Beast in brocade

Chapter 412 What I Don't Want

The common-blooded children complained about God, but they were afraid that they could not provoke God, so they did not dare to complain about God again, but someone had to vent their anger on them.

So who to use? The human race is a good choice. The ancestors of the common-blooded children once came to bully the human race with their direct blood. I really miss those days.

It turns out that their common-blooded children can also bully others. What does it feel like? Thinking about it, I feel curious and really curious. Because the current common-blooded children have been bullied by their direct-blooded children since birth, so they don't know what it feels like to bully others.

I'm really curious. How good it would be if there was another day. Unfortunately, such a day is gone. It's all because of those hateful people. Why should they rebel? Why can't they be good slaves?

However, they wanted to rebel, and as a result, the common-blooded children took their place.

Damn. The children of common blood are very unconvinced. It's really abominable. Obviously, they are also superiors, but in today's life, how can there be any meaning of superiors? He is clearly more slaves than slaves.

Isn't that right? Nowadays, the life of the human race is better than theirs. Under the rule of their own emperor, everyone lives with dignity, and everyone can stand up, but looking at their common-blooded children, this is not a life.

They are simply tools for their legitimate children. They are really just tools and have no other use. Oh, by the way, they can also be used to kill and play to vent their anger.

But this function also seems to belong to the category of tools, so it's just tools. Oh, my God, why can't they jump out of the definition of tools? They want to be a man, they want to be a decent man, but why doesn't anyone give them this opportunity?

God doesn't give them a chance. There's nothing he can do. God is superior, and people all over the world can't change his old man's decision.

There is nothing we can do if the direct blood children don't give them a chance, because the direct blood children are too strong. Although they are far from God, from the perspective of the common blood children, they are more terrible than God, because God is far away from them, but the direct blood children are very close to them. If God is not as good as God That will kill them.

So this consequence is very serious.

But when I think about it, it's really abominable that the human race doesn't give them a chance. What do you think the human race is? When they were chased all over the ground by foreign beasts, it was the ancestors of the Beast Repair Alliance that saved them.

They didn't want to be grateful and stood up against their savior.

Although the common-blooded children are not orcs, they are also the descendants left by the orcs in those years, so they are also the benefactors of the human race.

It is a natural thing for the human race to come to support them, but now the guys of the human race don't want to repay their kindness, but instead of the alliance of beasts and turn the children of common blood into slaves. This is simply too hateful, really hateful.

The human race, a group of ungrateful villains, are all villains. Humph, the common-blooded children hate the human race very much. They hate the human race more than the direct-blood children.

Although the direct-blooded children hated the human race for losing their face and interests, the common-blooded children lost their status because of the human race.

has lost its dignity. Such consequences are many times greater than the direct-blood children. How can the common-blooded children not hate the human race?

I really hate the human race. It's simply a group of bastards. Such a guy should be a big disaster to destroy them all. They can't be so happy again.

How can they live such a good life? Why did they rebel and live a better and better life?

Once the common-blooded children rebel, they will provoke a general attack. This is too unfair. It is also a rebellion. Why can the human race have so many results?

God is unfair everywhere. This is simply not letting the common-blooded children live. But if you don't want them to live, kill them as soon as possible. Why torture them like this?

Oh, my God, you are a big bastard, a super big bastard.

Although the common-blooded children have said not to provoke God again, but when they think about it, they can't help scolding God again. They can't help scolding. If they don't scold, how can they vent their grievances?

Is it just that they are really wronged?

In fact, they are not wronged. Just because they resent the human race, they deserve it.

Why? As the saying goes, don't do it to others.

They themselves also know the pain of oppression, so why do they want their families to be oppressed? This is simply ridiculous, so it is impossible for the human race to be oppressed by them. Only the children of common blood are oppressed.

When they oppressed the human race with their direct-blooded children, did they ever think about the pain of the human race? Instead of caring about the human race, they committed adultery with their direct blood.

Originally, they should have persuaded their legitimate children, so that everyone can be at peace with each other, but they don't know how to do good. Instead, they are evil again and again, so they will end up today.

