Jin Yutong

Chapter 110 Is the skeleton pendant a modern handicraft?

After everyone gathered, Wang Zhiqing told everyone the beginning and end of the incident. The reason why their archaeological team came to Bapung Village for archaeological excavation was that the Provincial Public Security Department cracked a tomb robbery gang.

According to the investigation, more than a month ago, under the leadership of the eldest brother, a total of nine people, including handymen, passed through the palm village and entered the deep mountains.

"Big brother" is also the name of the leader of tomb robbers in the tomb robbery circle. In the tomb robbery gang, "big brother" is not an ordinary figure, like in the underworld. It is not possible for anyone who wants to be. If you have money, you can do it. If you don't have a pair of "eyes to the ground", you can't have the ability to look for ancient tombs.

Therefore, the leader of the tomb robbers in the circle is called "Palm Eye", which means the same as the "shopkeeper" of the hotel in the past.

The internal division of labor of tomb robbers is strict, with clear levels and many rules. If they do not abide by the rules or violate the rules, they will be severely punished, and even "eliminate the party". The organization also recognizes "generation" and takes the sooner or evening of joining the partnership as the standard for generation. Then, according to the size of the ability and the depth of the specialty, determine the different "work", "watching the wind", "watching the spirit", "listening to the sound" and "watching the soil", and perform their respective duties.

If you don't have the ability, you will be a hard laborer and handyman, and you will be a bodyguard with three punches and two legs.

Besides, nine people entered the deep mountains. They were not very lucky. Soon after entering the primitive forest in the deep mountains, they met an adult hornet. As we all know, the fur of the malt is very precious, and they are greedy. When they see the lind, they want to hunt it.

However, the cicada's temperament is cunning and cautious. When it is in danger, it will quickly escape to the tree to hide, and sometimes lie on the ground and pretend to die. In the end, nine of them not only let the adult cicada, but also were injured by the cicada.

The injured two people will definitely not be able to enter the mountain. If they follow the mountain, they will not help, and it will drag people down. After the decision, two of them will be asked to send the two injured people out of the mountain and stay in Palm Village for a while. The remaining five people will continue to go into the mountain to explore the treasure.

Later, these four people lived in the old Zhao's house in Palm Village. They lived there for nearly a month. Who knew that a month had passed, and there was no news from the eldest brother. With the loss of time, they waited more and more anxiously, and they all wondered if it was the eldest brother who died?

It has been * years since their tomb robbery gang was established. In addition, nine people are almost all close relatives, either old cousins or uncles and nephews. They still trust each other. Unexpectedly, when they thought that their eldest brother had been killed, they suddenly got a message that the eldest brother unexpectedly appeared. Their home location.

When they learned the news, they were stunned. Then they rushed back to their home overnight. Later, there was a dispute over the uneven division of stolen goods. When the Provincial Public Security Department cracked them, the eldest brother was already angry. The remaining four people were also two dead, one injured and one disabled.

"Although two people were arrested, it has been confirmed that these two people belong to the younger generation and do not know the location of their tomb robbery at all. However, among the things brought back by the eldest brother, we have made major discoveries, which are of great value to some domestic research in China."

After talking about the grave robbery, Wang Zhiqing first emphasized the importance of this archaeological excavation. What is the specific major discovery and what kind of research is valuable, but he did not say a word.

The whole room fell into silence, and only Wang Zhiqing's voice sounded: "Although the two people who were arrested did not know the location of the tomb robbery, they provided us with a clue. This clue is a piece of cloth. It is said that the eldest brother found the place based on this piece of cloth, and this location is only the eldest brother. People know. There are some patterns on this cloth. At first, Professor Yue and I thought these patterns, that is, maps and so on, but after Mr. Yan's reminder, we guessed that these patterns should be an ancient text that we have never seen before, so we invited the teacher. In addition to this piece of cloth, there is another one that seems to be the key. After being caught, the two confirmed that they had not seen this thing before the five eldest brothers entered the mountain. According to our speculation, this key is very likely that the eldest brother brought it from the ruins. Considering that we may need this thing in the archaeological process, we brought it together.

After the words, Wang Zhiqing took out a small bag wrapped in layers of silk cloth from his work bag. Under the attention of everyone, he untied the silk cloth little by little. After the silk cloth was gradually untied, a piece of cloth made of fur was exposed. This piece of cloth was only the size of a palm, and It's broken, like a small piece that has been torn off...

After Wang Zhiqing completely untied the cloth, he handed the cloth to Mr. Ma. Mr. Mr. Ma had been waiting impatiently and took the cloth over in a hurry. He just took a look, and his eyes suddenly lit up...

The only people present were Chen Ran. Mr. Ma and Li Hongji had never seen this cloth piece, and they were also curious. However, Li Hongji was only for the sake of staring. Chen Ran was sitting next to Mr. Ma. When he turned his head, he saw the pattern on the whole cloth piece clearly.

It is full of patterns one after another, which really looks like a map, because some of these patterns are like mountains, some are like rivers, and some are like various animals... Suddenly, Chen Ran's whole action suddenly stopped.

At this moment, a familiar pattern suddenly came into his sight.


Yes, this familiar pattern is exactly the skull, which is similar to Chen Ran's skull pendant. The only difference is that the skeleton in front of him is a complete skull, while Chen Ran's skull pendant is only half.

