Beast in brocade

Chapter 393 Zealous

Zhao Ke turned his head and looked at it and saw that it was indeed her. Zhou Jingxian, the fairy, really didn't expect that how could the fairy come? Is it because she is worried?

But why is she worried? Don't you trust him, Zhao Ke? Or are you worried that you are unintentional?

Although these two are uneasy, they both sound uneasy, but the meaning is different. If Zhao Ke is not released, it means that Zhou Jingxian does not trust Zhao Ke, which makes Zhao Ke very depressed. How can she do this? The fairy will not be like this. The fairy has always trusted him and always handed over some important things to him. He has done a lot of things before, so the fairy will not trust him.

Zhao Ke thinks so. He believes that the truth is the same, but if the fairy does not trust him, it means that the fairy is actually worried and unintentional.

But if you are worried, the meaning inside is very different. This is definitely not because of distrust, because you are not a person who is unintentional and not too virtual, and you can't talk about trust and distrust.

So Zhou Jingxian is not worried about the carelessness, so she can only care about the carelessness.

Zhao Ke felt that there was only one reason, but he didn't want to believe that how could the fairy care about an orc? He is an orc, why does the fairy care so much about him?

What is he? It's just a lowly and ugly orcs. Even if they pay attention to the equality of all sentient beings now, orcs will always be orcs, and they can't have a high status.

People despise them in their hearts, so Zhao Ke feels that the high-ranking fairy must not pay attention to it. There must be something else when her fairy comes, it must be just the two points he thought of.

Yes, he is a vulgar man. How can he understand what the fairy is thinking? If he can understand what the fairy is thinking, then he is not just an ordinary disciple today. He has not reached the height of the fairy, so he can't guess what the fairy is thinking, and he can't know why the fairy came here.

But he was sure that the fairy would not come unintentionally, and he would not. This is not only his subjective idea, but his analysis. This is obvious. How can an orc work as a fairy? This is impossible, so Zhao Ke is sure that the fairy must not come because of this.

At this time, Zhou Jingxian has come to their side and is silent. Even if they look at it with their own eyes, they can't notice it. She was shocked. Zhou Jingxian really has her uniqueness. No wonder she will be a high-ranking fairy. This strength is really good.

Zhou Jingxian has never revealed it before. It seems that she deliberately concealed her strength, but now she has revealed her kung fu. She is telling the two of them. In fact, she has been here for a long time and has been secretly observing the two of them. She also heard what they said. She is warning the two of them, let They should stop tit-for-tat. Now it is important to fight against foreign enemies.

He was secretly warned by the fairy. Zhao Ke was very embarrassed. He was so useless that he actually shocked the fairy. It seemed that the fairy did not intend to come out, but he saw that they were too outrageous, so it was really shameful. Zhao Ke lowered his head.

But he was unintentional but not embarrassed at all. He couldn't wait for Zhou Jingxian to hear it. He humped and let her know that she sent someone to cooperate with him.

He said angrily, "Zhou Xianzi, you are finally here. If you come half a step late, you are ready to collect my body."

Zhou Jingxian is dressed in an ordinary woman's clothes with a thin veil on her face, but this ordinary dress still can't hide her beautiful appearance.

When Zhou Jingxian heard the unintentional question, she smiled and said, "Isn't your boss awesome? It's not so easy to die. Besides, no one dares to kill your big boss.

Yu said unintentionally, "Come on, compared with you, I'm just a child who can run. Don't flatter me. I know it in my heart. I'm not so arrogant that I can't overestimate myself. Humph, as for whether anyone wants to kill me, didn't you hear it all just now?"

The dragonfly looked at Zhao Ke coldly and coldly, which made Zhao Ke angry. This bastard actually sued him in front of him. It was really abominable, but the fairy would not pay attention to him. The fairy heard it clearly that this was obviously the wrong of the dragonfly. How could she blame him?

Zhao Ke doesn't think he is wrong. This is normal and doesn't feel that he has done something wrong, and now Zhao Ke is still angry. Although Zhou Jingxian came to restore him some reason, he is still very angry. He still has the intention to kill the cod.

After hearing the unintentional words, Zhou Jingxian said angrily, "Boss Yu, what you just said are really annoying."

