Beast in brocade

Chapter 481 There is still a chance

The unintentional is so hateful now. It's really abominable. Why is it like this? That's disgusting.

He is now a hatred and a regret. Why did he do this? Doesn't he know that impulse is the devil? Why is he so impulsive?

It's all right now. I can't do anything. Why is it like this? It's still like this. Why do you want it like this?

Zhou Jingxian has not even seen her face now. Well, what kind of thing is this? It's really disgusting. I don't know what's going on?

Don't ask what will happen in the end. In fact, this is really not a good sign. If you don't see her for the first time, there will be a second time. How can you take her down after this?

What is this? That's disgusting. What else? No, it's really gone. What kind of thing is this? It's really disgusting. I don't know what will happen in the end?

Now he knows one word, unlucky, no, these are two words, okay, just two words, really, he is already like this now, why is he so serious with him? It really doesn't give him any face.

Zhou Jingxian has pressed him to death now. How can it be like this? How can others be like this?

It's really disgusting. There are no good things left. Now he has lost his wife and soldiers. How can there be such a thing? That's so abominable. I don't know what will happen in the end?

Why is it like this? Really, why did he go back more and more? He was not like this when he first came out. Really, how romantic and chic he was at that time. Why is it like this now?

It's really disgusting. Well, he didn't care about everything. Really, you can't blame others for this matter, you can only blame yourself. Otherwise, who else can you blame?

It's all too easy for him to be satisfied. If he has some results, he will not be enterprising. If he has some results, he will know how to enjoy it. Finally, he eats all his achievements and becomes what it is now. It's really abominable.

Why didn't he think of such a thing at the beginning? If he think about it, he won't have today. Although it's not too late, after all, there is already a crack. It's not easy to make up for it.

It's really disgusting. Why is it like this? If it goes on like this, he will only hurt and have no room to turn over in the end.

Why? Why is it like this? Who on earth did he offend? Why is he so unlucky?

Speaking of which, Hui has no intention to have any awareness. No one complains about these things. Really, no one complains. He can only blame himself. He really can only blame himself. Why should he be like this?

Isn't it comfortable like this? Don't bother. This is the simplest. In fact, human beings like this, so human beings have become very stupid now. Yu Wuxin has always thought that he was not like this and thought that he was smarter than others, but so what?

What else can I do? Is it still unlucky to say it?

It's really like this, really like this, why is it like this? What else is there to do? No, not at all.

It's really gone. What else can I do? Now I have blocked all the roads, and all that's left is to go all the way down.

In fact, it has always been like this. What else can I say? No, not at all. I don't know what will happen in the end? This is really true. It's already like this.

He has only one regret and another hatred now. He has begun to hate himself now. Really, why? Nothing, nothing at all. He can only be like this. He said it so well at the beginning, but what about now? What else can I say?

In fact, it was like his story. It started wonderfully, but what happened later? It's getting worse and worse. This is an attitude. It's really such an attitude. Why is it like this? What else can I say? There is no way to say it.

I really don't know, and I don't know what will happen in the end.

He regrets now. He has nothing else to do now. He doesn't hate Zhou Jingxian now. He only hates himself now. He only feels that he is too useless now.

Good things have been made like this by him. What else can you say?

No, well, now he knows, but what about this?

People who don't know think what happened to him, but what? The fact is that he cheated himself. Really, that's it. Well, it's like this. It's really like this. It's like this. In fact, it's very simple. It's really simple. Why not? Why don't you do this?

Why don't you get things done?

Why is the start time so good? He is also a person, why did he change so much later? It's so incredible. It's really incredible. Well, this thing is already like this. What else can I say? What I don't know is still like this. What else is there in the end?

No, it's like this. Really, it's like this. Why is it like this in the end? Is this the final result?

No, definitely not. If the final result is like this, he doesn't think he can die. Really, he can really die. Well, that's what it is. Why is it like this?

I really don't know what will happen to me in the end? He felt that he wanted to change, not that, but that he must change.

Although he has done so many wrong things now, there is still a chance. Although he can't guarantee that he can make up all the previous cracks, he can cover them up and cover them with a new light.

No one will see such a crack again. Really, there are still many opportunities now. Why is it like this? And I don't even wonder if it will be this point in the end?

Although he feels that he has no way, it is impossible, really impossible, and there will never be a dead end.

As long as you go forward and don't look back, there must be a way out. He believes it, he really believes it.

He used to be like this, but now he is still like this, really still like this, how to say? That's how it is. Things have turned around. It's not irreparable. Things are still ahead. Don't you think about whether you are the result or not?

There is no result. It hasn't come to the end. It really hasn't come to the end. That's what it looks like, right? Right? There is still a way out and a way forward. It's definitely okay. It's really okay. If there is no chance, what else can we say about this?

I don't know if there will be any good results in the end? Really, it's really like this. Why is it like this? He now knows that he regrets it. He wants to change it. He really wants to change it.

If you don't change it, you are a bastard. That's absolutely it. You must believe it. This is a very important thing. If you don't change it, there is no future. Really, if you don't change it, there will be nothing.

That's really nothing, nothing at all. This matter has been done. You still need to change it well. If you don't change it, you will be a bastard. Remember, you must remember it.

If you can't remember, you will become a son of a bitch. It's really a son of a bitch, an absolute son of a bitch, that's what it looks like now. Why?

I don't want to solve it quickly. Otherwise, things will become more and more complicated and the timing will be lost. This is what it looks like. Don't know how you will regret it until the end.

At that time, it was useless to regret. I lost my wife and soldiers, and finally lost face. It's really disgusting. Why is it like this?

Don't think about what else will happen in the end? I don't know what will happen in the end? I don't even think about where there is a chance to regret it? There is no chance, no chance at all.

This is what it looks like. Really, there is no result? If you don't change it, there will be no result. Even if there is, it is the most abominable result. It will definitely cheat yourself. It's really abominable. It's like this. It's really like this. Why do you want it like this?

Don't think about whether you will die in the end, or how much face will be left? I guess there is no left at all. Is there any left? Don't look at how much face he has. Can he afford it?

There is not much in the first place. What else can I lose? I can't afford to lose too much. I really don't want to lose much. Well, this is how it is. I don't have much face anymore. I can't lose it anymore. I can't afford to lose it. This is all my own harm.

You can't blame others. There is no way to complain about others. How can you complain? No one will admit it. Even Zhou Jingxian won't admit it. At that time, she will have to say that he is a waste and scold him for being wronged.

Really, what else can I say? No, it's really gone.

He can only be like this now. He is getting colder and calmer. This is not a good thing. He really doesn't have it. I don't know what else is in the end? No more.

Not being angry doesn't mean it's a good thing. If you don't get angry, you don't care anymore. Do you really don't care? If you don't care, what should you do? What should he do? I really don't know. Is it too late now? If it's too late, it must be too late. It started from zero, but it hasn't reached zero yet, so there is still a chance.