After many confirmations, Chen Ran has understood that his skull pendant is obviously exactly the same as this pattern.

"Bright, I almost forgot one thing, Xiaoran, do you have your skeleton pendant?" At this time, Wang Zhiqing's voice suddenly sounded in the silent room. As soon as the words came out, the eyes of the people in the room focused on Wang Zhiqing, and then the focus obviously shifted to Chen Ran.

Seeing everyone like this, Wang Zhiqing explained to Professor Yue and Yan Ruyu: "A friend of Xiaoran gave him a skeleton pendant for him to keep. I accidentally found that this skeleton pendant seemed to be the same as the pattern in the lower right corner of this cloth."

As soon as he said this, Professor Yue suddenly looked excited and surprised and said, "Is it really exactly the same?" After saying that, he quickly looked at Chen Ran, and the others also looked at Chen Ran eagerly. Even Mr. Ma, who was looking down at the pattern on the cloth, raised his head.

Under the attention of everyone, Chen Ran could only take out the skeleton pendant, and the skull pendant was taken out. Three people sneered out. Such a non-mainstream skeleton pendant was taken out on such an occasion, which really made people laugh.

Professor Yue's two students, Guo Xiaohong, Wang Fei and Li Hongji, laughed. Professor Yue stared at them and couldn't wait to stand up and surrounded them. The others also gathered around Chen Ran and Mr. Ma.

Just looking at it, Professor Yue couldn't help showing an excited look on his face: "Yes, it's exactly the same, but half is missing!"

"When I got it, I only had this half..."

When Chen Ran explained, he was also guessing the origin of the pendant. The pendant was obtained by Lao Chen. Lao Chen said that he bought it at the stall. This statement is definitely not true. Even if people like Lao Chen are not tomb robbers, they are also related to tomb robbers. If you speculate like this, the pendant may be stealing tomb robbers. It's time to bring it out.

He also guessed this speculation. In the early years, Lao Chen himself was a tomb robber. Later, he was arrested once and imprisoned for several years. When he came out, he may have the intention to change his evil and change his mind to make antiques. At first, he was still well-behaved, but he had bad luck and lost several times. It's cheating again.

Lao Chen also had a good relationship with the tomb robbery gang that was cracked this time. At that time, the eldest brother was eager to take action on the things in his hand, so he contacted some people like Lao Chen, such as Lao Chen, holding a black market and so on, and this pendant was given to Lao Chen casually.

Although the skull pendant was recognized as the same as the pattern on the cloth, it was passed down by everyone, but no one had ever seen such a pendant, and even the material of the pendant was recognized. Some said it was copper, and some said it was iron. After everyone saw it, Professor Yue took Guo Xiaohong and Wang Fei into it. His room was studied.

This archaeology was prepared, accompanied by some simple detection instruments. After about 20 minutes, the test results came out. The skeleton pendant was just a simple copper product...

Even according to the detected results, the age is not too far away.

Professor Yue said this euphemistically, but in fact, everyone can also hear it, that is to say, this skeleton pendant is simply a modern handicraft. As soon as this result came out, Chen Ran suddenly became the focus again. Looking at Chen Ran's eyes also had a strange look, like Li Hongji and Wang Fei both smiling. , it's just that there is no cynicism. It's really funny. What kind of friend hosting? Damn, take a modern handicraft and treat all the people present as fools...

The skeleton pendant is simply a modern handicraft. Chen Ran's so-called friend trusteeship has undoubtedly become the biggest joke, especially when the skeleton pendant was taken out, everyone was still so excited. In the end, it turned out to be a modern handicraft, which made people feel like eating flies.

Except for Yan Ruyu, Mr. Ma and others who are familiar with Chen Ran, others suddenly lost their affection for Chen Ran, but Professor Yue, who has a good temper, is also a little disappointed.

"Cough... Although the pendant is not very old, the pattern carved by this pendant is exactly the same as the image on the cloth, which shows that the sculptor of the pendant must have seen this image, which is also a clue for us..."

Wang Zhiqing was also a little embarrassed. If Chen Ran took the initiative to find him, he would definitely think that Chen Ran was lying to him or had an attempt, but in fact, he found this pendant first.

Wang Zhiqing said this, but reminded Professor Yue and quickly went back to his room to find the information of this kind of image. Since this pendant is a modern handicraft, it is obvious that this kind of image has appeared recently, so it is easier to find.

"I'm afraid it's just a coincidence!" Li Hongji interrupted, and everyone nodded in their hearts and agreed with his speculation. Only Mr. Ma did not think so. If there is no image, the carving is exactly the same, completely imagined, is it possible...

No matter how they thought about it, Chen Ran was greatly relieved when he heard the result. When Professor Yue was about to take it for instrument testing, his heart was also raised. He was really afraid of what would be detected. Fortunately, the result was actually such a result.

In this way, there is no doubt that only he knows the secret of the skeleton pendant, which is the most favorable result for him.

Professor Yue checked for half an hour and did not find any results. At this time, Mr. Ma raised his head and coughed twice. Everyone was suddenly refreshed and knew that it was Mr. Ma's translation.

[Red ticket, collect and smash it. In addition, there will be no fantasy or fairy things in this book. Please rest assured that it focuses on antiques, cities, suspense, finding treasures or lost civilizations and so on. As for finding treasures and so on, it depends on what you think. If you like it, write more. If you don't like it. Just write less...