Beast in brocade

Chapter 373 The Way to Win

Who did you say he was afraid of? People have always been afraid of him. How can he be afraid of others? He is not even afraid of death, so how can he be afraid of people? Humph, what is there to be afraid of? He is also a human being, just who is strong and who is weak. The weak is bullied by the strong. This is a law, an unchanging law, but there is nothing to be afraid of.

Because even if you are afraid, it is impossible to change the outcome, so this is the so-called narrow road to meet the brave victory, which is an unchanging iron law.

Yu Xin has always believed in this iron law, so he is not afraid. He will only make the enemy afraid. As long as the enemy is afraid, the enemy will be defeated, and it will be defeated miserably, because the enemy has begun to fail from his heart. What else can there be invincible?

This is the way to win. If you don't want to believe this, he will come to this day, and he will go all the way to the end.

With this, he doesn't believe that anyone in the world is better than him. Even those who are stronger than him, as long as he is not afraid, he will not be defeated. As long as he does not die, he will have a chance to come back. There is nothing terrible in the world. Everything is fake. Only his own strength is real. Use.

Only the strength of his heart can reach a height that others can't reach. It is a height that can overlook the earth. It is a height that can make everyone look at a small height. At that height, he has no intention to see through everyone. He is not afraid of anyone. No one in the world stands higher than him. .

Is he still afraid?

Maybe he is still afraid that the sky will fall, or will he raise his head and touch his head?

This is what he wants to be afraid of, but he is not afraid of anything other than this. He looks up and down at the ground without fear, and there is no higher than his height.

Without his return, without Tie Jingyu, Helian Zhan is even more impossible, so this is strength, this is strength, this is his unintentional reliance. With this height, he will not be defeated.

People in the world are no longer at the same level as him. As long as he is still alive, he can defeat everyone. Even if the whole world wants to kill him, as long as he is alive, the world will be overturned by him.

This is his unintentional courage. Think about it, does the Lei family have this courage? Does the Haotian family have this courage? No, they must not. His height only stay at their height. With their height, they can't see the unintentional, and naturally they can't reach the unintentional, let alone defeat the unintentional.

So he is not afraid. As long as he sticks to his heart and protects himself, then he will win. The rest is to let the Lei family lose, but how can he lose? Think about it well. With his current strength, it is obviously impossible to defeat the Lei family and the Haotian family. The only thing is to rely on Taixumen.

The cilessly looked at the man. The man was still waiting for his answer. Although the cilessly choked back, the man was still waiting for the cilessly reply. There was nothing he could do but to use the cilessly. Otherwise, he would be the one who was unlucky in the end. He didn't want to be unlucky. He didn't want to come forward.

He should hide well behind, and then slowly, steadily, without dying, and it will also benefit. In fact, he has the same idea as the unintentional idea, that is, as long as he lives, there will be benefits.

The unintentional is based on living, and then wants to fight back, while the man is living to make benefits for himself, just like he went out to carry out on a mission before. He just let others walk in the front. He quietly followed in the name of breaking the back and let the people in front clear the enemy.

If the unfortunate person in front of him dies, he will attack in the back, kill the enemy, and then give all the benefits. Naturally, such a calculation is very good. Even if he is unintentional, he does not have such an calculation.

In fact, it can't be said that the cod is unintentional and not as shrewd as he is. It can only be said that the cod is no more shameless and shameless, but he has dignity. He has the dignity of being a man. He will not be a shrinking turtle. He always walks ahead of anything. Even if it is dangerous, he will find a way to eliminate it at the first time instead of sacrificing. Live animals for others in exchange for their own safety.

Of course, who is this score? If the companion is what he wants to calculate, then be embarrassed, you can walk ahead and die. But if the companion is his friends and relatives, then he will definitely not retreat. He will protect them well, just like now he wants to save Wei Tianbao. , he will not leave Wei Tianbao alone. He will definitely save Wei Tianbao.

And if this kind of thing happens to that person, he will naturally not save him. He will wait until his companion dies, and then return to Taixu Gate by himself. At that time, as long as his companion dies, he will fight hard, and he will fight for a bloody road. In this way, he will win a lot of sympathy for himself.

So this is the difference, which is doomed. Wuxin is now the head of a family with so many good brothers in his hands, and that man can only be a soldier, a soldier who doesn't even have a name.

Many things are doomed, which can't be changed by anyone. The man himself is also helpless. He also wants to stand out. Which man doesn't want to? This is very normal, but he dares not. He is afraid of death. Generally, he is short-lived. He doesn't want to live well and get more benefits, so he can't die, and naturally he can't take risks. The world is like this. If you don't have the courage, then you can be honest. Stay below.

If you also take risks, then you will have everything. He dares to practice the soul-eating formula. He dares to steal the best spiritual core of the Beast Alliance. He dares to capture tens of thousands of beast islands. He also dares to capture the most powerful foreign beasts and sacrifice his soul. Does others dare to do this?

I dare not. No one in the world dares to do it except unintentionally. This is his strength and his pride. So with so many achievements, what is he afraid of? He doesn't have to be afraid of anything. There is nothing to be afraid of. Death won't accept him. What else is there to be afraid of?

If you take out what you have done before, you will die. For example, when stealing the soul-eating formula, if it is found, it will definitely die. Later, when practicing, cultivation is a terrible thing for a child of common blood who can't cultivate the spiritual core. A slight difference is that he will make himself more angry and demonized, but he has resisted it.

Besides, it is said to steal He Lianjing's spiritual core. If He Lianjing can call it out at that time, or her husband comes back, the consequences can be imagine.

As for tens of thousands of beast islands, it is even more dangerous. I don't know how many people are killed by strange beasts every day. It is likely that when they walk on the road, there will be a big mouth to swallow people. Therefore, he is not afraid of this danger. He is not afraid of anything. He dares to be in this danger. Walking in danger, he wants to make profits in this danger.

He succeeded. He successfully ate the nine-tailed snake and ate an extra orc, which was also a profit. Although he is not regarded as a strange beast, it is also a very happy thing to be an orc with nine-series energy. At least he doesn't have to take a step. After all, if he practices according to the alien orcs, it is also very slow, and it is definitely not as fast as the current cultivation.

And it was impossible to come to the female continent at that time, and it was impossible to come to the current mansion.

In fact, if he stays in the alien orc as an orc, he is also reluctant to be unintentionally. After all, he grew up in the beast cultivation alliance. The education he received from childhood to adulthood is to hate the alien orcs. Although he does not have a good impression of the beast cultivation alliance, it is an idea that has taken root in his heart. This is a change. No, so it's also very comfortable for the unintentional now.

He is very satisfied with this result. Now in Haile, his mansion has developed very well. There is no need to look at people's faces. If it hadn't been for the Lei family and the Haotian family, he would still be enjoying his rich life in the mansion.