Jin Yutong

Chapter 056 The Last Scene

Time was lost little by little, and the whole audience fell into silence, but I don't know if it was an illusion that the audience could even clearly hear the heavy breathing of each player.

At this moment, no matter who was, he became cautious. Even Lu Tianming continued to observe carefully after sorting out the three jades and glanced at Chen Ran from time to time. Obviously, Chen Ran's appearance put a lot of pressure on him.

The three pieces of jade given to Chen Ran made Chen Ran a little depressed. Unexpectedly, none of them were true. In this way, he could not absorb the aperture. Fortunately, the two players standing on both sides of him had an ancient jade. While observing the jade in front of him, he secretly absorbed the two ancient jades. The aperture.

When you want time to pass slowly, time tends to pass quickly. In this way, ten minutes will soon end. This time, the players are also much smarter. In the end, if they are not selected, they will all be blindfolded. What the final result can only be up to fate.

As soon as the time arrived, the judges reviewed the results. These brocade boxes containing jade were numbered, and whether they were true or false were recorded. All they needed was to record the points of the players. Soon, the results appeared.

Chen Ran got another 12 points in this level.

However, the first place is still two side by side. Although Chen Ran has the existence of supernatural powers, Lu Tianming, as a son of the jade carving family, also has his own method of jade appreciation. At this moment, the two are not so easy to distinguish the winner for the time being.

Chen Ran still ranks first. Unexpectedly, and unexpectedly, major jewelry companies have to treat him carefully and are speculating about where he came from. He has even begun to investigate him quickly.

And the players below are also very tight. Except for the third place being deducted four points and dropping two places, the others in the front are almost unchanged.

At the end of this game, 32 players had to leave the game.

"The third inning of the first half..."

With Professor Xie's announcement, another trial began.

There were five games in the first half, which was more difficult and more cruel. Thirty-two people were eliminated in the second game, and each game was no longer eliminated by the number of people, but by score.

For Chen Ran, the ending is naturally no suspense, but in the fifth game, he is also dangerous and dangerous. The fifth round test is the knife work of the jade carving masters in history, that is, each group talks about a historical jade carving master, and then the contestants selects the work of the jade carving master from a pile of ancient jade. .

Chen Ran saw less ancient jade, and naturally did not understand the works of these jade sculptors in history. Fortunately, his ability to measure the approximate age of ancient jade.

According to the age of the jade carving master, you can almost choose his works. This game was obviously the most difficult, and most of the contestants were brushed off at once.

So that at the end of the first half, there were only five people left.

Of course, what is eliminated does not mean that there is no chance. There is also a chance to turn over the martial arts test, but then it will only be the ranking of jade carving works.

In fact, the reason why the scale of this jade carving competition is so high is that this jade carving competition combines the jade sculptor qualification examination and the competition. In addition to the jade carving technology competition, there is also the evaluation of jade sculptors. The requirements of the jade association for jade sculptors must be able to identify jade. , and then you can carve jade.

After the first half, unexpectedly, Chen Ran and Lu Tianming still ranked first, and the next three were Li Baoping, Ma Jian and Jiang Xiaotong.

Li Baoping and the first place are only five points away, and Ma Jian and Jiang Xiaotong are more different.

In the hotel of the provincial gymnasium, lying on the sofa, Chen Ran gently rubbed the position of his temple. The non-stop use of power for such a long time made him tired. The half-time break was only half an hour. Within this half hour, he could only try his best to recover a little spirit.

After rubbing his temples and drinking a glass of boiling water, Chen Ran closed his eyes and prepared to squint for a while. He was not worried that he would oversleep, and someone would call him.

"Mr. Chen..."

He was confused and didn't sleep for a while. Chen Ran was awakened by shouts. After waking up, he stood up and opened the door.

"Mr. Chen, it's time. Please enter the venue immediately!" The young man standing at the door was the young man who was in the hall at first. At this moment, his attitude towards Chen Ran was naturally different. Although he could not talk about flattery, his face was also full of smiles.

The young man looked at Chen Ran and sighed in his heart. At first, he looked at Chen Ran's rustic and how could he pay attention to it, but now he knows that as long as the competition is over, many large companies will compete to win over Chen Ran. Just as he went downstairs, he saw the managers of many companies and so on. He wanted to sneak in and take the lead, but was stopped by the security guard.

"Wait a minute, I'll wash my face!" Chen Ran nodded and turned away. The young man also turned around to call the other four players.

Although he just squinted for such a while, Chen Ran also felt that he was much better, but he felt that his brain was a little swollen, and he was better after washing his face. When he stepped out of the door, a person came out of the door opposite him.

This person is Lu Tianming.

"Chen Ran, it turns out that you and Brother Yun are classmates!" When Lu Tianming saw Chen Ran showing a puzzled look, he seemed to smile and said, "You won't forget my brother Yun, will you? I heard him say that he is still your roommate. You seem to have a good relationship, haha."

Although Lu Tianming is confident that he will not lose to Chen Ran, he has to be cautious at this time. After a while, he has figured out Chen Ran's details. Unexpectedly, he is still his cousin Zhou Jianyun's college roommate. Just now, he also called Zhou Jianyun.

Zhou Jianyun hated Chen Ran's gritting his teeth. How could he not reveal Chen Ran's details? If he hadn't been locked at home now, he would have run to clean up Chen Ran in person.

