Beast in brocade

Chapter 505 Damned

If he is poor, he will change. He is thinking that he has nothing now and is hungry. How can he change?

It must change. If it remains unchanged, he will starve to death. In that case, he can't change even if he wants to change. It's really abominable. How can it be like this? That's disgusting. What's the matter?

Why is there such a thing? Where did such a thing come from? It's so hateful. I really hate it. If it's hateful, it's strange. How can there be such a thing? It's hard to say what you don't know.

It's so abominable. There can't be good things. This is the only thing now, but how can it be like this? It's so abominable. Fortunately, he hasn't starved to death yet. If he is starved to death, he really has nothing to say. That's right, what else can he say? I can't say anything.

I really can't say anything. This kind of thing is the only thing, and this is the only thing. Really okay, okay, that's it.

Yu thought about it. Anyway, it's like this. He's not afraid. He's really not afraid. Even such a big difficulty has rushed over. What else can he say? There's no way to say it. There's really no way to say it.

That's not good, so that's the only thing, okay? I don't know. There are only this one thing. There are still many things that I can't think of. It's hard to say. It's really hard to say. Why is this the only thing? No, it's definitely not like this. I really can't figure it out. Why did good things come to this place?

I don't know, I really don't know, isn't it like this? No, really not. If it's really like this, he has nothing else to say.

It's okay. It's not good at all. It's just like this. Why do you want it like this? Isn't it agreed? It's really like this. It must be like this. Well, it's like this. It's really like this. Oh, my God, what kind of thing is this? Fortunately, it hasn't come to the end. It must not be like this. It's really only this. Maybe, it's really only this. It's okay. It's okay.

Oh, my God, what is this all for? It's not something that can be done. It's really not like this. It's already like this. Is there anything else to say? No, really not. Maybe it's only like this in the end. Isn't it such a thing?

Don't think about it at all. Is that the only thing? Well, that's really the only thing.

Well, is that really the only thing? Something that can't be thought of. Well, that's great. That's it. Is there nothing else to do? That's great. It's not something you can think of like this. It's really not something you can think of like this. That's great. Haha, where have things gone?

Isn't that the case or is it like this? Great, that's the only thing like this. Is it really like this? That's great, that's great.

If it's not like this, then if it's like this, that's the only thing.

Oh, my God, this is all this kind of thing, so is this the only good thing? No, it must not be. Oh, my God, save him. There is nothing else to say about this.

Why is it like this? That's good, that's great. This is a big good thing, and that's all.

Well, at this point, there is nothing else to say and nothing else to do. What else can we say? No, it must be gone. If it is like this, what else can I say?

Well, where did things go? There's no way to come. There's really no way. Well, there's nothing too good.

I don't want to have good things. This is the only thing. It's really like this. I didn't expect it. I really didn't expect it. Can this be done?

Well, that's really great. Fortunately, nothing else can be done. It's just that I don't want to do anything about it. I really don't want to, that's all right.

It's not good at all. Why is it like this? How can it be done? That's terrible. What is this for? It must not be for this matter, right?

is. If it's like this, it can't be done like this. If it's like that, that's the only thing.

Oh, my God, well, that's the only thing. It's so strange. What is this all for? Is that what the investigation looks like? Is that the only way?

It's really strange that such a thing can happen, so what else can be said? Really, it's too bad. If you say it in the end, there's nothing else.

It's really gone. I just can't figure it out. Oh, my God, what is this all for? Is it just like this? Well, that's what it is. What else can we say?

I can't say that everything is like this. That's great. Well, that's what it looks like. It must be like this.

If it's not like this, it's the most terrible. It's really like this. That's great. What else can we say? There's no way to say it. It's great. It's just like this. Yes, it's like this. Only this is the best. There's nothing we can do. It's this kind of person.

Really, it's not surprising at all. Fortunately, there is nothing else in the end. I just can't make it. What else to say? Well, it must be like this. It's really like this. It's not easy to say at all. It's really hard to say. Well, really good.

All right, my God, is this all for something? It's okay. Oh, my God, that's great. Why do you want to do this? There's nothing we can do. It's really like this. Well, my God, what is this for? It's not good at all. If it's good, it's like this.

Well, that's it. Well, that's the kind of thing. If it's agreed, there's no way to talk about it. It's just like this. It's okay. It's really okay.

Okay, really okay, there's no way to say it. Is that the only thing? That's it. I just can't figure it out. I really can't figure it out. It's too bad. How can such a thing come here?

Well, that's really what it looks like. Oh, my God, this has happened. Is that okay? It's really amazing. If you don't pay attention to such things, there will be only the best point in the end. Oh, my God, where did this kind of thing go? This is the best result. It's really like this. It's okay. It's really like this. It's really like this.

Why is it like this? It's really only like this. It's great. It's really great. Fortunately, there's no other way in the end. If there's anything else, that's great. It's really great. You must not let that girl get better. Be sure to give her some color. Humph, that's it. That's how it. It's too much. , is that okay? That's right, you don't want to live at all, do you? Well, it's like this. Yes, it's like this. It can only be like this. I really can't figure it out.

What is this for? Is that okay? Well, it's really like this. If it's this result, is it still good? It's really amazing. It's really like this. Oh, my God, that's great. If this happens, there will be no such thing. There's really nothing else. If there's nothing else? It's really gone. Is it really gone? It's really gone. If there is such a thing, it's too bad. It's agreed that nothing else will happen, so what else can we say? I can't say this at all, it's really like this.

It just doesn't make sense. Isn't it really like this? It must not be like this. Why does it have to be like this? I really can't figure it out. Oh, my God, it's not over yet. It's really over. If it's over, what else can I say?

You can't say it at that time. If you still say it, it's the most terrible thing. It's really this kind of thing. Well, where has it gone? I don't know, I really don't know. What else can I say if something like this happens? There's nothing we can do. If there is a way, that's the only thing, right? It's really not like this. Well, it's just like this. That's still good.

It's really good. If you have to say something, you are too stingy. What else can you say? There is no way, I can only say that there is no way. Really, there is no way to say it. What else can I say? It's so strange. Fortunately, this is not the final result.

Otherwise, it's too terrible and annoying. I just can't figure it out. I really can't figure it out. Yes, it must not be like this.

At this point, there is nothing else to say.

That's enough. What else can I say? No, it's really gone. At this point, the result is like this. It's okay. It's really okay, but where did this kind of thing go in the end? No one knows, really no one knows. If you say you know, what else can you say?

There's nothing we can do. Where did the good thing go? Hasn't it arrived yet? Really, that's what it looks like. Damn it, really.