As soon as Zhao Ke heard this, a smile immediately appeared on his face. The fairy was still looking at him. Hum, he was heartless. Just because you, an orc, dared to compare with me. It's really delusional.

But next, Zhao Ke couldn't laugh.

Zhou Jingxian continued to say, "Of course, this is all because of the lack of quality of my subordinates, which made you feel wronged. I apologize to you first." With that, Zhou Jingxian saluted slightly.

This made Zhao Ke dumbfounded. What's going on? How does the fairy salute an orc? Also, the meaning of the fairy's words is that it's all wrong with Zhao Ke? How can the fairy say that? Fairy, how can you talk to an orc?

It's too unexpected. Zhao Ke is surprised now. He can't help but be surprised. He never thought that Zhou Jingxian was so careless. What's good about that orc? How can the fairy look at him like this?

Zhao Ke was unconvinced, and his heart was burning with anger. Now he is more determined to kill the heartless heart. Humph, unintentional, you must die.

Zhao Ke was full of murderousness and became more and more prosperous in anger, but he still couldn't figure out why Zhou Jingxian didn't care about it? This is so confusing. What's good about being unintentional? Unexpectedly, the fairies looked sideways at him.

You should know that fairies are extremely noble in their eyes. Their status in Taixumen is second only to the head, and the status of the people is far higher than that of the leader.

You can say this. If you ask a commoner, maybe he doesn't know who the head of Taixu Sect is, but he must know the name of Taixu Fairy.

Everyone regards the fairy as a goddess. People in the world have a deep admiration for the fairy, but the fairy has never been any different from any man. Why do they care so much?

In the past, when the fairy went out, even if she saw the alien orc king or the beast cultivation alliance, she only saluted, but she did not take the initiative to apologize to the dragonfly like today. What's the situation?

What's on the fairy's mind? Why did she apologize to the unintentional? Is it because she feels differently about her carelessness? Otherwise, it's just for the sake of being too empty.

Yes, there is no mistake. It must be for the sake of too much face. Why didn't he think of it before? It's really stupid to quarrel with Yu Wuxin. In fact, he lost the people of Taixumen, which will make Yu Wuxin feel that the people of Taixumen are such temperamental people, so the fairy apologized to Yu Wuxin, which is actually defending the face of Taixumen.

Yes, he is so impulsive. Why does he only care about quarreling with Yu and forgets to maintain the reputation of the teacher?

Where is Taixu Gate? That is a model of the world. His words and deeds affect the people of the world. Every move of their Taixumen will be noticed by the people of the world. If he has no demeanor, people will not only say that he is wrong, but also say that Taixumen is nothing more than that.

Oh, my God, his sin is really great. If he shames the master because of him, he really deserves to die. Now the fairy apologizes for him, but in fact, he is defending the false door.

Oh, fairy, I'm really useless. Zhao Ke figured this out and suddenly felt ashamed. The fairy sent him out to do things for Taixumen. As a result, things didn't work out, but he was quarreling with Yu Wuxin and even had to do it. This is not like what Taixumen should do. This is obviously what a market scoundrel will do.

The more Zhao Ke thought about it, the more guilty he became. He wanted to admit his mistake to Zhou Jingxian several times, but because he was unintentionally beside him, he was embarrassed to open his mouth. He didn't want to let Wuxin see his jokes.

Humph, it's all caused by him. How can he make jokes? Anyway, it was not urgent to admit his mistake for a while. When he went back, he would admit his mistake to the fairy. At that time, the fairy could be punished whatever he wanted. He absolutely had nothing to say and would never avoid it.

This is all caused by him, but he asked the fairy to bear it for him, which really makes him too ashamed. Fairy, your kindness is too great, and Zhao Ke will never repay.

Zhao Ke wanted to shed tears when he thought about it. Fortunately, he resisted it in time. As long as he stood behind Zhou Jingxian and stood quietly, after Zhou Jingxian sent out the task, he would do it well. He must do it beautifully and make the fairy happy. Then he could alleviate his guilt.

Now he is not afraid of anyone. Humph, what about the Lei family and the Haotian family? He will not be afraid. He must eliminate these two scourges for the fairy, and finally remove the unintentional.

Inadventilance is the biggest disaster. He must not keep him. He dares to accept the gift of the fairy, which is already a death penalty.