Chen Ran knew who he was talking about. Originally, he had no malice towards Lu Tianming, but when he heard the other party's words, he immediately attributed Lu Tianming to Zhou Jianyun, but he didn't say anything. He just glanced at Lu Tianming and turned away.

At this time, other players also came out of the room and greeted Lu Tianming with a familiar smile. Although everyone is a competitor, it will not be revealed on the surface.

"Brother Ming, you have to cheer up. You can't lose to a half-way monk. What a great guy I thought he was. It turned out to be a poor boy born in the wild!"

Ma Jian ran to Lu Tianming, glanced at Chen Ran, and said loudly.

At this time, they almost all know Chen Ran's details. For those famous teachers or jade sculptors from famous families, they naturally look down on Chen Ran's wild background. They also know Chen Ran's details, so they don't care about Chen Ran's laughter at all.

Lu Tianming sneered and said disdainfully, "Just rely on him? I really didn't pay attention to him. Let's see how I beat him next. Hey, I'm just afraid that if he loses, I will say that we bully him, haha..."

Everyone laughed, and their tone was full of sarcasm.

With the end of the half-time, the second half has finally begun. Now there are only five players left. Lu Tianming, as the first jade carving family in the Central Plains, is undoubtedly the most popular one.

Although Chen Ran appeared like a dark horse, in fact, his voice was the lowest at this time, because everyone basically gathered the halftime to find out his details, and even many large companies found the jade that Chen Ran once carved.

This jade is simply ordinary at first glance, and can barely make do with the jade carved by the first-class jade sculptor, but it is basically impossible for the first-class jade sculptor to win the final victory of the competition, but Chen Ran's performance in the competition makes them have to be cautious, even if Chen Ran's sculptor is not good, But it is definitely almost a jade expert.

Although the remaining Ma Jian and others ranked behind the first place, their scores are not much worse. In addition, they are either from famous families or major companies, and it's just a thought to rush up.

I have to say that although there are only the last five people, it is also a battle between dragons and tigers.

The eliminated players have already left the field. Now only Chen Ran and five people are standing on the field. Chen Ran stands quietly. Lu Tianming also stands like this, but he glances at Chen Ran from time to time, with a sneer on his face. Before that, he has learned the test rules of the second half, and he is fully sure that he can take this wild road. Get rid of the guy from birth.

For him, a poor boy who came out of nowhere was tied for first. I have to say that this is a shame.

"The second half of the game officially begins now!" This time, Mr. Wang personally hosted it. He glanced at the players and said loudly with a smile, "Let me tell you the rules. There is actually only one game in the second half, that is, a final game, or the long table in front of you. There are 72 jades on each long table. Of these 72 pieces of jade, only one is ancient jade. Others are new jade or high imitation antique jade. Now all you have to do is find this ancient jade. The time is 30 minutes. Those who pass the customs will add 15 points, and those who fail to pass will deduct 10 points.

At first glance, compared with the five rounds in the first half, there seems nothing new, but in fact, when you think about it carefully, you will know how difficult it is. Seventy-two pieces of jade can be said to be dazzling.

Pendants, jade pendants, jade jade, jade dragons, bracelets, jade cups, ornaments, large and small, all kinds of colors, almost all of them, even in every dynasty, and since these jades have been taken out as a test, almost any of them can be fake.

This batch of high imitation jade has also been accumulated by the Jade Association over the years, and some have even been borrowed from other provinces.

Everything seems to be true.

This is not the most critical. The most important thing is that there are 72 pieces of jade, but the time is only 30 minutes, which means that at least two pieces of jade must be identified in one minute.

The identification of jade is also the most difficult. In many cases, it is somewhat plausible, especially the materials of some jade are not carved from real jade at all, and it can be said that there are many kinds of jade.

However, the five players who can break through all the way to this stage are obviously not vegetarians. Except for Chen Ran, which of them has not cultivated their jade vision since childhood.

The competition has just begun. Even Lu Tianming, who is extremely conceited, dares not neglect. He moves his hands together, pinching left, touching right, smelling, or picking up a magnifying glass to see, occasionally frowning and occasionally solving puzzles, and other players are no exception.

Even Chen Ran, although on the surface, he still seems to be so slow and orderly, in fact, he does not dare to do as before. This is mainly because there are too many 72 pieces of jade, but the time is only 30 minutes, which can't be delayed.

After the competition began, he stared at the first jade. This jade is a small and exquisite jade turtle. The jade turtle is only two or three centimeters long and wide, and contains blood. If it is ancient jade, it is ancient jade unearthed.

With the popularity of collection, the methods of counterfeiting ancient jade are also very complicated. There are almost all kinds of special counterfeiting methods. The method is almost as good as the real one. Even if the jade master is blind, it is normal.

Shortly after Chen Ran stared at the jade turtle, a aperture shot out of his eyebrows and put it on the jade turtle.

As a result, the jade turtle did not respond at all.

Without any hesitation, Chen Ran stared at the next one. This was a jade jade in the Shang and Zhou dynasties, and the aperture also moved over and was trapped on the jade jade.

The result is still no response...

The next one...

The next one...

The next one...

Chen Ran unconsciously immersed himself in it!

As time passed, as time came to an end, the atmosphere of the whole venue became more and more tense. At this moment, the audience who had whispered couldn't help closing their mouths and even deliberately restrained their breath, as if they were afraid of disturbing the five people in the venue.

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