Beast in brocade

Chapter 405 Balance

When he was unintentionally, he felt very unlucky. Why don't you think he has so many things? Why do you have so many things? Every day, I am busy with how to deal with others and how to deal with this kind of thing.

And it's not only this kind of thing, but also that kind of thing, and the messy thing. It's really miserable. Why is there such a thing?

Why don't others have it?

This question makes Wuxin very angry. Since he says that all sentient beings are equal every day, why is it unequal at this time?

Qiu thought shamelessly that he was really shameless. He thought about the equality of all sentient beings when he was unlucky, so why didn't he think about the equality of all sentient beings when he enjoyed it? If all sentient beings are really equal, what about sharing their wealth and ability with others?

If Fang Xiao and Lan Ling are also shared with others, I don't know if he would like to? I'm afraid that at this time, he will be powerful. If anyone dares to make such an idea, he will definitely destroy who first.

How abominable is joking and treating him as someone who dares to share his family property and want to share his wife? Absolutely not, definitely not.

If anyone dares to make such an idea, he must kill him and let everyone know that there will be no good end if he dares to hit his idea.

Qiu Xin is so selfish. When he is unlucky, he wants all sentient beings to be equal, and when he enjoys it, no one wants to touch his things.

You can't do it at once. This kind of person is really shameless. As the saying goes, don't do to others what he doesn't want. How can he think so? That's so shameless.

Yes, he is shameless. Judging from what he has done before, when did he have to be ashamed? When was he not shameless? Otherwise, would Qi Shuyu hate him so much? Otherwise, will Lei Yating be angry with him?

Up to now, Zhou Jingxian has also been unable to fight with him. What is it for? It was because he was too shameless that they wanted to teach him a good lesson, but in the end, they were always taken advantage of by him, so they could only suffer from this kind of shameless person in the end.

Alas, what kind of world is this?

Why is this kind of thing so powerful? After all, he is very lucky. Although he complains about his bad luck every day, it turns out that he is still very lucky.

Which of his achievements can be separated from luck? If he hadn't had this luck, he wouldn't have achieved so much in his life, let alone complain here.

So unintentionally belongs to a typical person who does not know happiness in happiness. This kind of person should make him unlucky every day. Otherwise, he will never know how lucky he is, but his bad luck always takes up in the end. How can this kind of bad luck be? It is obviously good luck. Good luck is continuous. , it has always been like this. There is simply no reason. Where is it?

In fact, Tianli has always been there, but Tianli has been on this side. God is looking at him, because God wants him to do something. Although he doesn't know what it is, God has taken a fancy to him, so he created him.

How can he be so abominable when he becomes such an angry villain today? It's really annoying that it's not spoiled by God. Why does God favor him so much?

Even if he is useful, you don't have to let him have so much luck everywhere, right? It's so abominable, abominable, abominable, abominable.

God is not fair at all.

All those who hate the unintentional will think so, because the unintentional is so abominable that no one can find a more hateful than him.

Why is he so hateful? Because he has the strength, he has the strength to make others hate him, and this strength can make others hate him no matter how much they hate him. In the end, I have to help him fulfill his wish.

So he is abominable. It can also be said that this is the most abominable place for him. It's really abominable.

But what if you hate him? You still have to help, otherwise, what can you do with him? Even if you don't want to help him in your heart, he always has a lot of ways. I really can't figure it out. How can he have so many ways? Who gave him so many ways? After all, it's still God. If God hadn't been too biased towards him, how could he have such strength?

If God hadn't been so biased towards him, he would still be a common-blooded son of the Beast Alliance. Maybe he would have been killed when he stole the soul-eating formula.

It's really a small detail that will change a big fate. Why didn't he be found when he had no intention to steal the soul-eating formula? If it had been found at that time, how could there be so many things now? Where else can there be a heartless man who can make waves in the women's continent?

