Beast in brocade

Chapter 474 For Happiness

It's also true. If you had met Zhou Jingxian earlier, you would have spent all your thoughts on Zhou Jingxian. Hey hey, how can such a beautiful woman not care? That's really it, haha, what a little beauty.

No, it's a beautiful woman. She must be a beautiful woman. She's beautiful. It's not certain. Otherwise, how can she be fascinated?

That's what it looks like, and which man in the whole continent doesn't like Zhou Jingxian? Which man doesn't regard Zhou Jingxian as the object of night fantasy?

That's right, so it can be seen how beautiful Zhou Jingxian is. Such a thing is a phenomenon. No one can deny that she will unintentionally like last week's Jingxian, because Zhou Jingxian is really so beautiful. If Zhou Jingxian looks like a pig, he won't like her.

Not to mention that she is a fairy of Taixu Gate, even if she is God's daughter, who will like a sow? Really, this matter is not discussed, there is no room for negotiation at all, and it is directly ignored.

However, if she is really God's daughter, she may think about wronging herself, but this grievance is not like it. It is impossible to make him like a pig, and it is never possible.

So this grievance is to pretend to make yourself like the pig very much. In this way, make your father-in-law happy, and maybe one day he will give up the position of God. Haha, that's what it looks like.

Well, just think about it. That's why marrying a daughter-in-law depends on her appearance first. If she doesn't look good, it depends on her family background. If she has neither appearance nor family background, then die as soon as possible. Really, she can die. There is no need to live anymore.

Who would want a woman without appearance or family background? What's the use of coming?

You can't read it or use it. This is a very serious problem. No man will compromise on this kind of problem, and no one will joke his happiness. It's really a joke. If you don't even want your own happiness, then it's really okay.

If this man is not a madman, he must be a fool. Only a woman who has no appearance or family background will be willing to live with such a man.

Not to mention, it's really a good match, so the world is very fair, and anyone will find anyone.

But Wuxin is not that kind of person. Although he is a fool and an idiot, he doesn't admit it, and he is indeed very smart about many things. For example, in this kind of thing, he is very smart and won't cheat himself. It's really like this.

Why? Because this is related to happiness. Oh, my God, what is the most important thing in the world? That's happiness. If there is no happiness, what's the point of living?

Those fools actually live for happiness. Well, that's what happened.

It's really like this. People in the world live for such a goal.

But this goal looks very simple, but if it is really done, it is not simple at all. Well, it's really like this.

Because people are different, different identities, different statuses, different looks, different personalities, and different living environments, these are all problems, and these problems have created a problem.

And it's still a serious problem. It's really serious. Why is it serious? Because this problem is very big, it involves what happiness is.

It's true, what exactly is happiness? I'm afraid that few people can answer this question, and maybe the answer is not real happiness.

In fact, few people know what happiness they want. Maybe they have always wanted something, but they may not be really happy. Some people think they have got what they have been looking forward to, but they just can't be happy.

This question is very simple, that is, what you think you like, but you don't really like it. This is what it looks like. Such things will happen. Do you think this person is very sad?

Maybe, but there is nothing sad about this, because basically all people are like this. Really, everyone does this.

Why? Because this is what it is like, because everyone doesn't know what they want, so everyone can only be like this.

Alas, this is really abominable. Why? Why is it like this? Why don't people even know what they want? Aren't humans very smart? Aren't human beings claimed to be omnipotent? Aren't human beings the biggest in the world except God?

Why can't you even understand such a thing? Why don't you know what you want in your heart?

This is what it looks like, but what? I don't want to think about what else to do. Really, in fact, this is not surprising. Really, this is a little thing. Why is it a little thing?

Because everyone is like this, and it's normal for everyone not to understand. I'm afraid that even God doesn't know what they want. Really, this is really not to say. Everyone must be like this, but why do they say so?

In fact, it's not strange at all. It's really not strange. Why does it have to be so strange? It's the same thing, and there are also things like this and that. I don't think about it at all. What are you?

If you even know what's in your heart, isn't it too scary?

You should know that everyone is the most mysterious individual. No one can talk about such an individual, and there is no way to do it. And there is such a thing that can only be like this, or how to do such a thing?

You don't have to do it. Well, it's like this. If you can't do good things well, what's the use of human beings? Just die. If you die, that's it.

Think about it. It's already like this. What else can I say? Since everyone is like this, let's do it. Anyway, what's strange about everyone like this?

There is nothing to be ashamed of.

He didn't think it was strange. He had never worried about such a thing. The first reason was that he was no longer a human being, and the second reason was that he had never thought about such a thing.

Although no one knows what happiness is, and he doesn't know what he wants, at least he knows that he is going to enjoy it now. Really, if he doesn't enjoy it, it's really strange and doesn't think about it. Who can understand such a thing?

No, it's really gone. Everyone is like this, and that's the only thing. What else can I say? No, haha, such a thing will happen. What else is impossible?

It's really gone. I think it's like this. Everyone is like this, and there is no need to think about such a thing.

It's like I'm obviously a good person, but others think I'm a bad person. I can't even explain such a thing. I really can't explain it. What else can I explain?

It's not strange at all. Anyone can think about whatever they want. It's useless. No matter how much you think about it, it's really like this. Well, it's because of such a thing.

Why? Because there is no one else to talk about this kind of thing, and it's useless to talk about it. Anyway, there are many pieces of meat. What else can there be nervous about? What else can I say? That's right, let's talk about it.

He is not afraid, and he doesn't care what happiness is. He just wants to be happy now, and the pain will be solved in the future. It's really so simple. Many people are struggling with what this happiness is?

It's also strange that many things are like this. Why don't you think about it?

With so many thoughts, it's better to think about how to be happy now. Really, I don't even know this truth. What happiness do you want? Happiness can't be obtained by fools.

Those seemingly smart people are actually big fools, even worse than idiots.

Idiots are better than them. It's really like this, and I don't wonder if this is a good thing? Also, what are these?

There is still a little bit, and I don't want to think about how to do it.

Or is this the way it is? I don't know, really, it's like this, and there's still a little thing that I don't know where to go. Is it really like this?

Don't think about what else is there? It's not as good as this. Really, I don't think about good things, and I don't think about where else can be done? Really, really, why?

Why can't a good thing become a good thing? Good things are actually normal. Really, as long as you know that happiness is a simple thing, what else is there to say?

In fact, idiots know what happiness is most, because idiots don't want anything else and only think about when they have food to eat. If they are tired, they will sleep, and they don't care about this or that. If they are not satisfactory, they will cry immediately.

or it's noisy, really, this is what it looks like. If such a thing is not done well, what else can be said? I don't want to say anything. Alas, what's all this?

Really, okay, okay.