But the common-blooded children are very unconvinced about this. Why should they be called? The direct-blood children are a hundred times more hateful than them. Why don't they end up like this?

In fact, this is not surprising. Their direct-blood children are strong. What strength do you have? The world is about strength. No matter what sins you have, it all depends on how strong you are.

For example, if a ruler kills someone by mistake, does he need to kill that person? No, he only needs to say sorry, which can offset all the blame, and in that way, he will be praised as a good monarch who has the courage to bear it.

But if an ordinary person kills a person, the law will definitely let him resist that person's life. This is the law, and retribution is the same. In fact, everything in the world is serving the strong.

There is no doubt that the weak can only be bullied.

Of course, the direct-blood children are not without paying a price. The strength of the territory of the three continents has fallen from the first in the world to the second in the world. Such a price is also very painful for the direct blood children, and their face has also been lost.

In front of Taixumen and the aliens, let them laugh.

And in front of the Zhenwu faction, they are even more shameless, because the rebellion of the human race is all raised by the Zhenwu faction. This former small sect, the three major factions in the world did not pay attention to them, but it is their strength that they give the cultivation of beasts to the alliance. There is no power to return.

Although there are also shadows of Taixumen and alien orcs, those two factions can't take action clearly. They can only secretly support the real martial arts faction, so if the real martial arts faction does not have real strength, how can they defeat the beast cultivation alliance?

At that time, the beast cultivation alliance was the first strength in the world. There were five continents in their hands. However, because of the rebellion of the human race, they lost the three continents at once. Their strength instantly declined and became the same strength as the alien beasts, and the first position in the world was given to Taixu Gate forever.

This can't be taken back, because the Taixu Gate is really too powerful. From the point of view of the new army alone, they are far better than the Beast Alliance and the Orcs, because their new generation has too many disciples. As long as there are people in the world, they will not worry about their descendants.

You should know that there are thousands of people in the world, multiplying from generation to generation, which are the source of Taixu Gate. As long as there is these continuous supply, you can rely on the cultivation alliance and the alien orcs, which do not want to take back the first place in the world.

There is no way. There are too few direct-blooded children in the Beast Alliance. They have exhausted their methods and can only barely maintain them, and the situation of the alien orcs is not good, because their alien beasts are born. If God does not give birth to them, they have to wait.

The number of different beasts has always been so small, which is like a balance. There are fewer direct blood children, and there are fewer foreign beasts. It seems that foreign beasts and direct blood complement each other.

They are indispensable. If one of them is missing, the other side will perish.

With such a threat, the Beast Cultivation Alliance and the Aliens can only watch the Taixu Gate become stronger and stronger, but there is nothing they can do.

Moreover, even the Zhenwu School is stronger than them, because the disciples of the Zhenwu School are also from the human race, and the introduction of the Zhenwu School is lower than that of Taixu, which also makes more and more people in the world learn martial arts.

Although the practice of Zhenwu is very slow and its strength is not as good as the three schools, Zhenwu is superior to many people. There are so many people in the world. If they practice martial arts, even if they are at the demigod level, they will have to sweat cold sweat.

So the human race has the support of such two factions, who else in the world dares to bully them? In those years, even if the Beast Alliance did not bully the human race, the human race would definitely rebel.

Even if they don't want to rebel, Taixumen and the Zhenwu faction will take them to rebel, because these two factions will definitely not be willing to be subordinated by others, and they will not be ruled by a group of people who are not like human beings and beasts.

In fact, the rebellion of the human race has always been promoted by the two major factions, and there are also alien beasts. The alien beasts are not willing to look as powerful as the beast cultivation alliance. Otherwise, they will not get more quasi-repairs.

So they want to pull down the Beast Alliance. Even if it is successful, it doesn't matter. Anyway, they used to be the second, and now they are also the second. This is nothing, not to mention the Beast Alliance. How can they not be happy?

So, a great war broke out thousands of years ago, and the extremely strong beast alliance became the second, the world was reshuffled, and the seven continents had their own owners.