Beast in brocade

Chapter 477 hold back a moment

Really, I have thought about so many ways to die, but I never thought that I would die so cowardly. How could it be like this?

It's so unlucky that such a thing will happen, and I don't think about whether I'm too lucky, or whether this good thing about dressing up actually belongs to him.

Really, it turns out that things are like this. It's really abominable. Why is it like this? Who on earth has he offended?

I don't know where to know about this kind of thing. No one can ask. Go to ask Zhou Jingxian? Let alone say whether she is or not, even if she is willing to say it, but now you have to find her. If you find her, don't rush to ask her questions first, but to repair her well and let her know that Prince Ma has three... Ah, no, he has three eyes.

Hum, it's not easy to bully or offend. I can't afford to offend you. Who dares to offend so much? No, really no, and I don't want to think about it. Who else can do such a good thing? Or can such a good thing only be obtained unintentionally in the end?

Really, the careless face is really great. Only he can get such a good thing. Few people really have such good luck.

In fact, this is also true. That is to say, the life of this boy is not ordinary good, but it is two-like good.

Why? Just because Zhou Jingxian took action against him herself, you should know that Zhou Jingxian would never take action in person, but for the carelessness, she took action herself. This is a great face, but the carelessness does not feel that it is an honor.

You know, the other party is a woman and is defeated in the hands of a woman. Such a good thing can't be wanted. It's too humiliating to take it. Face, his face, why is he so unlucky?

Who on earth did he offend? Who would trick him like this? Really, it's disgusting. I don't want to think about how many good things are waiting for him, or whether he doesn't know what else he can do.

Well, it's like this. It's really like this. Hum, it's a good thing. This is a good thing. Since it's a good thing, he just wants to thank Zhou Jingxian. How could he have such a good thing without her? Right?

Hey hey, that's what it looks like. Good things, good things, and I don't know how many good things there are? If there is more, will it go crazy? Definitely not. No matter what he says, he can't go crazy.

Is it okay to go crazy about such a thing?

That's great. He has no face at all. He really has nothing left.

A madman is a fool. Although he also envies those idiots who don't have to think about this and that, if he is allowed to be a madman, he really doesn't know how bad luck will be in the end.

Well, what about such a thing? There is still no way to say it, and I don't know what it will look like in the end. Is it rare? I don't think that the bad luck of this kind of thing will be perjury in the end. Now it seems that of course, it is the big bad luckless guy.

Well, you are unintentional, you are a bad luck. If others are not blessed to get such a good thing, let you get it. Really, I don't know what to say about you? Blessed? Or is there no blessing? Really, it may be a blessing.

If it is not blessed, how can such a thing happen? Well, that's what it looks like. It's abominable that all this is the only thing.

If you don't want to think about it, you can't feel too blessed. It's better to keep a low profile. If you don't keep a low profile, what good thing can there be?

It's really gone. I don't know how to say everything, and I don't know whether the final result is good or bad, or such a thing. There is no way to think about what will happen in the end. Well, there is no way to say or do all these things. I can only think about it. I think, now I can only think about it. It's really disgusting. It's so disgusting.

Why is it like this? Why did this happen to him?

How can he be so unlucky? Why aren't others so unlucky?

No, it's good luck. Why doesn't the backbone have such good luck? Why does he have to get so much good luck alone? It's so unfair, really unfair, and he doesn't want to think about other people's feelings. He is really embarrassed, so embarrassed.

Don't have such good luck. God might as well take back a little, not too much, just take back a little. Now he is very grateful to let him go out of here. He is really grateful. He doesn't want to die here. If he dies here, he doesn't know what kind of bad luck will be in the end.

So he doesn't want to die. He really doesn't want to die. Even if he dies, he can't die here. It's too lonely here. There are no beautiful women, no delicious food, nothing. It's not good at all. If Zhou Jingxian is here with him, it's okay to say something.

can't. Zhou Jingxian can't do it here. It really can't. She doesn't make money here. She really doesn't make money. What is this? I don't want to think about what to say in the end?

No, there is nothing to say to her. Although she is a beautiful woman, she is still lonely. It's really lonely.

No, he can't stand it. He absolutely can't stand it. He really can't stand it. How can it be like this? Why is it like this? How can there be such a good thing?

I don't know who is not such a good thing, or I don't know where the good thing has gone. How can this happen? I don't know where it came from. How could it be like this?

Good things are gone, and there is too much luck. It's not a good thing. It's really not a good thing, so let's return such good luck. God, please don't torture him again.

He is really speechless. How could he be like this? I don't even think about where it came from. Why is there such a thing? Or what's the matter?

He absolutely doesn't want to look like this. It's too shameful. Really, he really doesn't know how to be unlucky in the end without saying such a thing. Well, why is such a thing like this?

It's really abominable. Think about it. How can it not be unlucky? Really, well, is everything like this? If this is a good thing, then all he expects is bad things, that's good, that's right, haha, this is cheap.

What is it that you don't want good things to do bad things? Absolutely cheap, really cheap. Others can't think about good things. He encounters good things every day and doesn't want good things. How can there be such a cheap person? Haha, that's right. He is really cheap, but you can't blame him for being unintentional and cheap, because such a good thing is not what everyone wants. Well, how to say this?

How can you not say it? I don't know where this is? It's really abominable. Now that I think about it, I feel that such a thing is unlucky. If it's not bad luck, it's strange. How can there be such a thing? Don't you think about whether the good things have come to an end?

Or is he not blessed to get so many good things? Yes, it must be that he is not blessed and doesn't have so many blessings. It's really the most abominable thing. Why? Just because there is no blessing, do you think good deeds are a burden?

What is this? How could such a thing happen? And I think good things are cumbersome. What kind of good things are these? Good things naturally make people's hearts bloom. How could such a thing happen?

This must not be a good thing. Yes, I don't want to figure it out. This must not be a good thing. This is not a good thing. What kind of good thing is this? Nothing, that's all there is to do. Is there nothing else to do? It's really gone, not at all.

What kind of thing is this? Not at all, really no, this is all a good thing. Good things are good everywhere. It's really a good thing. Don't think about what it is and what it is? There is nothing to say.

I don't know how to say anything else, and I don't know if the good thing has come to such a place? He didn't know that now he is a bitter child who has no one to love or love.

It's really bitter. People who don't know think he is such a cheap life.

But I don't know why his luck is very good. Sometimes he is very good. What's going on? What kind of thing is this?

I don't even think about it. Where else can there be such a thing? I don't even think about where these things will happen? No, nothing good.

Good luck is gone. Although it is said that this is a good thing, what a good thing is? How can a good thing be like this? Who has seen such a good thing? What kind of good is this? No one knows, absolutely no one knows. Only the heartless knows the bitterness now. How can it be so bitter? He doesn't know what to do now. What is this and what? Don't you think about what will happen in the end?

No, there is nothing in the end. He is the only one who has pain. It really hurts. Why is this? I don't know, I really don't know, and I don't want to think about where the last good things have gone, or do you know such good things? I don't know. I really don't know. Why don't I know? Or do you no longer need to go? You really don't have to go.

Now things are like this, so bear it well. He endures it. Only at this time will he have the opportunity to take revenge. Humph, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.