Beast in brocade

Chapter 449 I can't figure it out

In fact, he doesn't want to believe that he has this time, because he has never been afraid. Why should he be afraid? This thing can't pass if he is afraid. If he is afraid, then he will not be what he is today. If he is afraid, how can he achieve today?

Really, this thing is actually very simple, but I don't know where to do it. This is an impossible thing to happen. I'm afraid that this word is simply a shame for him. It is because of this shame that what happened today has happened.

That's right, because he wanted to be afraid, so he was calculated by Zhou Jingxian today. It's really abominable. If he had known that he wouldn't have looked for Zhou Jingxian.

In fact, with his own strength, he can also do things, but he just wants to save some effort, so he went to Zhou Jingxian, but what? Now because of this laziness, it has provoked Zhou Jingxian. Really, it's so annoying.

This is the price of laziness. One such thing is enough. It can't be any more. If there is more, his life will be gone.

Really, it's so annoying. Why is it so annoying? This kind of thing can't be ambiguous at all. If it is ambiguous, it will only end up your own life.

How did this dress-up thing happen? He really can't figure it out. According to Zhou Jingxian, she can be trusted. Why can't she trust her now?

Yu looked at Zhou Jingxian coldly. Why is such a beautiful woman so poisonous? Really, it's so disgusting. Such a woman should have been gentle and lovely, but what about now? But it's like a snake and scorpion. It's really terrible and incredible.

Sure enough, the more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous she is. Zhou Jingxian is like this. She is the most beautiful woman, so she is also the most terrible woman.

There may be few people in the world who are more terrible than her.

And she really can kill people. She doesn't want to believe that if she is given a chance, or if something needs it, she will kill herself.

Really, why did such a woman trust her before? Too careless, such a woman can't be trusted. Damn it. In the final analysis, she is too cautious to take such a thing seriously.

Don't be too afraid. If you are too afraid, it will only hurt you. Although the Lei family and Haotian family are not afraid, they are actually a little afraid. Otherwise, they will not rely on the empty door and will not trust Zhou Jingxian. What is the result? Terrible trust has hurt me.

Such a person can't be trusted. Trusting her is the most terrible thing. It's such a mistake. Why do you trust her?

This is a terrible woman. Such a woman can't be trusted. She trusts her and now harms herself. It's terrible. It's terrible. Why is it so terrible?

This kind of thing is a game that doesn't know the ending. There is nothing you can do. What should you do? How to solve it? Now in this fantasy, it's like being in a big cage.

This woman is so abominable. If there is a chance, you must deal with her well. You can't let her go. You must not let her go. What abominable woman. How can such a woman be so terrible?

Why is she more terrible than people like the Lei family? Is it because she is beautiful? Well, maybe, but maybe not, it's really disgusting.

Is there no chance at all? How can you do this? What kind of things can be explained? What can be solved? There is no way. There is no way. Such a thing is like a big black hole. Now you can't see anything except gusts of wind. It's too dark and terrible. How can this happen? Why is it like this?

What should he do? I don't want to think about it, but I can't think of the result, and I can't think of anything. It's really terrible.

Why can't you think of anything? Why can't I think of anything? What kind of thing is so difficult? Really, it's so annoying. This kind of thing is embarrassing no matter how you think about it, and how you think it's not worth it.

If I hadn't been so cautious, I wouldn't have such a result now. Really, it's so annoying. I feel deserve it. If I don't deserve it, I wouldn't be like today.

This is all self-importion. You can't complain about things in this world. You can't complain about others. You can't complain about any kind of people or things, and you don't have to complain about them. This is a reality. Can you complain about others? It's all your fault that you are too stupid. Otherwise, how could such a thing happen?

It's like a beautiful woman in front of you, but you are not charming. In the end, the beautiful woman walks into other people's arms. Can you blame other people's beautiful women for such things? Can you blame that man? No, you really can't blame others. There is nothing wrong with others. The only thing that is wrong is yourself. You don't have such a high ability.

Without that strength, so no one can keep it, so it's over in the end. This is a result. This is a reality. This reality is really right, but many people don't know it. They all feel that everything is not their fault. Everything is done by others and has nothing to do with themselves. I will always be a victim.

Oh, my God, if the person who thinks so, he will be the victim all his life. Really, there is no other way. There is nothing to explain. How else can he explain it? All this is doomed. If you don't have the ability, don't put yourself in such a high position. The world is fair.

Intentionally, he felt that the world was too fair. If he wanted to be lazy, he would definitely be punished and waiting. Just like now, he faced Zhou Jingxian and wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to speak.

Now he can only sigh that he shouldn't, he shouldn't, that is, he shouldn't want to use the power of others.

The power of others is always someone else's. How can it be your own? Your own strength is permanent. There is nothing else to explain, and there is nothing else and no one else.

There is really nothing, nothing, only yourself. If you don't have that ability, don't do it. If you do it well, you have to do it well. If you do it, you have to do it the most understanding. Really, it's terrible. There's nothing I can do. What should I do?

So that's what happened. I finally figured it out. I didn't mean to sigh. Really, it's so simple. Since you've done it, you should do it simply. Don't drag it. It's useless. It's really useless. What else can you do? That's the only thing. Is such a thing like a matter that doesn't know the result?

It's not that I don't know, but that I know. I really know that there is only such a thing in the end. What else can I say? This kind of thing is not terrible at all. As long as you can understand it, if you can't understand it, it's useless to say anything.

There are still a lot of things to think about. If you don't want to, you don't know anything. If you don't think about it well, what else can you say? No, it will only make more and more mistakes, so you should think about it and do it well.

Don't think too much. Just do it now. It's far ahead. It's too far away. It's really too far away. There's nothing we can do.

What is so easy to do? No, nothing, really, just no. This is the only thing. What else can I say?

Now that the situation is like this, we need to find a way to remedy it, but how to remedy it? He didn't know. He still had to think about it. What kind of things can be remedied?

Maybe he can think of it, or maybe he can't think of it. Anyway, he has no other way to do it, and there is no other way to say it.

This is just a matter of unknown results. What else can I say? He can think of the previous things, but he can't figure out the current things. What is Zhou Jingxian doing this for now?

He is so strange. He is strange. Such a thing is really strange. Think about it carefully. You must think about it carefully. This is the only thing like this. Really, there is no other way.

He doesn't know what she is thinking. How can he know? He is wondering, what exactly does she want to do? Is she annoyed? Naturally, it is impossible to ask this question. If it is asked, it is impossible to get the answer you want, because this question is not easy to answer.

It's really hard to answer. Really, I don't know how to answer such a thing at all.

If it were you, you wouldn't be able to answer such a question, so if you don't ask, he won't ask. What else can he do? Nothing can be done. Really, nothing can be done. Terrible things, hateful things. What else can I say? There's nothing we can do. There's nothing we can do.

You still want to figure this out and figure it out, otherwise there is no solution, otherwise, there will be no malignant tumor that can be reversed.

It can't be like this. It really can't. Such a thing is really terrible. How can he break such a big cage?

It's funny when he doesn't want to think about it. He was actually locked up. This is something he has never thought of. Except for being a thorn slave on Beast Island before, he has never been imprisoned. This is really good, a little thing.

Even when he was in the Beast Cultivation Alliance, no matter how hard the days were, there was no time when he lost his freedom.