Beast in brocade

Chapter 363 Karma

If the ancestral temple takes action, it can't hide anything from the ancestral temple. If Chen Dongge mastered anything else and tells the ancestral temple at that time, it must be Chen Zhankui who is unlucky.

So Chen Zhankui was very helpless. He could only find a way to deal with Chen Dongge by himself. Now he knows that he was really old and was actually played with by a child. Chen Dongkui is really powerful. If it weren't for his background, Chen Zhankui really wanted to spoil him.

It's a pity that he made a mistake and made a mistake step by step. Now he can only continue to make mistakes. Otherwise, he will die miserably in the end.

In fact, it can't be said that he is immortal now, because this is a huge hidden danger. Who knows when things will be revealed, so Chen Zhankui's life is very difficult. His heart is in panic and helplessness every day. Many times, he wants to hand over the Chen family to Chen Donglai and then live in seclusion.

But he didn't dare, because if he must leave, Chen Dongge will try his best to deal with Chen Donglai. With Chen Donglai's ability, he will lose to Chen Dongge in a round. Therefore, Chen Zhankui can't leave.

Now Chen Zhankui can only endure it. For Chen Donglai and for himself, if Chen Dongge wins the victory, he is afraid that Chen Dongge will be killed. At that time, if he wants to live in seclusion, Chen Dongge will not agree.

Even if he escapes from the sky, Chen Dongge will definitely catch him back. This is his fate. He will bear the consequences for the wrong thing he did in those years.

Why? It's just that he was so confused in those years. Why did he do such a thing? Is that what people do? That woman is his daughter-in-law.

Chen Zhankui has been living in self-blame over the years, but he is destined not to be a good person. Although he regrets, although he is self-infect, he has not wanted to make up for his mistakes. He just wants to cover up his mistakes and let this matter sink into the sea from then on.

But things didn't go as he wanted. He wanted to kill the woman, but his son kept the woman and kept protecting the woman, giving birth to the scourge of Chen Dongge safely.

And Chen Dongge is even more hateful, and now he is forcing him to death step by step.

He has no way out now. He has begun to plan how to kill Chen Dongge.

In terms of his and Chen Dongge's martial arts, his strength is already level six. Chen Dongge is only three because he was not well trained when he was a child, so if he fights alone, Chen Dongge must not be his opponent.

But the problem is that Chen Dongge will not fight alone with him. He has guard protection in and out, and Chen Zhankui still feels that there is always a master's atmosphere around Chen Dongge. The strength of that master is not weak, which makes Chen Zhankui very helpless.

If there is really a six-level master protecting Chen Dongge, then he will not have a chance to kill Chen Dongge, and the force can be given up.

Chen Zhankui wanted to use poison, but it's strange that Chen Dongge didn't know why he was so powerful. Since he was a child, Chen Zhankui also secretly poisoned several times, but he couldn't hurt him.

At most once, Chen Dongge fell ill, but he survived, so since then, Chen Zhankui has given up poisoning.

Now all the roads have been blocked, and this Chen Dongge is really armed to the extreme. It can be seen how much effort he has made to deal with Chen Zhankui.

Hey, it seems that he is also having a hard time. He wants revenge every day, and this mood must be very painful.

Chen Zhankui knew that this was actually forced by him. If he could treat Chen Dongge well, he would not have today's result. This is the causal relationship.

It's just that Chen Zhankui did not regret being too vicious to Chen Dongge. Now he only regrets that he did not make a hasty decision at the beginning to kill this evil seed, which is today's trouble.

At the beginning, he couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't directly attack Chen Dongge. After all, Chen Dongge was also a member of the Chen family tree. If he died, the ancestral temple would definitely send someone to investigate. In that case, what happened in those years would definitely be exposed.

Speaking of this, Chen Zhankui also regretted it very much. When Chen Dongge was born, his son came to him and said that he wanted to add to Chen Dongge's genealogy. Originally, he resolutely disagreed, but his son insisted on giving Chen Dongge's genealogy. He said that Chen Dongge was his son.

If Chen Zhankui does not agree to include Chen Dongge in the genealogy, he will hold a family recognition ceremony to prove that Chen Dongge is his son, which makes Chen Zhankui very difficult. If any family recognition ceremony is really held, it will definitely be chaotic.

After all, Chen Dongge is not his son's son. At that time, everyone in the province knows that the Chen family has had this scandal, and if the ancestral temple is investigated, the trouble will still be on him.

So he had a hard time, so he had no choice but to promise his son to give Chen Dongge a family tree.

Chen Zhankui was very strange. Why did his son say that he would do a marriage recognition ceremony in front of him? Haven't you already told him? That child is wild, not his. Why is he still so confident?

At the beginning, Chen Zhankui was so puzzled, but soon he thought that his son must have known the incident, so he confessed his marriage in front of him. He knew that Chen Zhankui would not agree, and in order to cover up this crime, Chen Zhankui could only agree to let Chen Dongge be the family tree.

Damn, it must be what the stinky woman said. If she didn't say it, how could her son know about it? Oh, what face does he have to say goodbye to his son?

I think my son must know his viciousness. For fear that he will harm Chen Dongge, he insists on entering Chen Dongge's genealogy, which is equivalent to bringing Chen Dongge a life-saving charm.

The result is really useful. Over the years, Chen Zhankui has tried several times to kill Chen Dongge, but he can only sneak and carefully, and then let Chen Dongge dodge again and again.

If he did it directly, how could Chen Dongge survive to this day?

Alas, this is God's will. God asked Chen Dongge to revenge on him, but he can never lose to that evil seed. With him, he also wants to get the Chen family, there is no way.

His mother is a bitch who has been ridden. His blood is dirty. Even if there is his blood in his body, it is useless.

His blood has been stained, and as long as he is alive, Chen Zhankui can't rest assured for a day. The two of them can only live.

Chen Zhankui thought about it and still had to find a way to kill Chen Dongge. Even if he invited the investigation of the ancestral temple, he could not care. If Chen Dongge was allowed to develop like this, sooner or later, he would be defeated by Chen Dongge.

As for how to cover up this matter from the ancestral temple, Chen Zhankui felt that it was not a big deal. At worst, he was recruited back by the ancestral temple, and then the Chen family handed it over to Chen Donglai, so that he could rest assured.

Although the result of both defeats does not take advantage, it is still not bad compared with Chen Dongge's victory.

But at this time, Chen Donglai's waste caused him trouble again. Unexpectedly, he was defeated by an orc in Haile, losing the face of the Chen family and losing a beast bead.

There is nothing we can do. Now we can only deal with foreign enemies first. Naturally, we can only send Chen Dongge to do this kind of thing. As a result, the later things went more and more beyond Chen Zhankui's expectations. Chen Dongge took the opportunity to master the power of the Chen family more, and finally Chen Donglai was finally calculated by him.

He died directly in the prison of the lord's mansion, which was not within the reach of the Chen family. Chen Zhankui could not protect him, but Chen Dongge could do it. How did he kill? Chen Zhankui didn't know, but he only knew that his last support was gone.

Chen Dongge has successfully revenged on him. He has no other choice but to fight to the death with Chen Dongge.

But even if he wanted to fight to the death, Chen Dongge did not give him a chance. First, a group of masters suppressed him, and then invited him out of the ancestral temple and directly took the position of the head of the family. Then Chen Dongge finally sat on the position of the head of the family, and Chen Zhankui could only stay in the ancestral temple with great regret and do it for himself day by day. Atone for mistakes.

It's just that Chen Zhankui still doesn't repent. Even if it's wrong, he doesn't feel guilty.