Beast in brocade

Chapter 371 Go crazy

Why are such a person so powerful? I still remember that last month, he followed the fairy to catch the people of the Tianhui in Haile. At that time, his unintentional strength was only level four. Why did he reach level six in a blink of an eye? His cultivation speed is really fast. Has he practiced any magic?

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to achieve a result that others can't achieve in a lifetime in a short period of time?

It must be abnormal. There must be a conspiracy in it. Yes, it's a conspiracy.

That man's mind is now full of conspiracy. Everything he thinks is a conspiracy. Even the unintentional cultivation. In his opinion, it is also a lot of conspiracy, but he doesn't want to think about what conspiracy can be?

You can lie to people or ghosts, but you can't lie to yourself, can you? If you can get level 6 strength by lying to yourself, I don't know how many people will lie to you.

So this conspiracy theory is really ridiculous. That man is really crazy now. Poor man, a good person, why is he crazy?

Are you worried about the Lei family?

That shouldn't be. Even if the Lei family wants to rebel, there is no need for him to be afraid. There are still high-level officials above, and it's not his turn to do anything.

If he is afraid of going to the battlefield, can he just find an excuse to escape? It's not uncommon to escape from the battle. Ah, why is it so difficult to do?

Why is he so scared? It's really confusing. If Taixumen are all such people, then Taixumen is really blind, or close the door. With such courage, I really don't understand why Zhou Jingxian sent him to pick him up.

If it were him to do what he didn't want to do, he wouldn't be able to do half of it.

With this courage, it's better to go home and farm as soon as possible. Fortunately, he doesn't know what he is thinking now. Otherwise, he won't laugh away his unintentional teeth.

Even if you don't laugh out your teeth, you have to laugh heartlessly.

There's nothing I can do. I can't do without laughing. It's ridiculous. This is also the person of Taixumen, the top of the world. The person who comes out actually has this kind of courage and psychological endurance. I really don't know how he has cultivated his strength so far. Hasn't he ever fought?

Have you been practicing on Lingpan Mountain and have only recently come down the mountain to practice with Zhou Jingxian? But you really have to practice well. You absolutely can't be so brave. Otherwise, not to mention too much face, I'm afraid his life can't be saved.

If the people of Taixumen know that he is a coward, he will definitely be caught back and then locked in the back mountains to be a savage all his life. In fact, that's not bad, at least his life can be saved.

Ah, no, no, no. In the mountains, in case he meets any poisonous beast, will he be scared out of his wits? Maybe you will die faster.

Alas, I really can't do anything with this courage. I'm a little bold. I'm afraid of this and that every day, and I'm also cautious. I'm also jealous that I have a good weapon. Such a person is really shameful to Taixumen.

But the man himself did not feel ashamed. He thought that he was right to think so. He thought that he could think of so many things in a short time and think about everything about the Lei family and the Haotian family, which fully illustrates his Wisdom and mind, people like him, should be the pride of Taixumen.

The man didn't think he was gone crazy. He just felt that there was a conspiracy. Not only did the Lei family have a conspiracy with the Haotian family, but he had no intention to get the sky, so there must be a conspiracy. Otherwise, the sky would not be with him. What is he? Why can he use the sky?

What is the identity of Zhantian? Divine soldier, its last master is the demon king that the world is afraid of.

How can such an identity and such a status be compared unintentionally? What is he? He is just an orc. Even if he has a six-level ability, what can he do?

The strength of the sixth level may be the best among the people, but in the high-level, this is just an entry level. Let alone the right path in the world, it is too empty. There are hundreds of people who are masters of the sixth level alone. What kind of strength is this? What does this represent?

This means that Taixumen is the head of the right path in the world, which is absolutely well-able. If someone dares not accept it, then come out and practice. If Taixumen finds someone casually, you can clean him up.

The man looked proudly at Yu Wuxin. This boy is not just an ambitious orc. The villain won his ambition and will not be rampant for long. I really can't figure out why the fairy looked at him differently? Fairies never look at men very much. Those princes, nobles, and fairies all look at them lightly and basically ignore their abusing.

But those men are getting more and more brave, competing to flatter the fairies, which always makes the fairies particularly annoyed. But he doesn't care. He doesn't want anything.

Wan's strength is just a six-level low-quality master. Lun's property is just an ordinary rich businessman. Even if there is a Haile City, it's nothing. Haile is not his. It's the Lei family. He just takes care of it for others. If they want it one day, he has to take the sea obediently. Le handed it over to others again, so he was nothing at all. He had nothing.

Why can the fairy look at it differently?

That man's thinking is getting more and more chaotic now. He has been tired by his own thinking. He is really stupid and brainless. How can he be confused?

It's ridiculous, but he doesn't feel confused yet. He's just thinking about why he can't get the favor of the fairy now. He can't figure out why there are so many good men and what good conditions they want. The fairy doesn't care about it, but he doesn't care about it like this.

For what? The strength is not good, and the wealth is not good. Is it appearance?

The man looked at Wuxin again, and his appearance was not very good. Even if he was not ugly, ah, well, to be honest, Yuxin was wildly beautiful, but in this way, he was not prominent. There were many men who were more handsome and better-looking than him. Which of those princes and grandsons were not extraordinary. At a glance, I knew that he was noble, but none of them could be appreciated by fairies.

Only this Yuxin. The man thought for a moment, the fairy said more with this bastard than he had said to the fairy over the years. It's really hateful. Why?

Fairy, why do you like this kind of bad guy? Is he a human? He is not grateful for your kindness at all. Instead, he takes it for granted that such a person should really not help him, but should let him die.

Such a person wastes food when he lives, and it will also cause trouble for people. This time, he provoked the Lei family and the Haotian family, which is equivalent to causing a big trouble for Nvzhou and a big trouble for the world.

Now he doesn't know how to deal with this trouble. Should he tell the fairy? If this is necessary, it must be known to the fairy, and it must be let the Taixumen know. Otherwise, if the matter becomes serious, it will be more difficult to deal with, but he doesn't want him to say it. He said that he is afraid that this matter will be his share.

And he doesn't want to come forward. He doesn't want to leave a good life and cause that big trouble, but how can the fairy know? Write an anonymous letter? No, it's not clear. This kind of thing must be said in person, otherwise, any misunderstanding in the middle will make it more confusing.

Then find someone to say, in this way, it will definitely let the fairy know, and he can also not come forward, just who to talk to? I'm afraid that if I find that person, maybe I will sell him. I can't do this.

No, it's not impossible to do this, just be sure to find a suitable person.

Who should I look for? The man raised his head and saw that he was unintentional. Hey hey, this person is the most suitable, because he caused the matter, and naturally he had to say it.