Beast in brocade

Chapter 398 The Fate of God

He didn't mean to be ashamed immediately. Now he knew that he was still not cunning enough. Zhou Jingxian was the real cunning. Originally, he wanted to embarrasss her, but he was used by her. This was simply too angry.

Why do you think she is so powerful?

No wonder so many people respectfully call her a fairy. Sure enough, she is not earned only by her face, but also there are many beautiful women in the sky, but it is really rare for people like her who combine beauty and wisdom.

It's not only rare, but I'm afraid there is only one Zhou Jingxian in the world.

Well, this is like nonsense. No one in the world is unique, not just Zhou Jingxian, who said that he is unintentional, but also a person who has not been there for 5,000 years and will not be in the next 5,000 years.

After all, there will never be a three-in-one person. It's amazing to think about it. How can three people be combined into one?

He couldn't help but be surprised. Whenever he thought of this, he felt that it seemed unrealistic, and even he would feel that he was an orc, and the so-called three-in-one was just a dream he had.

But it's impossible to say it's a dream. After all, he really has nine-series energy. If he is an orc, how can he explain what he will practice?

So in the final analysis, the combination of three lives is actually real, but the combination of these three lives surprises. How can such a magical thing happen? And it still happened to him, which was incredible. He had never dared to think that he could combine the lives of three people into one person.

What he thought before was to put his soul in the body of a foreign beast, which can only be regarded as changing the soul. I heard that there was a race that used this spell in ancient times, so this is not impossible.

However, the lives of three people are combined into one person, but this kind of person is unheard of. Unfortunately, this kind of thing cannot be publicized. Otherwise, the Beast Alliance and the alien orcs will not let him go.

And Taixumen will also regard him as a demon, and everyone in the world will kill him.

Then he really has no place to live. I'm afraid that only by flying to the sky can he escape the disaster, but how can he fly to the sky? That's impossible, unless God comes down to pick him up, but this is obviously impossible. God has nothing to do with him. Why should he pick him up?

Although he has always been thick-skinned, he is not thick enough to think that God will regard him as a good friend. No, maybe he is an illegitimate child. This is what the mysterious woman said. Although it is ridiculous, according to his previous good luck, this statement is not unreasonable. Unfortunately, this is just a saying. If only he was really God's illegitimate child, and he didn't have to be angry with others here.

Everyone really dares to be angry with him. Does anyone dare to live with him? Even Zhao Ke, a small soldier of Taixumen, also plays tricks on him. This life is really unthinking. How can he live? Nothing goes well.

If he is really God's illegitimate child, will God watch his illegitimate son get angry in the world? Won't he be so angry that he directly destroys the world?

Unfortunately, he is not such a majestic Laozi, so he has been angry with others since he was born. First, he was the direct blood bastard of the Beast Alliance, and later he died on Wan Beast Island. When he arrived at the Women's Island, he did not live a good life. The Chen family, Zhantianhui, a One can't get along with him.

Fortunately, he was lucky and had enough ability to clean up all these bastards. Now the Haotian family, the Lei family, and Zhao Ke can't get along with him. It's really a wave of peace and rise again. He is really worried now. Why can't he live a good life for a few days?

Why can't they get along with him? Who did he provoke? He has today's achievements. He doesn't owe anyone except I'm sorry for Helianjing. Why did he let so many people deal with him?

What a pity, why can't God help him? Even if he is not the illegitimate son of God, at least he is a strange man and a proud work of the Creator of heaven. Is it just to see such a unique strange man killed by others?

In that case, even if he dies, he has no intention to go to death for praise and ask him if he has ever seen such an irresponsible God? Since he created him, he must be responsible to the end and cultivate him well so that he can thrive and show the magic of God.

But what about now? It's all about getting into trouble, forcing him to worry every day. You can't figure out who he's causing.

This is not a trick deliberately played by God, is it? Create him as a unique strange person, and then set up a lot of troubles for him, watching him worry and be embarrassed every day?

Well, maybe it's really like this. Isn't there a saying? What kind of great responsibility and people from the sky must first suffer from their hearts and starve their skin?

Grandma, that's really the case.

It seemed that he had found important news and couldn't even care about quarreling with Zhou Jingxian. He had to think about it, as if things were really unusual.

He always encounters obstacles like this. Obviously, someone is deliberately arranging to make trouble for him. If it hadn't been arranged by someone, how could there be so many troubles?

Like the evil sects such as Zhantianhui and the Haotian family, it is impossible for others to see them in their lifetime, but they have met one after another and had disputes. If it is not deliberately arranged by someone, how can there be such a coincidence?

So who can have so much energy? There is only that high-ranking God. Except for him, who can appear so many troubles one by one?

Grandma, it turns out that the root of the matter is here. Yu Wuxin finally figured out that everything was caused by God's culprit. It's ridiculous that he still wanted to thank God for his help several times in times in times of crisis.

Lap, all these things were made by him. If it weren't for him, there would have been so many things. It's really him, and it's him who's bad.

God has done so many things, just want to have fun, just want to see him look worried about the world. Damn, it's so disgusting.

The more you think about it, the more angry you are. How can there be such a thing? If you didn't know it was okay before, but now you have figured it out, then you can't think that this matter didn't happen.

No, he must find a way to get his face back. He can't let God bully him like this.

So, Yu unintentionally launched his brain. He had to think about it and see what good moves he had to deal with God. However, generally speaking, if he wanted to deal with an enemy, he had to have an understanding of the enemy. This is called knowing himself and knowing his enemy, but he didn't even know what God was like. Do you know anything about God?

This really embarrassed him. If he doesn't know God, then don't talk about dealing with God. At this time, he began to be discouraged. Just now, he was so angry that he wanted to teach God a lesson, but now that he can teach God a lesson.

Let alone say that he doesn't know what God looks like and what his advantages and disadvantages are. Even if he knows this, he can't teach God a lesson, because who is God? That is the supreme omnipotent god. He created everything in the world, so who else can deal with him?

No, no one can do it. No, it should be said that no one has the ability. If God wants to destroy someone, he needs to blow a breath to kill the man, so no one can deal with God.

And those who want to deal with God, from ancient times to the present, I'm afraid that there are many people. After all, God controls everything in the world, and everyone's fate is controlled by him. He can play with whoever he wants to play with. Let's talk about the common-blooded children and the orcs. These two ethnic groups must also be God's toys. He It depends on the pain and struggle of those people.

If you go further, the two special existences of the beast alliance and the alien beasts must also be God's masterpiece. He wants to watch the two groups fight and devour each other for energy and survival.

What a cruel thing, but for the superior God, it is just a game. This is the gap in strength. If someone can reach the height of God, he will naturally not be at the mercy of others, and at that time, he will be at the mercy of others.

At such a height, I'm afraid there is nothing to do except such a game. It seems that God is also boring. What a good thing it is that they are high and live a long life. But such a long and monotonous sun and moon are like an endless long run with no scenery along the way.

So they have to create their own scenery and create games.

And the weakest things in the mortal world are their best toys. Among them, human beings, as the spirits of all things, are even more suitable toys. If you want to play, you must first play human beings, all kinds of people, all kinds of life, intertwined with each other, forming an extremely huge game.

Everyone survives in their own mission, and no one can escape. God just watches them helplessly, struggle, and then be swallowed up by fate. This is God's game.

Yu unintentionally sighed and knew that there was nothing he could do. In fact, no one could escape. Although God is the god of all things, doesn't he have to play this kind of boring game every day?