Beast in brocade

Chapter 401 has its own methods

From the unintentional body, you basically can't see those secular phenomena. He is like a unique person. There are many things on his body that others don't have.

As if he is always so frank, he has never been bound by the secular world. As long as he thinks it is right, he will definitely do it. This is his ability and his greatest capital.

It is because of such an idea that the unintentional ability to break the deadlock again and rush out of a new situation.

May I ask, how many people in the world can be as successful as him? Few, there are many successful people in the world, but there are very few successes like Yu Xin, which is his ability.

Who can compare? No one can compare, no one can compare with him.

After returning from seeing Yu Xin's achievements all the time, he had to be convinced. If he was asked to come, he was afraid that he would not be able to achieve such results as Yu Xin, so Yu Xin was successful, and no one could compare his ability.

The demon star is indeed a demon star. Only when its own fate is extraordinary can there be visions. Otherwise, why are others not demon stars?

At the earliest time, when I heard Zhou Jingxian say that there was only one orc and a woman where the demon star was, which made the returner very puzzled. Which of them would be a demon star, a woman or an orc?

After all, the return is extraordinary. He did not think that orcs and women are not demon stars. This statement is obviously wrong and obviously illogical.

You should know who his return son is. His ability is not simple. He is the first master in the world and the head of the largest faction in the world. Is his knowledge poor? Of course, that's impossible. If his knowledge is poor, won't he be finished if he is too empty?

Therefore, the returnee's knowledge can also be called the best in the world.

Of course, these are the first in the world. The premise is that those demigod-level old monsters can't come out, so that the returnees can be called the first in the world. Otherwise, those old monsters can destroy the returnees by moving their fingers at will. That't be fun. Such a master wants to destroy a nine-level master, in fact Killing an ant is as simple as killing an ant. Although the nine-level master is very powerful, it is still far worse than the demigod master.

When it comes to the strength of the demigod, people can't imagine that such a master will have that kind of awe-inspiring power between them breathe.

So a nine-level master, no matter how powerful it is, is just a realm of mortals.

And the demigods have gone beyond the boundaries of human beings. They are gods. Even if they are demigods, they can already be called gods.

Because no one has seen God, but people have seen the demigod. In addition to God, only they can do it.

So the demigod is powerful and the demigod is powerful. If they appear, the return son will have no status, but they will not come out easily. They will also hide deeply like gods and do not know where they are, but they can appear in front of people at any time.

This is God. Only they have the ability to know the world in a thousand miles. This is God's strength, and this is God's ability.

If there were them, all the world's first returnees would not exist. At that time, the returnees would become the same as ordinary people.

In front of the demigod, whether you are a person or a master, in fact, there is only one end, then death, the difference is limited to the matter of time. If you are a stronger person, death will naturally be slow.

Maybe it can resist half a bit, but it's just half a bit. No one can resist a half-god move. If someone can stop a move, he is absolutely the first mortal.

Of course, there will also be accidents, that is, the demigod deliberately releases water and does not want to directly kill him. Such a situation will also occur, and such a situation cannot be described by one and half moves. It is very likely that the demigod will play dozens of moves with him and then slowly play him to death. What's more, it's not without it.

However, there are few such situations. In fact, there are not many people who can get the demigod's eye, but people like Yu Wuxin should be able to get the demigod's eye. Otherwise, who else can deserve a kind of honor?

No one, you know, who are demigods? They are people who are close to gods and can be respected by them. How can they attract demigods without such a strange thing as unintentional? No one is careless except the unintentional.

The return son can't do it. If the return son is compared with the unintentional, he actually has nothing strange about it.

Except that his strength is stronger than that of the unintentional, but this is not an advantage. As long as the unintentional opportunity is given, he can reach such a height, even more powerful than returning.

What the coblin is lacks is just time. Who can give the cobage unintentional time? God.

God will definitely give you unintentional time.

God still has to play with the heartless. If he doesn't give him time, how can he play?

At this point, although Yu Wuxin is not very optimistic, there is no need to worry about it. Since God created him, wouldn't it be a waste of time if he let him die casually?

God actually cares about time, otherwise, how could he arrange people's lives so short?

In fact, there are not only human beings, but even many people who live shorter than human beings. This is not because God is very small, but because God also needs time. Although he has an inextricable life, he will also need to do a lot of things.

Everything in the world needs to be managed by him, so he needs a lot of time. If he doesn't have time, how can he manage so many things?

In this world, there are tens of millions of human beings alone. A lot of things will happen to everyone every day. If God can't manage these things well, he will be a failure.

What face does he have to be God? It's better to be careless. If you don't care about it, he will definitely eliminate all the people and things in the world that he doesn't like.

That's it. Obviously, he has made him unhappy. Why does he keep them? Just forget it. It's really troublesome.

I don't know what God thinks. It's not too troublesome to do so many things. It's better to learn from others to graze and let the cattle and sheep go to eat grass directly. You have to take care of them in everything.

I'm not afraid of exhausting myself, but it's hard to say that God may just want to exhaust himself, because he has lived too long. He does those things every day and can't play with others.

Moreover, he is in charge of others. Who can take care of him? In fact, no one controls it, and it's not a good thing, and they all know what will happen in the future. What's the point of living this life? So God is actually very bitter.

If he tires himself like this, it is also a way to find death. In fact, this is not bad. If he is exhausted, no one will toss the world anymore.

That's great. If he doesn't want to know about this, he will definitely celebrate and celebrate. How can he not be happy? How can you not like it? It's strange that I don't like this kind of good thing. God is tired.

Then there will be no God. It's really lawless. It's so interesting. If there is such a day, God will be gone, the people who arrange fate for everyone will be gone, and everyone will no longer have to be played with like puppets. How good it would be.

At that time, heaven and earth, wind and rain, water and fire were not bound. Everyone would wander freely between heaven and earth. What kind of scene would it be?


What? Hell? Why? In fact, this is very simple. If everything in heaven and earth is not bound and water, fire, wind and thunder are free, then who else in heaven and earth can subdue them? How will people live at that time? So God can't live without it. Without God, there will be no life.

Everything in heaven and earth was created by God. Without him, it would be equivalent to no life. Such an ending, but no one wants to see. Such an ending is really painful and terrible. God, God, why are you so important?

In fact, this is also normal. If God is not important, can he still be called a god? Only a god like him can be called a god.

It's amazing. God can't live without it. Without God, how will heaven and earth exist? At that time, there was no reason to exist, and that's it.

In fact, this world exists because of God. God created heaven and earth, and heaven and earth are part of him.

And the meaning of his existence is to protect the world well, so that the world has heaven and earth, pros and vices, good and bad. In fact, everything in heaven and earth has its meaning, and no one is superfluous.

If you feel that you are a waste, it means that you have not found the meaning of your existence and the value of your existence, then it is a waste of time.

God knows his value and the value of this world, so he will not waste time, and he makes things so meticulous, in fact, it is also for the operation of this world.

If there is no God's control, the world will be out of order and the world will not exist.

So the world is regular. Only when there are rules can there be rules. If there are no rules, there is only destruction. There is no discussion and no discussion at all.

Everything in heaven and earth has its own laws and must be chaotic.