Jin Yutong

Chapter 125 Tomb Organ [Modification]

After entering the hole, there is a ladder going down. This ladder should be formed naturally, but it has been slightly built. The whole is rotating, just like a winding staircase. There are some wet stone walls on both sides of the ladder.

The ladder is not wide, and only one person is allowed to pass, which is narrower than the previous stone chamber passage.

In order to avoid the situation of walking like a stone chamber channel, Chen Ran, who took the initiative to walk in the front, raised the distance of energy aperture detection to the limit. While walking, he detected and did not let go of any part, but in case there were any more organs or things.

In this way, he walked a little slowly, and the people who followed him did not urge him, but carefully followed him.

After the triangular cone mechanism just now, everyone's heart was a little heavy. Thinking about it, if it hadn't been for Chen Ran, I'm afraid that they would have casualties even if they didn't die. Who knew whether the casualty would be himself, especially Wang Wentao. He knew that maybe others could escape by chance, but he must not be able to escape. There is no doubt that Chen Ran saved his life again.

After taking two steps, there was no shadow at the end, and it was still walking so slowly. Professor Yue thought about it and simply took this opportunity to popularize the situation of the organs that may be encountered in the ancient tomb, which was also to make everyone more or less defensive when they encountered it next.

Many books say that there are organs in ancient tombs. In fact, some tombs do have anti-theft organs. Of course, this is related to so many tomb robbers in China. If there are no tomb robbers, there will naturally be no organs. In order to prevent their tombs from being stolen, the ancients hollowed out their minds.

Speaking of the ancient tomb organs, let's first talk about the ancient tombs before the Tang Dynasty. Before the Tang Dynasty, they were falling stones, hidden crossbows and so on. After the Tang Dynasty, in the Northern Song Dynasty, the anti-theft technology became relatively mature, especially some aristocratic tombs. Although it was impossible to make a mausoleum like an imperial tomb, the contents were not ambiguous. In order to ensure that they would not be stolen, the techniques of organs emerged one after another and were strange.

For example, in 1946, two tomb robbers were preparing to dig the Jingling of Kangxi. After a long time, they finally found the coffin, but when they picked up the axe and prepared to split it in the middle of the coffin, a blazing flame suddenly burst out and burned the faces of the two people into a mess.

It is said that after many years, the scars on their faces are still particularly obvious, but there is one thing. It is said that there is about 222 years between the burial in Kangxi and the excavation. If there is really drugs in the tomb, it should have failed long ago. What's more, the coffin is still soaked in water all year round. But where did the fire start?

All this is a mystery. Such a mechanism is called the fire cave tomb. Not only the Jingling of Kangxi, but also other places have found such a fire cave tomb. The most famous is the tomb of King Ma. The hole that can breathe fire is scary enough.

In addition to the fire cave tomb, there are also invisible poisonous gases. Some tombs have mercury pools and mercury vapor. We all know that it is poisonous now, but we knew it at that time in ancient times, but this was not recorded.

It is said that there are also grave robbers who steal mercury and sell it.

What's more outrageous is the mouth spray of venom.

It is said that in ancient times, in order to keep your body from rotting, you would take a small amount of * before dying, hold the internal organs with poison, and then slowly decompose, but the skin of the body will not decay.

Over time, the rotten internal organs in the body will become liquid. In this way, when the grave robber moved the body, there was inadvertent pressure, and this ** was squeezed out and sprayed on the grave robber's face.

There are many organs in the ancient tomb. Naturally, there are not only these, but also the sand and stones, * poisonous fires, biochemical guards... and so on.

Biochemical guards, that is, five poisons are placed in ancient tombs. The so-called "five poisons" are people's green snakes, centipede, scorpions, geckos and toads, using these five poisons to see the door.

In addition to the five poisons, there are also fox yellow and white willow ash, which is the so-called "five links", which are five more human creatures, such as foxes, weasels, hedgehogs, snakes and mice.

Some ancient tombs, especially the tombs of nobles or landlords, often like to repair them next to fox holes, fox nests and hedgehog nests. Because the living thing is more shocking to the grave robbers than the dead tomb-keeper statue.

Think about it, when digging, when digging into the coffin, a big fluffy fox came out, which may really scare people to death.

In addition to these, there is also a relatively popular anti-theft technology Tianbao Dragon Fire Glass Top. This kind of organ is a kind of organ that is enduated together, that is, when an outsider comes in, a sudden fire burns the bones and funeral goods.

Before Professor Yue finished speaking, he found that there was something wrong with the atmosphere. Only then did he remember that although what he said was quite interesting to sound, it was obviously inappropriate to say such a thing in this situation. After all, at this moment, seriously speaking, they also came to steal tombs, although they were official thieves.

But whether it is official thieves or private thieves, they are all tomb robbers. When robbing the tomb, didn't you say that the tomb robbery was scary?

However, although it is indeed inappropriate to say these things at this time, Professor Yue still thinks it is good to say it. This is also to remind everyone to be cautious and careful when they go deep, so as to avoid casualties when they really encounter such organs.

