Beast in brocade

Chapter 472 Endless

If you want to turn bad things into good things, you may not be able to do it, because such things also depends on who will do them. If you are a powerful person, you can definitely do it.

For example, if you take advantage of the lessons from bad things, then summarize the lessons and make use of them, this thing will be done. It's really like this. If this doesn't work, then it won't make sense. In fact, it won't matter at all.

What else is the meaning? Even the lessons of loss will not be summarized, which means that this loss is also eaten for free, which is called eating for free. Yes, it is like this. Typical eating is also eating for free, and it is the legendary big idiot.

In the past, Yu unintentionally would have wondered what an idiot is. Now he knows that he has suffered a loss and doesn't know where to lose. This is called an idiot, a loss for nothing.

Who will suffer for nothing? People say that if you eat, you will grow wisdom. Really, it's like this. If it doesn't work like this, this person will be helpless. What else can there be? There is no help at all.

I don't want to feel that I'm not that kind of person. I'm really not that kind of person. Why? It's because he is now, no, it should be said that he has always been so powerful. Why isn't he still powerful? Because of this, such a thing is not powerful, so what else is powerful?

This is the thing. Absolutely, people who don't know what's wrong with others. In fact, this is what he is. In fact, he is really smart. If he can get to this day, it definitely has a lot to do with his intelligence. However, such things don't happen at once.

Really, his current appearance is actually very pitiful, and he will be given away by a woman. Anyway, this matter is also very unpleasant. Why not happy? That's because it's too embarrassing. What else can I say? There is nothing to say. It's embarrassing to think about it. How can it not be shameful? There will be such things. What else can be said? This matter.

There is nothing to say. Now he is very ashamed and his face has been lost, so the only way now is to get his face back from somewhere else.

Anyway, it has been lost here, and it is impossible to find it, so he can only look for it elsewhere. He really has to look for it elsewhere. Otherwise, this face will never be found back. This makes people angry when he thinks about it. Why did he lose his face?

Now this is left in his heart. He doesn't want anything now. He just wants to get his face back. He must earn it back. If he doesn't get it back, then he doesn't want this face.

He is also shameless. What else can he say? This shame makes people angry. Anyway, it's very angry. What kind of thing is this?

It's really annoying. Such a thing makes people angry. What else can I think of? No, it's really gone. There is no need to think about these things, because these things are all things that can't be figured out. These things make people angry and make people very angry. How can they not be angry? What else can we do? There can only be such a way. Really, this is the way.

It's really shameful to take advantage of bad things. If you don't take advantage of them, it's shameful. What is such a thing? Who else will say this kind of shameful thing? No one can say it.

I can't find anyone to talk about it. I feel ashamed to say it. Do I still need to wait for others to laugh at me?

Others will definitely laugh. Really, if you don't laugh, it's really evil. What kind of thing is this? It can only be this kind of thing. Really, it's such a thing. Fortunately, you don't have to think about this kind of thing.

There is no need to talk about such a thing, whether it makes people angry or humiliating. Since it happened, let's accept it first. If you don't accept it, it won't end.

Yes, you won't accept this if you don't want to accept it? If it could be like this, Yu Wuxin must have refused it a long time ago. How can it happen now? Really, it's like this. It's really abominable. It's absolutely abominable. I get angry when I think about it.

How can it be like this? Such a thing, such a thing, what else can be said? It's really hard to say that good things can't happen, but there are a lot of bad things. How can I say it?

That's what it looks like, and there are still many such things. Why? It's just that there is nothing you can do now, because there are too many such things. If you don't accept them, it's very difficult. It's too difficult to think about it.

What kind of thing is this? Where else can I say it? Don't you think that this kind of thing can be done by one person? Or has this kind of thing finally reached an irreparable point?

Really, it's so abominable. This thing is not a simple thing, and I don't want to think about what kind of thing it is. It's a difficult thing to happen everywhere.

If you want to refuse, there is actually no way. It's just that this method is not easy to do. What's the way? That's strength.

Unfortunately, strength is really hard to say. You said that you are already very powerful, but there are still people who are more powerful than you. This is what it looks like. Yu Wuxin is like this. He thinks he is the top of the inferior products, but what? But there are still top-quality people, and if he reaches the top one day, he will know that the demigod monsters are also waiting for him there.

If he can still reach the top of the demigod, but it is not the highest, because there is still heaven and God above. This thing is really abominable. How can there be such a thing?

What the hell is the head? There is no end. The world is like this. There is no end. There is really no end. There is no end.

No, it should be said that there is never an end.

I don't know how many years this world has existed. If there is an end, the world should have perished long ago, but no, the world has not perished, and the world continues to exist. This is a proof that if the life in the world ends one day, there will be new lives. That's what happened. It's really like this. Well, that's what happened.

This is the world, this is the law, all things have no end, one after another, in fact, very interlocking, really interlocking, if not, what else can be proved? No, the world is just like this.

You want to prove it, but you don't want to think about whether you have this ability? Or do you not know where this kind of thing has gone?

No, really no. It's all like this, and I don't want to think about what else can prove it. Really, don't think about it. Why? Because everything is not over, and this is already like this. What else can be done?

No more, nothing is left. Damn it. Such a thing will happen. Do you really think he can't do it?

If he is not convinced, he is not convinced. Even if he is not the strongest, he is definitely not the weakest. If anyone wants to bully him, he will be blind. It's really blind. Such things happen like this. Why? It's because he was careless.

Next time, he will never be careless, so there is nothing to say next time.

He won't let the same thing happen again. This is a result. It's really a result. It seems that many things are like this. Why? It is because such a thing has no good ending in the end.

If he is not convinced, he must have a good end. Even if he suffers from the current situation, he will take over the matter. Why?

It is because he is unintentional that he wants to turn bad things into good things. Although bad things can no longer be made up for, good things can be created.

Really, he believes that he will be able to create good things. This is the result he wants, and he doesn't ask himself what else he can do? Or do you not know how much more can be done like this?

No, really no, such a thing has reached an unbearable point.

If he can even stand such a thing, then he won't have this face. It's really gone. Well, this is what it looks like. It's really like this.

You must get things done and make it a beautiful thing. It's really abominable. If it can't be done, his face will never be found again.

So, Zhou Jingxian, you wait. You really have to wait. If you don't wait, this matter will not be over. You don't want to swear that you must take Zhou Jingxian. If you can't take Zhou Jingxian, he will... He, what did he do?

He is not thinking about it. He is still thinking that if he can't take Jingxian next week, he can't find life, can he? This is too shameless.

Although the face has been lost once, the more it is like this, the more you should put your face away. How can this happen? If it doesn't work, that's it.

But how can it not work? It must be done. It must be done. If it doesn't work, he really has no face to live anymore, because these things are too hateful things. How can it be like this? It's so disgusting. Why is it so disgusting? Why does it have to be so abominable? Alas...