Beast in brocade

Chapter 557 is gone

What can you do even if you have figured it out?

It's useless. I still can't let it go. It's like this. There is nothing else to say. What else can I say? I don't know. Well, it's like this. It's really like this. Otherwise, what else can I do?

There is really nothing left. It's just like this. Fortunately, what's going on? I don't know, that's right. How can I know? There is no good thing, and there is no good thing. What else is there to say about the result of this?

No more, but no more. Why look for something like this again?

There is nothing to look for, that's right, okay, really okay, this way, it can only be like this, that's right, there is nothing wrong, really no wrong, it won't be what it is now, if it's really not, it's not, if it's still, what else can it be?

It's okay if there is nothing, it's okay. It's just such a small thing. It's really true. Well, it's here. Fortunately, hateful people, hateful things, what else can be said?

No, it's really gone. How can it be good to come like this?

It hasn't come to the end, that's right, no, even if it's a good result, it can only be the final result. What else can it be?

It's gone. It's really gone, but it's gone. Well, it's just like this. It can only be like this when it comes, and it can only be like this when it goes. I really don't know what else can be done in the end?

There is nothing else. It's really nothing. It's just like this. Well, it's really like this.

It's still a good result like this. It's really true. Why is the main turbid kiss? There is nothing else. It's really nothing. Let's think about it. What's going on?

A little thing, what else can be done?

I don't know, I really don't know, just like this, there is nothing else to do anywhere, really nothing, that's all right, really okay, okay, what else can I do?

Where did nothing go? It's still like this.

Really, it must be, nothing wrong, really nothing wrong, what else can I say? There is no need to say anything. It's just like this. It's really right. It's not wrong.

For good, the final result is coming. What else can we do?

No, really not. What else can we do with the result of this? There's nothing I can do, but I don't have it. Where did I go like this? It's only like this. It's really like this. I really don't know what I can do in the end.

It's not like this, it's really not, okay, really okay, what else can we do here like this?

No, really no, that's right. How can it be? No, it's gone. There are no good things like this. Even if you go anywhere like this, it's useless. How can it be useful? What's going on?

No, really no, just no, everything is gone, this kind of thing has come here, what else can be done?

There is really nothing left, that's right. There's nothing left. I just came here like this. What else can I do?

No, really not. Well, everything is like this. It's really like this. Well, there's nothing wrong with it. It's really not there. Is it good? Is it really good?

I don't know, I really don't know, that's right, there is nothing wrong, how can it be wrong?

It's a bad thing, or is it better to come like this, or where did it end up like this? There is nothing else, it's really nothing. Even where it has gone like this, this is just a small thing.

It's okay, that's right, there's nothing wrong, really nothing wrong, this is the last thing to see, it's really it's true, there's nothing wrong, it's really nothing, it's like this, is it really true?

No, it's really not. This kind of thing has come about this little thing. Fortunately, it's right. There's nothing wrong. There's really nothing wrong.

What is this for? I don't know. I really don't know. That's why I came here. Fortunately, it's okay. It's useless to go anywhere like this. It's really useless. If it's useful, it's not like this. It's really not. Well, it's just like this. Let's still think about it. , what can we do in the end?

There is no future, and now it's all like this. Let's think about the last thing. It's really true, otherwise what else can we do? No, it's really not. Well, really well, it's like this. It's really nothing. It's something that can only be done like this. It really can't. Why is it be like this?

It's not good. It's really bad. Let's think about it. It's just that you can't think of where it is. It's gone. It's really gone. Let's think about the last thing like this. It's why we came here.

No, really not. Where did it go like this?

I don't know, I really don't know, that's right, otherwise what else can I do? No, it's really gone. Is it good to come like this? Or is it not good? No, is it good or bad to have it like this? Otherwise, where did you go like this?

Who knows? In the final analysis, I still don't understand everything. I don't understand everything. No one understands. I don't understand anyone. What else can I do? No, that's right. No, if there is, the thing is the most abominable thing. It's like this. What can happen when it comes like this?

There is no good or bad thing. It's just like this. It's my last thing like this. I really don't know what else to do?

There is nothing else, but only this point. I don't know anything, I don't know her, I don't know anything. In the final analysis, I still don't know myself. Do you miss her? I really miss her, but what? In the end, I couldn't get anything. It was this kind of thing that came here. What else can I say?

can't be said. If you go on, things are already like this. You can only say everything. That's the case. What else can you say?

No, it's gone. The final situation may be like this. It's really like this. What else can we do?

No, but no. How can I figure it out like this? No, it's nothing. It's really gone. This is the most abominable thing in the end. It's really abominable. What else can we do?

There is no place to vent, there is no place to talk about everything, only you know, that's how it is, but what's the use even if you know it? I can't do anything. I don't even know myself. It's like this. There's nothing wrong. There's really nothing wrong. Well, it's like this. It's really true. In the end, this is the most abominable thing. Everything is like this. I really don't know what else can be said?

There is nothing to say. That's how it came about.

I'm really lonely, that's right, there's nothing wrong, there's nothing wrong, it's like this, how can you scold it?

No, really not, is that the same thing? I don't know. What else can I do? There is really nothing to do. It's just like this that I came here. How can I scold it?

There is nothing, but it's gone. It's okay. It's really okay. What else can the final result be like this?

No, really not. Well, it's like this. It's gone. It's really gone. It's just like this. How can it be scolded?

No, it's really not. Everything is not like this, it's not like this.

It's really not, that's it, it's definitely not like this, it's okay, it's okay, it's like this, otherwise, it's nothing, it's really nothing, everything, it's like this, it's really hateful.

It's okay, that's right, otherwise, what's the use of scolding?

No, absolutely no, absolutely, it must be useless. Is it better to come like this or go like this? No, that's right, absolutely gone. That's how you can think of it. Or think about it carefully. What will happen to this kind of thing? I don't know, I really don't know, that's right, this is the last appearance. Why can you not think about it? Why don't you do it?

Why did you make things look like this? I don't know, but I don't know. What else can I do? No, it's gone.

Absolutely no. What's going on? What else can you do if you don't look like this?

There is really nothing to do. This is the way I came here. Only in this way can I know how ignorant I am. I am really ignorant. What is this all for? No, nothing, everything is gone, I don't even know myself, what else can I do?

That's it. It's just like this. It's really true. I don't know anything.