Although everyone was fpointed by what Professor Yue said, they were also listening carefully. After all, this is about life.

When Professor Yue finished speaking, he realized that the atmosphere was wrong. Mr. Ma and Wang Zhiqing both said a few words and adjusted the atmosphere. Professor Yue also comforted that although there were many ancient tombs with organs, most of them lost their function or were destroyed over time. Those outrageous organs are still not so easy to encounter.

Chen Ran listened as he walked in front of him. What Professor Yue said also reminds him that when he uses the energy aperture to detect, it is a purposeless detection. Although it is all-round, it is inevitable that some will be missed. After listening to what Professor Yue said, he paid more attention to some places, such as the top of his head.

This rotating staircase circled seven or eight times. As he walked, Chen Ran detected it with an energy aperture. When he reached the seventh lap, what the energy aperture detected suddenly stunned him.

appeared in front of him a huge stone cave, which was completely artificially built. It is still unknown how big it is. What stunned him was part of what he detected, and the surrounding walls were green.

This green wall emits a kind of green light, which illuminates the whole huge hole green and extremely strangely.

Chen Ran, who had been walking slowly, suddenly stopped. As soon as the people behind him saw Chen Ran stop, they all stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Wentao stepped forward and asked softly. As he spoke, he also looked at him, but found nothing.

"There is light ahead, and it may be the end!"

Chen Ran didn't look behind him. He took a deep breath and continued to walk forward, but his movements were careful.

Although the energy aperture has detected a huge cave in front of it, it can't detect any danger, so while moving forward, he also took out two stones that had just specially put in his pocket. At the end, he threw the two stones out until there was no response. After that, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's over, everyone be careful."

Wang Wentao also saw the green light and straightened his face. He quickly turned back to remind him. After being reminded by him, the people following him couldn't help but be refreshed.

"Xiaoran, come to the back!" After reminding everyone, Wang Wentao pulled back Chen Ran, who was about to step into the cave, and walked to the front himself.

Chen Ran has tried that there should be no danger ahead, so he didn't stop him, but he was very grateful.

Although Chen Ran has detected part of the huge hole with an energy aperture, when Chen Ran stood in the huge hole and looked at the incredible landscape in front of him, he couldn't help opening his mouth in shock.

This is a palace as large as half a football field, with a platform of about 40 square meters in the middle, on which there is a huge stone car with a five-color flag around the stone car.

And the walls around the palace are all murals. At a glance, these murals have wind, rain, thunder and lightning, demons and monsters... Although the murals have a variety of colors, they are all green, that is to say, the whole cave is painted with this color, so the whole cave emits a green light.

In addition to these, there are two rows of holes chiseled above the walls on both sides of the cave. In each cave, there is a statue. These statues are not human beings, but strange things. Some are like beasts, and some are like a combination of beasts and human beings. It is unclear.

"It's amazing. It seems to be artificially formed. How did you get it?"

Looking at the incredible landscape in front of him, Chen Ran not only opened his mouth in shock, but also the others who just came in were stunned. After being stunned, Guo Xiaohong was full of incredible shouts.

"It's incredible!"

Everyone who stepped into the cave couldn't help exclaiming with emotion.

After exclaiming, Professor Yue quickly came to the mural like a cat that saw a mouse. A magnifying glass appeared in his hand and kept shining on the mural. There was a sound in his mouth, sighing from time to time, and his face flashed with excitement, which showed that he was indeed extremely excited.

Mr. Ma was also very excited, but he was more interested in the stone car on the high platform. After exclaiming, he couldn't help but fly over.

Yan Ruyu's eyes also sparkled with surprise. Her interests were obviously different from Professor Yue and Mr. Ma. What interests her more was the green light on the stone wall.

Wang Zhiqing, Cao Lin and Fan Hong were also excited and busy. This is a big discovery. Not to mention anything else, it is just this cave, which is shocking.

Chen Ran, Wang Wentao and Liu Chunlin looked at each other in constersibility. Although the three of them were shocked, they were not very interested in it. They were just surprised by such an incredible landscape.

For Chen Ran, he is naturally interested in finding something related to the skeleton pendant, or finding something related to the origin of his power.

After all, this is his purpose of following the archaeological team.

But everything in front of us doesn't seem to have any clues.

With a glance, Chen Ran walked towards Mr. Ma.

However, somehow, when he was walking, he suddenly felt an uncomfortable smell, which came suddenly and made him stop.

Frowning tightly, Chen Ran didn't know how to describe his feelings at this moment. How to put it, he just felt uncomfortable all over his body, as if he felt awkward.

Just like now, his arms are hanging so much that he feels a little uncomfortable. When his arms held his chest, he still felt awkward, which made his whole nerves tense...

How can you feel this way?

Chen Ran is not a person who is easy to be nervous. This feeling at this moment makes him guess like this. Is there any unknown danger approaching?

When he thought of this, Chen Ran suddenly felt uneasy!

[There are ancient tomb organs interspersed, but there are many words. Thank you for dreaming of immortality, blue bear, zygsy2006 three brothers reward, in addition to ask for red tickets and collection...]