No, if you die at that time, not to mention Taixumen and others, I'm afraid that even the people of the Beast Repair Alliance will not know that there was a bold bastard before. It's really amazing. How can Yu Wuxin be so powerful that he can do this seemingly impossible thing?

You should know that the treasure pavilion of the Beast Cultivation Alliance is not ordinary. There are not only heavy soldiers, but also countless defenses. Not to mention a common-blooded child without skills, even a master of martial arts wants to break into the treasure pavilion, which is really strange.

hui wu xin is indeed a legendary person. It's incredible to think about it. Why is he so powerful? From then on, he began to go all the way.

First, it was a secret practice of soul-eating formula, and then it unexpectedly stole the highest-level spiritual core of the Beast Alliance. These two thefts alone were enough to make the dragonfly proud.

Unfortunately, he can't be proud, because he can't tell others about it, otherwise, his life can't be saved.

Although he has a certain strength now, if he provokes the Beast Alliance, even if he is in the female continent, even if he has too much help, he can't stop the people of the Beast Alliance.

After all, Taixumen is not his nanny. At that time, Taixumen would be willing to cause a big war for him. Maybe after saying a few words for him, he will directly choose not to help each other.

In fact, with the status of Taixumen, it would be a great face to say a few words for him, but compared with his life, this face is really not worth mentioning. How did he wish that Taixumen could spare no effort to help him at that time?

Unfortunately, this is obviously impossible. If you only face the beast cultivation alliance, maybe Taixumen can help him once, but if his secret is made public, it will not only be the beast cultivation alliance party to trouble him at that time. At that time, more people will come to trouble him, that is, the alien beasts and Orcs.

If the aliens and orcs know that Yu Wuxin actually devours them, they will definitely find Yu Wuxin to fight against them.

On the deeper side, the orcs want to know how the spiritless cultivation is. Although they will know that it is due to the soul-eating formula of the Beast Cultivation Alliance, how to practice the soul-eating formula?

What should I do when devouring foreign beasts? Only the heartless will know all this, so the heartless will be the focus of all parties. Everyone will face the heartless. At that time, even if the empty door wants to protect the heartless, it will be impossible.

After all, Taixumen can become the first in the world. In addition to relying on its own strength, it also relies more on cleverly maintaining the relationship between various factions. If there is an imbalance between the various factions, then all this will be over.

The painstaking efforts of Taixumen for so many years have all turned into nothing. This is not what the people of Taixumen want to see, so the people of Taixumen will definitely not help the heartless. At that time, the heartless can only be self-destructed. Who let him do such a shocking thing?

I have never heard of this kind of thing since ancient times, but now it has been done unintentionally. What a terrible thing it is.

Swallowing others to achieve their own goals. This kind of thing is simply the practice of evil people. If the virtual door is really forced, it will not only not help the unintentional, but also eliminate the unintentional first. Otherwise, it may be a big mess.

You know, it took nearly a thousand years for Taixumen to maintain the world into the current peaceful scene of the world, but this was broken by the unintentional appearance of the dragonfly. Can they not be angry? Can they still tolerate the unintentional existence?

No, the unintentional existence is one of the forces of all parties. It is a thorn in the eyes of the Taixu sect. As long as he exists, the status of the Taixu sect will be threatened, and the general trend of the world will definitely change. This is absolutely not allowed, so no matter who wants to do anything, it can't mess up the world.

Otherwise, where can I put the face of Taixumen? Where is the status of Taixu Gate? This is absolutely intolerable for Taixumen, so it must be eliminated.

As long as he mobilizes all forces, he will die, absolutely can't live, and must not live. His life will be the misfortune of Taixumen. How can Taixumen finally calm the world?

Even if the returnee likes Yuxin very much, even if Zhou Jingxian has such a good impression of Yuxin, this does not mean that Yuxin can bring misfortune to Taixumen in this way. How can this be? Taixumen has always been kind to him. Why doesn't he know how to be grateful? Why doesn't he know how to repay?