Beast in brocade

Chapter 487 Pros and Cons

If you want to deal with him, you can do whatever you want, but don't torture him like this. He is most afraid of being hungry.

Yu Wuxin only thinks about one word now, that is, he is hungry. He is really hungry. If there is a chance, he should have a good meal. If he doesn't eat, what else is there to live?

If you don't eat, you can't do anything, or even have a life. What a terrible thing it is. This is simply more terrible than a sword. At least the sword can be avoided, but how can you hide from hunger?

You should know that this stomach is in your own stomach. Oh, my God, what is this?

How can there be such an unlucky thing? I really don't know how many bad luck there are, but now there is no such bad luck compared with his hunger. Really, there is no such bad luck. This is a life. If the fate is good, how can there be such bad luck?

Damn, damn it, he doesn't want such a thing to happen to his life. How could such a thing happen? I don't know where else is. It's really disgusting. Maybe this is the fate. Well, this is what it is. Is it really like? Maybe it's not that simple.

It's really enough. It's really good. Well, what kind of good thing is this? I don't know where I went, where I can go, and I don't know where this kind of thing is, really? Maybe it's like this, maybe it's not like this. Anyway, it's all like this. Fortunately, things won't go wrong again.

Anyway, it's so simple to starve to death. In fact, if he really wants to die, he will be afraid. After all, even if he is afraid, he can't change anything. You can't say that he doesn't have to die if he is afraid, right? So many people in the world are afraid of things, but they still can't avoid it.

So this dead word can't be avoided. It really can't be avoided. If it can be avoided, there is no need to talk about this matter. It's really like this. Well, it's absolutely like this, and I don't want to do anything, okay? Really not?

I don't know where I went in the end. It's such a simple thing. Fortunately, the last thing is not difficult. It's really not difficult. If it's too difficult, then people can do it.

Now these things are all done by people, otherwise, won't God be doing the right thing with Yu Wuxin?

Of course, God can definitely take care of this matter, but why should he take care of it? Yuxin is so bad. If you care about him, he will only be worse in the future. You must let him know the pain. This is absolutely necessary. If he doesn't know the pain, he won't repent in the future.

Now he knows repentance, but if he doesn't have a stomachache, how can he know repentance? Really, but such a thing really makes him helpless. How can he be so helpless?

How has he ever been so unlucky? I really don't know what to do, I don't know what else will happen in the end, and I don't want to think about where anything has gone. If I do this, what can I do?

I don't know, I really don't know, well, things have been like this, and I don't know what else will happen in the end. Really, really regard him as a bully, right?

You underestimate him. Is he so easy to bully? Humph, and I don't want to think about who he is careless. He is a very powerful person. I really don't know where he went or where the last thing went. Do you really don't know? Really, I must not know. If I knew, things wouldn't be like this. Really, why should it be like this?

Can we change things? I really don't know what to do, and I don't want to think about what else to do in the end. How many other people are there? No, it's really gone. If possible, that's it. What is this?

Now he knows that repentance can be passed. If it fails, it is useless for him to know repentance, because he is dead. Even if he wants to change it, he can't change it. In that case, how can he change it?

In that case, what's the point of starving him like this? Really, this is what it looks like. Really, if you can, this thing can't be finished. If it's over, what's wrong with it? It's so abominable. How can it be so hateful? Well, that's what it's like. Yes, that's what it is. What's wrong? What else can I say? No, right? Really not? Haha, so let him out quickly.

Otherwise, he will go to see Death. In that case, he will go to Death to change it, and the result will be cheaper to Death. Humph, this is what it is. What's the matter? That's it, right?

How can it be like this? Don't you think about what else will happen in the end? It must not have been done by such a thing. I don't know where I went in the end.

It's really abominable. It's not fun at all. It's really not fun. Good things are all like this, or where is it?

Well, really well, I don't know, I really don't know, uh-huh, it must be like this, really like this, why is it like this? I don't understand. Where did such a thing go? I don't know what else will happen in the end?

Damn, that's disgusting. What's the matter? Of course, there are still many things that I don't know. There are really many things that have gone here. What else is there?

Alas, what's going on? Really, where have all these things gone? What about good things? No, now he is thinking about good things, but no good things have fallen on him. What is this?

This can only be regarded as a dream. It's really a dream. Where did such a dream come from? I don't know where I went in the end. Fortunately, this is the only thing, and I don't know where I went in the end.

It's really disgusting. It's disgusting. He didn't think of anything good, and I don't know what else will happen in the end?

I don't want to think about where such a thing can happen? It can only be said that this kind of thing. If you really want to say it well, then this is the only thing that is good. Is it really good? I don't know, I don't know at all. If I know, things won't be troublesome. It's really not troublesome. After all, there are still many things that can't be done well, right? What kind of thing is this? Don't you think about how many things happened in the end?

Don't want to think about anything and don't know where you have gone? Or has this kind of thing been done? Maybe, such things have been done. It's really like this. If possible, that's it.

Such things have gone here, and I don't know where to go in the end. Maybe this is what happened. Why? That's the only good thing. Maybe I don't know where the things have gone, and I don't know where the things have gone. Maybe it's over like this.

After all, things are not as good as here. Fortunately, things are like this. Maybe this is the best, and I don't know where it will end? If possible, it's like this. It's really like this. Fortunately, I don't know anything, and I don't know where there is such a thing? It can only be like this, is it really okay?

That's really it. He really can't do anything about this kind of good thing. After all, he can't even solve it now. What else can he say? No, right? Really not? Humph, that's what it's like. It's really abominable. What else can be done? Maybe he has to wait to die now. Really, he thinks this matter is the simplest and the best. Well, but what else can he say about such a thing? No, not at all.

If it really has, it's not good. It's really hard to say. I don't know what I will do in the end. It's really disgusting. How can there be such a thing? What kind of thing is this? I don't even think about where the last things have gone. Really, there are still many things I don't know. Maybe things are already like this. Is this really the only way? There are still many things I don't know, and I don't want to think about it. Where have everything gone? It can only be like this, right? It's really only like this. Well, he admits that such a thing is only this time, absolutely only this time, if a few more times.

No, I don't need to do it a few more times. I'm afraid he may not be able to survive this time. What else can he say at that time? I don't want to think that things have been like this. What else can I say?

He also knows that he wants to rush out, but there is nothing he can do now. What else can he say? Really, now that he is almost out of strength, he is really surprised that people say that he can be hungry for a few days and nights? Why is he so hungry now that he hasn't eaten all night?

Does this have anything to do with his body? Does his body need more energy than others? Well, it must be like this. After all, his body is different from others. His body is unique in the world. If it is like this again, I really don't know what to do.

This is called pros and cons. If it weren't for such pros and cons, his body would not be unique. Is it really a good thing? How can such a unique body look like this? His body is full of problems. He is really unlucky. Why is he so unlucky?