So he will never take over the Chen family.

If he can do his duty and let him take care of the Chen family for Chen Donglai, it will naturally be better. At least a hundred years after Chen Zhankui, you don't have to worry about the defeat of the Chen family.

What Chen Dongkui didn't expect was that a few years later, he suddenly found that a large force had gathered around Chen Dongge. From financial resources to force, Chen Dongge's strength could not be underestimated.

This shocked Chen Zhankui very much. He didn't know when Chen Dongge was built this power. He had been monitoring Chen Dongge and restricting Chen Dongge. He was just afraid that Chen Dongge would rebel. As a result, he did not expect that he could not prevent it. Chen Dongge still established it under his eyes. Own power.

These forces, both from the outside and from the Chen family, tried to disintegrate this force, but after several attempts, he found that it was impossible to disintegrate this force, because this force had dissolved into the Chen family.

However, Chen Zhankui can't touch it. If he wants to attack this force from within, he will find that the whole business of the Chen family will be implicated and attract some attacks from the outside world.

This is like a poisonous sore. No matter what it is, it will penetrate in little by little and eventually kill it, but if it is to be cured, it will inevitably suffer great pain.

So Chen Zhankui was very helpless. He tried to get rid of this poison sore several times, but failed, because Chen Dongge always took the lead and took the lead.

Chen Zhankui could only watch the poison get bigger and bigger. In the end, he had no choice but to negotiate with Chen Dongge and negotiate with the two.

Chen Dongge said that he wanted an opportunity to compete fairly with Chen Donglai, and he also needed the qualification of the Chen family heir.

Although Chen Zhankui was very unhappy, he still agreed to his request and agreed to let Chen Dongge join the qualification of inheritance, but Chen Dongge should ensure that he would not continue to expand his power, otherwise he would be sent to the ancestral temple according to the conspiracy.

Chen Dongge agreed that in fact, he is basically involved in the Chen family's business now. It's too late for Chen Zhankui to stop him, but now that Chen Zhankui has made concessions and his plan is not yet mature, he is naturally happy to give in and give himself a buffer.